Microbial surfactants in environmental technologies
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Назва тому
In the review the literature and own experimental data on the use of microbial surface active glycolipids (rhamno-, sophoro- and trehalose lipids) and lipopeptides for water and soil purification from oil and other hydrocarbons, removing toxic heavy metals (Cu2+, Cd2+, Ni2+, Pb2+), degradation of complex pollution (oil and other hydrocarbons with heavy metals), and the role of microbial surfactants in phytoremediation processes was shown.
The factors that limit the use of microbial surfactants in environmental technologies are discussed. Thus, at certain concentrations biosurfactant can exhibit antimicrobial properties and inhibit microorganisms destructing xenobiotics. Microbial biodegradability of surfactants may also reduce the effectiveness of bioremediation.
Ключові слова
кафедра біотехнології і мікробіології, biosurfactants, environment purification, xenobiotics, complex pollution, oil, heavy metals, мікробні поверхнево-активні речовини, очищення довкілля, ксенобіотики, комплексні забруднення, нафта, важкі метали, микробные поверхно-активные вещества, очистка окружающей среды, ксенобиотики, комплексные загрязнения, нефть, тяжелые металлы
Бібліографічний опис
Pirog, T. Microbial surfactants in environmental technologies / T. Pirog, A. Konon, I. Savenko // Biotechnologia acta. − 2015. − V. 8, N 4. − P. 21−39.