Исследование возможности использования плодовых порошков в технологии бисквитных полуфабрикатов
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В статье рассмотрена возможность использования порошков калины, рябины и облепихи для производства бисквитных полуфабрикатов функционального назначения. Исследовано влияние плодовых порошков на количество и качество клейковины, структурно-механические и физические свойства теста. Обоснована целесообразность использования поверхностно-активных веществ в технологии бисквитного полуфабриката, с целью улучшения качества готовых изделий.
The article shows the possibility of enriching pastries by powders of snowball, rowan and buckthorn for the production of biscuit semi-finished products as fresh fruit production is a seasonal product and does not provide a regular supply of biologically active substances to the diet of the population.
The influence of powders of snowball, rowan and buckthorn on the quantity and quality of gluten of dough has been investigated. The feasibility of using surfactants has been confirmed. The data of the amylograph test for determination of the effect of fruit powders on the process of gelatinization of flour raw materials has been presented. Structural and mechanical properties of dough during mixing, as well as changes these properties over its fermentation has been evaluated by the farinograph. The effect of powders of snowball, rowan and buckthorn on the physical properties of the dough has been conducted by Chopin alveolograph.
These experiments allow predicting the improvement of such technological parameters as resistance of biscuit dough, which plays an important role during mixing and baking start, baking loss and the relational yield of biscuit semi-finished product, increase their shelf life.
The research results can be used in the confectionery industry, as well as in the restaurant sector institutions for development the new recipes of pastry products by engineer technologists.
Ключові слова
плодовые порошки, fruit powders, калина, snowball, рябина, rowan, облепиха, buckthorn, бисквитный полуфабрикат, biscuit, структурно-механические свойства, structural and mechanical properties, кафедра готельно-ресторанної справи
Бібліографічний опис
Исследование возможности использования плодовых порошков в технологии бисквитных полуфабрикатов / В. Ф. Доценко, Ю. А. Мирошник, Е. Б. Шидловская, И. М. Медвидь // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2014. – Т. 3, № 10 (69). – С. 64–69.