Перегляд за Автор "Bandurka, N. P."
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Документ Formation of directional fluid flows in a vicinity of high-gradient ferromagnetic head in a permanent magnetic field(2001) Gorobets, Oksana; Sorokin, M.; Gorobets, V. Yu.; Bandurka, N. P.The flows of electrolytes in the vicinity of ferromagnetic particles in a constant magnetic field have been investigated.Документ Organization of the directed flows of electrolytes in vicinity of ferromagnetic particles in a permanent magnetic field(2000) Gorobets, Svetlana; Gorobets, Oksana; Bandurka, N. P.Досліджено стаціонарні потоки електролітів в околі феромагнітних частинок у постійному магнітному полі. The flows of electrolytes in the vicinity of ferromagnetic particles in a constant magnetic field have been investigated.