Influence of pumpkin processing products on structural and mechanical properties of dough and bread quality
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It was established that the use of pumpkin processing products reduced the gas content due to the influence of the components of this raw material on gluten. The gluten skeleton lost elasticity due to the content of dietary fiber and pectin in pumpkin raw materials, which reduced its ability to retain carbon dioxide. The viscosity of the dough changed under the action of the components of the pumpkin raw material. The shape stability of bread did not change significantly. Along with this, the taste of the products improved, which acquired a pleasant pumpkin hue. The bread crumb was elastic, well fluffed. Bread made with the studied raw materials had good consumer properties.
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Бібліографічний опис
Drobot, V. Influence of pumpkin processing products on structural and mechanical properties of dough and bread quality / V. Drobot, A. Shevchenko // Наукові праці НУХТ. – 2021. – Vol. 27, Issue 3. – С. 172–180.