Synthesis of the structure of functional systems of conversion class with a portional supply of initial products






Науковий ступінь

Рівень дисертації

Шифр та назва спеціальності

Рада захисту

Установа захисту

Науковий керівник

Члени комітету



The main efforts related to enterprise creation and development are aimed at improving efficiency of resource usage in the enterprise activities. Such problem can be successfully solved only if maximum efficiency is achieved at each stage of the conversion process. In turn, solution of this problem at each separate stage relates to creation of a substantiated structure of an object of functional conversion of source products into end products during the system operation. Such an object capable of functioning with maximum efficiency of resource usage was defined by default as a “functional system”. By the example of a technological process of liquid heating, the problem of synthesizing a functional system of a conversion class with a portioned supply of products of directional effect was solved. In the course of synthesis, the task of ensuring possibility of interaction of the system objects during formation of the end product with required consumer qualities was solved at the first stage. Architecture of a module for identifying system operations and determining limit values of the effective control range was developed at the second stage of synthesis. A module linking the level of demand for the end products of the system with optimal control of its productivity was created at the third stage. Application of the proposed approach has enabled creation of a functional structure with a maximum number of degrees of control freedom. In turn, this solution has made it possible to form an optimal control trajectory depending on consumer demand for end products. The proposed solution enables use of the synthesized architecture for functional systems of a conversion class with a portioned supply of source products


Ключові слова

system synthesis, object structure, cybernetic model, functioning efficiency, operation model, синтез системи, структура об'єкта, кібернетична модель, ефективності функціонування, модель операції, кафедра обліку і аудиту

Бібліографічний опис

Synthesis of the structure of functional systems of conversion class with a portional supply of initial Products / I. Lutsenko, I. Oksanych, D. Prykhodko, S. Koval, O. Feoktystova, I. Kolos // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. – № 6/4 (96). – 2018. – Р. 32–40.
