Rashevska, TamaraGulyy, IvanPryadko, NikolaiNishchenko, M.Lihtorovich, S.2013-07-032013-07-032001Indentification of moisture: nanoparticles in the butter submicrostructure / T. Rashevskaya, I. Gulyi, N. Pryadko and other // E-MRS Spring Meeting : Book of Abstracts. - Strasbourg, France, 2001. - P. 38.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8776By means of the elcectron microscopy study of the butter samples obtained by freezing-and-cleavage teehnique we have shown that their submicrostructure contains spherical particles, 2 to 100 nm in diameter, which can also aquire anisotropic shapes.enbuttersubmicrostructuremoistureсливочное маслосубмикроструктуравлагавершкове маслосубмікроструктуравологакафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікикафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівIndentification of moisture: nanoparticles in the butter submicrostructureThesis