Удосконалення технології масляної пасти з технологічно-функціональними інгредієнтами






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У дисертаційній роботі аналітично та експериментально обґрунтовано доцільність застосування рослинних технологічно-функціональних інгредієнтів у складі масляної пасти: порошку з буряка кріогенного способу сушіння, льняного борошна та інуліну. Науково обґрунтовано рекомендований вміст олеофільних емульгаторів вітчизняного виробництва та комплексу рослинних компонентів у продукті. Вперше отримано математичні моделі процесу маслоутворення на стендовому обладнанні та відпрацьовано технологічні режими виробництва на промисловому роторно-вихровому емульсорі та трьохциліндровому маслоутворювачі. Встановлено, що застосування у складі масляної пасти розробленої композиції рослинних технологічно-функціональних інгредієнтів підвищує її термостійкість, здатність структури утримувати рідкий жир, сприяє рівномірному розподілу плазми у продукті та збільшенню кількості міцнозв’язаної вологи. Масляна паста з рослинними компонентами характеризується вищим вмістом мінеральних речовин та вдвічі вищим вмістом поліненасичених жирних кислот порівняно із масляною пастою з олеофільними емульгаторами. The applicability of the number of the technologically-functional plant ingredients in the structure of the new kinds of butter paste was analytical and experimental substantiated in the dissertation. It has been found that red beet criopowder is marked by the highly dispersion of the particles with medium sizes 20…40 mcm and the highest water-holding capacity in comparison with the red beet powder of the low temperature spraying and air free drying methods. The results of the granulometric analysis of the derivative products of the flax seeds (chopping seeds, pomace, flour) show that we have to choose flax flour with sizes of the main particles fractions – 60…100 mcm for using in the butter paste structure. The author reports that inulin is an effective technologically-functional ingredient, which is characterized by highly dispersion with medium size of the particles to the 20 mcm which is completely soluble in the hot water with temperature higher than 40 °C and form colloidal solutions. Summing up the results of the comparative analysis of physicallychemical indicators it can be concluded that it is recommended to use red beet criopowder, flax flour and inulin in the butter paste structure. The recommended modes of the previous swelling of the plant ingredients before their entering into the structure of the main product have been established: - the temperature for the red beet criopowder and flax flour should be 55…65 °С with duration of hydration – 20…30 min; - the hydration temperature for the inulin should be in the range 65...75 °С with duration – 30…40 min. The technologically-advisable mode of the swelling process of some ingredients has been indagated with relation to the features of their hydration, which also ensures microbiological purity of the final product. The recommended quantity of the fat-soluble emulsifiers in the classic butter paste structure of the national production, which is 0.9…1.1 % by the ratio of emulsifier by the brand “Ester-A” (mixture of mono- and diglycerides oleic acid) to emulsifier by the brand “Polyglicerol polyricinoleat 03” (polyglycerol esters of interesterified ricinoleic acid) as 0.6…0.7 to 0.3…0.4, has been researched according to the global quality and safety indicators. The possibility of the fat-soluble emulsifiers replacement to the complex of the technologically-functional plant ingredients (0.6…0.8 % criopowder, 1.2…1.5 % inulin, 2.6…2.9 % flax flour) in the butter paste structure has been proved, which allows to receive the high quality product based on the natural raw material. The mathematical models of the butter-formation process on the bench installation by the high-fat cream transformation by the object of the prediction of the plasma dispersion efficiency have been received. The optimal performances of this process are: the temperature of the product should be 8…14 °С; the duration should be 4.5…9 min; the frequency of the electrical motor current for the butter paste with fat-soluble emulsifiers should be 66…72 Hz and for the butter paste with plant ingredients – 60…72 Hz. According to recommendations from specialists LLC SPE "Elektrohazohim" at the production of the fat and oil products we should also show frequency of the reciprocating motion of the piston of the laboratory butter-making machine that has regulated by changing frequency of the electrical motor. Therefore, frequency of the reciprocating motion of the piston for butter paste with fat-soluble emulsifiers should be 85…92 min-1 and for the butter paste with plant ingredients – 78…92 min-1. The projects of the regulatory documents have been formulated. They are TC U 15.5-02020938189:2014 “Butter pastes with complex of the plant micronutrients”, TC U 15.5-0207 0938-213-2016 “Sweet cream butter paste” and corresponding technological instructions for those production. The technology of the developed kinds of the butter paste has been tested by the scientific research department of the University of Food Resources NAASU (Kyiv) and by the LLC “Sosnickiy cheese-factory” (Chernihiv region). The author studies that the duration of the thermomechanical processing of the fat-containing emulsions on the industrial equipment (rotary-vortex emulsor by the brend I9-111 and three-cylinder butter-making machine by the brend T1-OM-2T) with the fatsoluble emulsifiers is 6…9 min, with plant ingredients – 6…7.5 min, if the temperature of the product at the end of the processing is 11…14 °С. The structure and consistency of the new kinds of butter paste have investigated by indicators: the heat resistance, the structure ability to hold the liquid phase of fat, the hardness, the degree of destruction and restoration of the structure. It is established that at the first days of storage the plant ingredients, probably, interact between itselves on the molecular level and create to additional solid structural lattice that increases heat resistance of the butter paste, promotes to reduce on 5...6 % contain of free liquid fat, accelerates on 5...6 % a process of structure restoration, provides the high plasticization product in comparison with butter paste with emulsifiers. The paper indicates that the plant components are conducive to the even plasma allocation in the product with the drops to 5 mcm and an increase of 3…4 % of the amount of strong-bonding monomolecular moisture. Complex action of the plant ingredients provides to hold the adsorption moisture and its even allocation in the butter paste, prevents to detachment plasma from fat base. Also it was established that the composition of plant ingredients reduces differentiation glycerides and its recrystallization in the butter paste during storage, which provide high quality indicators. The author reports that the butter paste with the complex of plant ingredients is characterized of the higher potassium quantity by 70 %, chlorine quantity by 32 %, phosphorus quantity by 22 %, calcium quantity by 22 % and twice higher PUFA quantity (6.5±0.21 %) as the butter paste with emulsifiers. The recommended holding modes of the developed kinds of the butter paste have been founded according to the microbiological and biochemical researches: 15 days at 5 °С, 25 days at 0 °С, 50 days at minus 15 °С. The improving technology of the butter paste with the technologically-functional plant ingredients, can solve the socio-economic problem, which is based on the providing of the population with the dairy products with high nutritional value for relatively low price.


Ключові слова

масляна паста, технологічно-функціональні інгредієнти, олеофільні емульгатори, рослинні компоненти, технологія, butter paste, technologically-functional ingredients, fat-soluble emulsifiers, plant ingredients, technology, кафедра технології молока і молочних продуктів

Бібліографічний опис

Подковко, О. А. Удосконалення технології масляної пасти з технологічно-функціональними інгредієнтами : автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.18.04 «Технологія мясних, молочних продуктів і продуктів з гідробіонтів» / Подковко Оксана Анатоліївна ; НУХТ. – К., 2017. – 22 с.