Simahina, GalinaKaminska (Halapsina), SvitlanaBashta (Sheremet), AllaNaumenko, Nataliia2019-05-072019-05-072016Fruit and berry composition in dairy products for military personnel / G. Simahina, S. Halapsina, A. Bashta (Sheremet), N. Naumenko // The Advanced Science. – 2016. – Is. 2. - P. 23-26 impact of complicated conditions of environment on the organism of soldiers is not studied well by now. Practical absence of up-to-date researches of functional possibilities of a soldier’s organism in the conditions adequate to those experienced in ATO zone requires the proper attention; otherwise the bad environment may essentially worsen the soldiers’ health. The most efficient way to deal with this situation is creating foodstuffs with biocomponents supposed to be able to protect the soldier’s organism, to optimize his functional state, and to mobilize the natural powers of the organism. The specimen of such a product is the new sort of yoghurt with fruit-and-berry filling, designed by authors of the article.en-USкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівплодиягодираціон військовослужбовцівмолочні продуктифункціональні продуктиплодыягодырацион военнослужащихмолочные продуктыфункциональные продуктыfruitberriesdiet for military personneldairy productsfunctional foodstuffsкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняFruit and berry composition in dairy products for military personnelArticle