Automation of Evaporation Plants Using Energy-Saving Technologies
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The article deals with methods and ways of energy saving automatic control of sugar factory evaporators based on modern control theory, including a number of approaches that can provide both basic tasks of finished-product output and saving of energy and material resources. A great importance of an evaporator plant is admitted not only in a technological complex, but also in a heating complex of a sugar factory as a supplier of secondary steam for other subsystems of technological complex, such as vacuum devices and various heaters, to ensure their proper functioning.
Ключові слова
evaporator, technological processes, energy saving technologies, energy saving control, food production, випарна установка, технологічні процеси, енергозберігаючі технології, економія енергії, виробництво харчових продуктів, кафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управління ім. проф. А.П. Ладанюка
Бібліографічний опис
Ladanyuk, A. Automation of Evaporation Plants Using Energy-Saving Technologies / A. Ladanyuk, O. Shkolna, V. Kyshenko // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Warsaw, Poland, 2016. - Volume 543. – P. 220-226.