Североамериканская интеграционная парадигма

dc.contributor.authorОнищенко, Ирина Григорьевна
dc.description.abstractВ статье проанализированы интернационализационные и глобализационные тренды в Североамериканском регионе на примере Североамериканской зоны свободной торговли — НАФТА. Рассмотрены экономический и политический аспекты интеграционных процессов. Проанализированы основные тенденции и итоги экономической интеграции в регионе, показаны их эволюция, содержание, особенности и перспективы. Отмечается, что НАФТА, будучи детищем 90-х годов ХХ века, отразила принципы и подходы экономического неолиберализма. Доказано, что особенностью интеграции в Северной Америке является её осуществление «снизу», что существенно отличается от интеграции на Европейском континенте. Обосновано, что НАФТА и в будущем, несмотря на имеющиеся непростые проблемы, будет оказывать существенное влияние не только на экономические связи в регионе, но и на развитие мировой экономики в целом. The article analyses the trends and the globalization of internationalisation in the North American region on the example of the North American free trade agreement-NAFTA. Addressed the economic and political aspects of integration processes. Analyzed major trends and the results of economic integration in the region, showing their evolution, content, features and prospects. It should be noted that the NAFTA as the brainchild of 90-ies of the XX century, reflects the principles and approaches of economic neo-liberalism. It has been proven that the function integration in North America is its implementation "below" that differs greatly from the integration of the European continent. Justified, NAFTA and in the future, despite the current problems, it would be difficult to have a significant impact not only on economic relations in the region, but also on the development of the world economy as a whole. It was noted that one of the most notable trends of the modern stage of integration in the Western hemisphere was the formation of two poles and zones of integration — North and South. Integration of northern area formed around the United States and NAFTA and includes Central American and Caribbean countries in their economic relations traditionally gravitates toward the United States. The second area of major integration — the South — originated in South America. Its basis is the leader of MERCOSUR is Brazil. Some countries of the Andean Community, which occupy an intermediate position between the two poles of integration of some sort are gravitating to it. NAFTA is the world's largest regional free trade area, with a population of 406 million people and a combined gross product of 10.3 trillion dollars. The aims and objectives of NAFTA were exclusively focused on the creation of a free trade zone with some elements of the liberalization of markets for goods, services, capital and labour. While Member countries have their own foreign trade legislation (the Customs Union was not part of the agreement). However, experts believe that the content of the contract exceeds the goal of creating a free trade area in goods exclusively. The establishment of NAFTA shows a new approach to the theory and practice of integration. For the first time, the State of the "third world" voluntarily teamed up with two highly developed countries.uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationОнищенко, И. Г. Североамериканская интеграционная парадигма / И. Г. Онищенко // Інтелект XXI. – К. , 2015. - № 6. - С. 17-24.uk_UA
dc.subjectкафедра міжнародної економікиuk_UA
dc.subjectрегиональная экономическая интеграцияuk_UA
dc.subjectregional economic integrationuk_UA
dc.titleСевероамериканская интеграционная парадигмаuk_UA


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