Перегляд за Автор "Sokolov, Maksym"
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Документ Nowadays Advertising(2018) Sokolov, Maksym; Tsypanova, NataliiaСьогодні реклама в Інтернеті є одним із найпотужніших інструментів для залучення потенційних клієнтів. Навряд чи будь-яка поважаюча себе компанія сьогодні може уявити себе без нього. Крім того, цей потужний інструмент дозволяє малим, новим організаціям конкурувати з великими, величезними та впливовими на ринку. Інтернет є явним лідером у сучасному світі реклами, аудиторія якого неймовірно зростає і зростає. Nowadays Internet advertising is one of the most powerful tools for attracting potential customers. Barely can any self-respecting company imagine themselves without it today. Moreover, this powerful tool allows small, new organizations to compete with the major, huge and influential ones on the market. The Internet is a clear leader in the nowadays advertising world, which audience is incredibly growing and growing.Документ Particularities Of Visual Metaphors In Advertising Campaigns About Ecological Problems(2021) Antonova, Olha; Sokolov, MaksymThe article is dedicated to the peculiarities of visual metaphors usage in the design of foreign public service announcement campaigns about ecological problems. The specifics of graphic and expressive means of public service announcements against the destruction of forest resources is analysed, typical types of visual metaphors used in public service announcement materials in campaigns of WWF and other world public organizations about this topic are distinguished. It was found that the main implementation element of authors’ communicative strategy in public service announcement materials is the graphic part of advertising, which is based on a metaphorical understanding of reality, and the text serves as an explanatory addition to it. Visual content can be largely outspoken, cruel, and appealing to guilt and fear, which ensures the impact of suggestive influence of public service announcement products and serves as a factor of effectiveness for a public service announcement campaign about this problem.