The investment attractiveness of Ukraine for “green“ tariffs






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Рівень дисертації

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Efficient use of energy resources became a topic of everyday discussion in the wider community of scholars, businessmen and politicians. Rising energy prices, shortage of supplies of traditional fuels and the problems of environmental pollution pose to society about finding alternative sources of energy and new energy technologies. This issue raises a number of hidden at first glance, but no less important issues, one of them, from which funds will be held finance projects for the development of renewable energy. Ukraine for the first time since independence was steadily moving in the "green" direction. Investors are increasingly interested in investing it in such country and present interest in renewable energy is not accidental.Now more on the situation in the global economy in the coming years depends on the number of projects that are deployed in our country, and the growth rate of investment in the sector.


Ключові слова

"green" tariffs, alternative energy, energy resources, investments, «зелені» тарифи, альтернативні джерела енергії, енергетичні ресурси, інвестиції, «зеленые» тарифы, альтернативные источники энергии, энергетические ресурсы, инвестиции, кафедра економіки праці та менеджменту

Бібліографічний опис

Tikhonova, A. The investment attractiveness of Ukraine for “green“ tariffs / A. Tikhonova // Economy development: theory and practice : articles of 9 th Professor Vladas Gronskas International Scientific Postgraduate and PhD Students Conference, 6th of December. - Lithuania.- Kaunas, 2012. – P. 454.