Kulynych, YuriiShirinyan, Lada2019-09-232019-09-232018Kulynych, Y. The investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of Ukraine / Y. Kulynych, L. Shirinyan // Business Inform. – 2018. – № 12. – P. 211–216.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30148The article provides an analyzed position of Ukraine in the basic ratings of the investment attractiveness and competitiveness, it has been defined key obstacles restraining the attraction of financial resources to the agro-industrial complex and suggested the ways of solving the main problems of the investment attractiveness of domestic agriculture.It has been evaluated the efficiency of the agrarian policy with the total support estimate of the agriculture (Total support estimate – TSE), defining the total amount of transfers which come from taxpayers and consumers. It has been analysed the volume and dynamics of capital investments into the agriculture during 2010-2017. The main drawbacks of the existing investment management system of agrarian enterprises in Ukraine have been determined. It has been proved that the high degree of processing the agricultural products requires not only financial investment, but also such investment as experience, technologies and advanced methods of conducting entrepreneurship. According to the research results there have been created suggestions for improving the investment climate in Ukraine, which will promote not only more openness of the Ukrainian economy, but also a complete inclusion of the Ukrainian agriculture to the global food security system.enінвестиційна привабливістьагропромисловий комплексхарчова промисловістьсільське господарствоінвестиціїекономічний розвитоккафедра фінансівinvestment attractivenessinvestmentagro-industrial complextotal support estimatefood industryagricultureeconomic developmentThe investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector of UkraineArticle