Перегляд за Автор "Karpov, Alexander"
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Документ A complex interferon inducer potentiates the functional macrophage activity during staphylococcal infection(2006) Karpov, AlexanderНа моделі стафілококової інфекції вивчали антибактерійну дію нового індуктора інтерферонів І типу, молекулярного комплексу дріжджова РНК-тилорон (МК). МК, взятий в експериментальних дозах, що відповідають інтерферон-індукуючим дозам, підвищував елімінацію Staphylococcus aureus з організму мишей, що супроводжувалося зростанням функціональних можливостей (фагоцитозу і бактерицидної активності) перитонеальних макрофагів. Зроблено висновок, що відмічена антибактерійна активність МК зумовлена його інтерферон-індукуючими властивостями.Документ A possible general mechanism of the signal transfer on the α/β-interferons expression. 1. The local cell membrane deformation as the first induction stage(1998) Karpov, AlexanderA hypothetic mechanism of the external effect of viruses, synthetic polyaniones, double-stranded RNAs, and synthetic double-stranded polyribonucleotides upon a cell is explained. This effect is known to be followed by the α/β-interferons induction. Double-stranded RNAs and polynucleotides inducing such process are thought to change their conformation in an outer ionic perimembrane layer of cells and to induce the specific local deformation of cell membranes giving a signal for the α/β-interferons induction. In the case of viruses such a membrane deformation appears on the stage of virus penetration into the cell. The α/β-interferons inducers of intercalating nature are proposed to cause the interferonogenesis in vivo forming complexes with exogenic RNA molecules and stabilizing their double-stranded sites with a partial complementarity.Документ A possible general mechanism of the signal transfer switching on the α/β-interferons expression. 2. The role of the cAMP in the process of the interferon induction(1999) Karpov, AlexanderThe author carries out an analysis of available data concerning the participation of cyclic adenosine-3’,5’-monophosphate (cAMP) in the signal transduction pathway on the α/β-interferons (IFN) expression during the induction process/ The cAMP is known to participate in the activation of protein kinases during the interferon induction as well as of nuclear factors activating specifically the regulating domains of IFN genes. The cAMP is thought to be a secondary key messenger mediating the signal for α/β-IFN induction, the first stage of this induction being the local cell membrane deformation caused by different inducers.Документ Functional food products with immunocorrective action(2016) Starovoitova, Svitlana; Karpov, AlexanderModulation of immunological reactivity - one of the important mechanisms of probiotic microorganisms that can be the basis for the differentiated application of functional food products and probiotic for the prevention and treatment of diseases.Документ Probiotic microorganisms as basis of immunobiotics and their therapeutics effects(2017) Starovoitova, Svitlana; Karpov, AlexanderConsidering the negative impact of external and internal factors on the human immune system bacteriatherapeutic drugs based on the microflora with immunomodulation properties - immunobiotics is relevant area of the modern pharmaceutic industry // Враховуючи негативний вплив зовнішніх та внутрішніх факторів на імунну систему людини бактеріотерапевтичні лікарські засоби на основі мікрофлори з імуномодулюючими властивостями - імунобіотики є актуальною галузю сучасної фармацевтичної промисловості.