Influence of organic plasticizers on sensory, physicalmechanical properties and chemical changes of biodegradable films
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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
The influence of organic plasticizers (urea, glucose, fructose, sorbitol, Sucrose, glycerin) with organoleptic Biodegradable films based on native or modified starch and gelatin using a complex quality measure, And also on the elongation and strength. IR spectroscopy found that urea Enters into a chemical interaction, which positively affects the strength index of the films under study.
The results allow to predict the properties of the film depending on its constituents.
Ключові слова
біодеградабельні плівки, органічні пластифікатори, відносне подовження, міцність, ІЧ-спектроскопія, биоразлагаемые пленки, органические пластификаторы, относительное удлинение, плотность, ИК-спектроскопия, biodegradable films, organic plastisizers, elongation, strenght, IR-spectroscopy, кафедра експертизи харчових продуктів
Бібліографічний опис
Shulga, O. Influence of organic plasticizers on sen-sory, physical-mechanical properties and chemical changes of biodegradable films / O. Shulga, A. Chorna, L. Arsenieva // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – 2016. – Vol 6, № 6 (84). – P. 36-42.