Use emulsions in production restaurants and food industry
Науковий ступінь
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Шифр та назва спеціальності
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Члени комітету
The application of hydrocolloids, which are stabilizers, emulsifiers, gum arabic and starch technology aromatic emulsions. The regularities of their transfer to the active emulsify and stabilize the emulsion state laws and the formation and stabilization of emulsions to ensure their stability during storage. Grounded rational prescription content main components and technological parameters of the production of emulsions based on this material. The technology and range of aromatic emulsions and drinks with their use. The complex of consumable and technological properties, reasonably Terms and conditions. Developed and approved regulatory and technological documentation, introduction of new technologies implemented in institutions restaurant industry The economic effect of the introduction.
Ключові слова
кафедра експертизи харчових продуктів, aromatic emulsions, hydrocolloids, stabilizers, starch, gum arabic, particle size, ароматичні емульсії, гідроколлоїди, стабілізатори, крохмаль, гуміарабік, розмір часток, ароматические эмульсии, гидроколлоиды, стабилизаторы, крахмал, гуммиарабик, размер частиц
Бібліографічний опис
Lugovska, O. Use emulsions in production restaurants and food industry / Oksana Lugovska, Vasilij Sidor // Food and environment safety : journal of faculty of food engineering. – 2016. - Vol. XV, Is. 4. – Р. 312-322.