About Some Physical Properties of Water in Nanosistems and the Possible Mechanism of Superconductivity Induction by Water in Compounds and





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Work is devoted to the analysis of properties of water, diffused in the layered compounds and . We offer for the first time the mechanism of effect, recently opened by the Japanese researchers, of inducing of superconductivity by water in these compounds. For this purpose a positions of the theory of water molecules condensation in a liquid states, developed by J.Preparata from a statements of quantum electrodynamics, have been used. Water, diffused in compounds, forms nanosistems, - the individual layers, parallel to ferriferous layers of compounds, and at some properties is similar to EZ-water, which are well described by this theory. Therefore it is necessary to expect, that at low temperatures such nanowater will differ from usual ice.


Бібліографічний опис

Martseniuk, L. S. About Some Physical Properties of Water in Nanosystems and the Possible Mechanism of Superconductivity Induction by Water in Compounds SrFe2As2 and FeTe0,8S0,2. / L. S. Martseniuk, A. S. Martseniuk, M. V. Kyrik // In: Nanocomposites, Nanophotonics, Nanobiotechnology, and Applications : Selected Proceedings of the Second FP7 Conference and International Summer School Nanotechnology: From Fundamental Research to Innovations, August 25-September 1. / editors: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. - Bukovel, Ukraine : Springer, 2013. - Chapter 16. - Р. 187-206.




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