Modeling of melting process in a single screw extruder for polymer processing
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A mathematical model for the melting of a single-screw extruder is developed. The model takes into account the heat transfer of the polymer with a worm and a cylinder, as well as real boundary conditions (the worm rotates, the cylinder is stationary). The parameters of the melting zone are investigated and the results of the calculation are compared with the experiment. An approach to modeling the extruder as a whole as a sequence of interconnected functional zones.
Ключові слова
кафедра мехатроніки та пакувальної техніки, кафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництв, single-screw extruder, polymer, granule, melting zone, boundary condition, polymer plug, temperature field, полімер, гранула, зона плавлення, граничні умови, полімерна пробка, температурне поле
Бібліографічний опис
Mikulionok, I. Modeling of melting process in a single screw extruder for polymer processing / I.Mikulionok, O. Gavva, L. Kryvoplyas-Volodina // Eastern-European journal of enterprise technologies. – 2018. – 2/5 (92). – P. 4-11