Thermogravimetric analysis of indicators of the paste based on sour crem






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Рівень дисертації

Шифр та назва спеціальності

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For forming structural-mechanical properties of sour milk pastes and guaranteeing their stability at storage, it is promising to use non-fried buckwheat in their recipes that allows to raise the food value of products additionally. The aim of the researches was the study of features of the condition of moisture of sour milk pastes, based on sour cream with introducing non-fried buckwheat in the amount 5.0 % of the mixture mass. A sample with modified starch E 1410 was taken as a control in the amount 1.3 %. The study of the moisture condition was realized by the thermogravimetric method using a derivatograph Q-1500D (Pau-lik-Erdey) (Hungry). It was established, that the content of adsorptive moisture of the sour milk paste was 34.0 %. whereas in the control - 34.5 %. that confirm the effectiveness of using non-fried buckwheat as a moisture-binding component. Such properties of non-fried buckwheat may be explained by the presence of starch compounds and easily accessible protein in its composition, able to hydration in the process of preparation of a component and to keeping moisture at further storage of a product.


Ключові слова

moisture condition, стан вологості, non-fried buckwheat, несмажена гречка, thermogravimetric analysis, термогравіметричний аналіз, кафедра технології молока і молочних продуктів, кафедра технології ресторанної і аюрведичної продукції, кафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектування

Бібліографічний опис

Thermogravimetric analysis of indicators of the paste based on sour cream / O. Kochubei-Lytvynenko, A. Marynin, N. Yushchenko, U. Kuzmyk, M. Lazarenko // EUREKA: Life Sciences. – 2017. – № 5. – P. 57–66.
