Determination of raw meat freshness by the express method of n ear-IR spectroscopy






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Шифр та назва спеціальності

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When raw meat is stored for a long time, many biochemical processes take place inside. As result, new substances, that not typical for fresh meat, are formed. Present of these compounds may be identified by near-IR spectroscopy. If the spectrograph is pre-calibrated, the express method of non­destructive near-IR spectroscopy can be used for objective estimate o f degree o f meat freshness. The use of this method allows to avoid errors in estimation that typical for organoleptic methods.


Ключові слова

кафедра харчової хімії, кафедра фізики, non-destructive IR spectroscopy, raw meat, freshness, неруйнівна ІЧ спектроскопія, сире м’ясо, свіжість, неразрушающая ИК спектроскопия, сырое мясо, свежесть

Бібліографічний опис

Volkov, A. Determination of raw meat freshness by the express method of n ear-IR spectroscopy / A. Volkov, S. Litvinchuk, S. Kovaleva // Youth scientific achievem ents to the 21st century nutrition problem solution : 83 International scientific conference o f young scientist and students, April 5-6, 2017. - Part 2. - Kyiv :NUFT, 2017. - P. 53