Application potential of milk whey processed with electrical spark discharges






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Article contains microbiological research results of curd whey processed by electric spark discharges with voltage of 30…55kV and impulse quantity ranging from 5 to 25 with a step of 5. It is determined that the most effective (rational) term for curd whey electric hydraulic processing which provides the best bactericidal effect is the voltage of 45 kV and 25 quantity discharge. Whey processing with the voltage below 35 kV or higher than 50 kV is not efficient. Electric spark processing has inactivating impact on all kinds of microorganism subject for research, including mold and yeast.


Ключові слова

молочна сироватка, milk whey, електроіскрові розряди, electric spark discharge, мікробіологічні показники, microbiological characteristic, інактивація, инактивация, inactivation, кафедра технології молока і молочних продуктів, кафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктів

Бібліографічний опис

Chernyushok, O. Perspectives of whey treated with spark discharges / O. Chernyushok, A. Kochubej-Litvinenko // Second North-and East-European Congress of Food Science, 26-29 May 2013 - By: NUFT, 2013. - P. 232