Main problems of personal insurance and directions of their solution in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the insurance market







Науковий ступінь

Рівень дисертації

Шифр та назва спеціальності

Рада захисту

Установа захисту

Науковий керівник

Члени комітету



The main risks of the personal insurance market are global risks (the cyclical nature of the development of the world financial and economic system), macroeconomic and microeconomic risks (rates of changes in the national economy and individual branches), financial risks (unsatisfactory financial condition of insurance companies, low quality of assets of insurers) and commercial risks. Correlation regression analysis of indicators of life insurance showed high reliance life insurance premiums of total premiums collected, as the correlation coefficient is 0,669, the relationship between the studied elements directly, with determination coefficient of 0,447, that factor variable (gross premiums) determines the 44,7% rate dependent life insurance premiums. Similar to the dynamics and nature of the situation characterizing the dependence of pension payments from pension contributions, higher values of correlation coefficients and determination.


Ключові слова

кафедра фінансів, personal insurance, life insurance, health insurance,, insurance issues, directions for improving insurance, особисте страхування, страхування життя, медичне страхування, проблеми страхування, напрями вдосконалення страхування, личное страхование, страхование жизни, медицинское страхование, проблемы страхования, направления совершенствования страхования

Бібліографічний опис

Arych, M. Main problems of personal insurance and directions of their solution in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the insurance market / M. Arych // Ukrainian Food Journal. – 2017. - Volume 6. Issue 2. – P. 353-364.
