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Документ Damage of soils by military actions and prospects оf their research and restoration(2023) Babikova, Kateryna; Mikhalevska, Tetiana; Bereza-Kindzerska, Ludmyla; Bazhay-Zhezherun, SvitlanaThe types of negative impact of military actions on the ecological condition of soils are considered. Directions and sequence of soil condition study in the post-war period are determined. Stages and methods of restoration of war-damaged soils are outlinedДокумент Development of the method of obtaining grain flakes using UV-irradiation(2023) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Bereza-Kindzerska, Ludmyla; Bashta (Sheremet), AllaThe method of obtaining flakes of increased biological value from grain crops has been developed. This method includes preparation of grain for processing, which involves cleaning grain from impurities, sorting, airing, separation of ferromagnetic impurities, washing and disinfection, peeling, hydrothermal treatment at a temperature of 12 - 16° C. Hydrothermal treatment takes place in three cycles, each of which involves intensive moistening of the grain for 4 hours followed by dehydration for 4-6 hours with a total duration of 26 - 30 hours. After the first cycle, the grain is treated with ultraviolet radiation with constant stirring. The thickness of the grain layer is 15 - 20 cm. The wavelength of ultraviolet radiation 250 - 300 nm; radiation intensity is 200 - 260 W/m2. The distance from the grain placement plane to the radiation source is 25 - 30 cm, process duration 55 - 60 sec. The next stage is flattening of raw materials, drying of the flakes at a temperature of 45 - 65° C to a moisture of 12 - 14%, airing, packing. The main physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators of quality of wheat flakes of increased biological value are investigated. The nutritional value of the product is determined. It was investigated that the microbiological seedability of wheat flakes does not exceed the permissible values. Storage for 6 months does not significantly impair quality. The developed method of processing cereals for producing flakes allows to obtain a product with high biological value, namely, an increased content of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, in particular, the content of vitamin E is 8.5 mg%, В1 - 1.12 mg%, В2 - 1.15 mg%; content of food fibers, which are natural food sorbents - 2.5%Документ Enrichment of whole grain bread with herbal additives(2024) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Bereza-Kindzerska, Ludmyla; Bashta, Аlla; Fedorenko, TetianaWe investigated the organoleptic parameters of sweet potato fruits and puree from it, as well as the chemical composition of the specified raw materials. Sweet potato puree is a source of natural antioxidants – ascorbic acid, rutin, carotenoids, phenolic compounds. We researched the influence of hemp flour and sweet potato puree on physico-chemical quality indicators of dough and whole grain breadДокумент Improving the nutritional value of grains by biological activation(2016) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Romanovska, Tetiana; Antonіuk, MariіaIntroduction. Cereal products are a source of carbohydrates, protein, macro and micronutrients, vitamins, enzymes, dietary fiber, phospholipids. Sprouting grains is one of the methods for biological activation. Materials and methods. Grains of wheat, triticale and naked oats have been studied. Protein was determined by Bradford method, the starch content – by poalrimetric method. Fat was determined by exhaustive extraction with chemically pure hexane. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 were determined by the method of fluorometry. Vitamins PP and E were determined colorimetrically. Determination of vitamin C was performed by a titration method. Results and discussion. An important task in the process of preparing raw materials for health products is increasing their food and biological value. We proposed a regime of hydrothermal processing of grain at temperatures 12–16 °C. Under these conditions, activation of the enzyme complex, reduction of grain density and increase of its per unit volume; activation of the synthesis of vitamins and vitaminlike substance take place. In the process of biological activation of grain the bioavailability of proteins, carbohydrates, fat increases due to their partial hydrolysis. It has been studied, that the content of fibres,which is natural food sorbent, in biologically activated grains of wheat, naked oats and triticale is respectively 2,68, 2,34, 2,62%. It has been found that in the proposed processing of wheat, triticale and naked oats the quantity of vitamin C increased more than twice. The content of tocopherols increases tenfold, routine – 2,5–3 times. It was established that after hydrothermal treatment the total number of colony-forming units of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms in native and dried corn samples is within the norms established by standards. Conclusions. The results are of practical importance, as they allow to recommend the use of biologically activated wheat, triticale, naked oats for the production of food of health, functional and health-care purposes.Документ Nutritional and biological value of dried champignon powders(2022) Simahina, Galina; Naumenko, Nataliia; Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Kaminska (Halapsina), SvitlanaOne of the main tendencies of food industry development is the procession and utilization of cultivated mushrooms, prevalently in the shape of powdery half products. The objectives of this article are to evaluate their consumer properties in the indices of quality and safety. Одна з основних сучасних тенденцій розвитку харчової промисловості – виробництво та використання культивованих грибів, переважно у вигляді порошкоподібних напівфабрикатів. Мета дослідження – оцінити їхні споживчі властивості за показниками якості та безпеки.Документ Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities in selected green mass of proteinaceous plants(2019) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Solodko, LiliyaДосліджено, що загальний вміст поліфенолів в екстрактах зеленої маси білкових рослин коливався в межах 8,1–13,3 мг. Загальні концентрації флавоноїдів варіювали від 6,42 до 10,48 мг для досліджених рослинних екстрактів. Експериментально встановлено, що здатність до поглинання радикалів DPPH, для досліджуваних рослин становила від 44,0% до 89,2%. Хоча листя було зневоднене (нагрівання), воно виявило хорошу антиоксидантну активність, що свідчить про те, що зневоднений продукт є джерелом природних антиоксидантів. Результати дослідження показали, що більшість проаналізованих білкових рослин багаті фенольними сполуками та демонструють хорошу антиоксидантну активність. Крім того, високий вміст фенольних сполук та значна лінійна кореляція між значеннями концентрації фенольних сполук та антиоксидантною активністю свідчать про те, що ці сполуки сприяють сильній антиоксидантній активності.Our researches have shown that the DPPH radical scavenging ability expressed as % ranged from 44,0 % for nettle to 89,2 % for ramsons. Although the leaves were dehydrated (heating), they presented good antioxidant activity showing that the dehydrated product is a source of natural antioxidants.Our researches have shown that the DPPH radical scavenging ability expressed as % ranged from 44,0 % for nettle to 89,2 % for ramsons. Although the leaves were dehydrated (heating), they presented good antioxidant activity showing that the dehydrated product is a source of natural antioxidants.The study shows that the green mass of proteinaceous plants containing antioxidants may be of major importance in disease prevention. Therefore, these plants to possess an important potential to be used as functional food ingredient or nutraceutical. The providing data can enrich the existing comprehensive data of free radical scavenging activity of plant materials.Документ Qualitative indicators of grain flakes of functional purpose(2019) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Simahina, Galina; Bereza-Kіndzerska, Ludmila; Naumenko, NataliiaThe influence of temperature regime and duration of cold grain conditioning on its biological value is determined. The dependence of basic physical and technological parameters of cereal flakes and organoleptic properties of finished samples of finished products on their component composition is investigated. The degree of maintenance of daily needs of the adult population in the macro and microcurrencies is determined, due to the consumption of 100 g of cereals. The indicators of microbiological stability of products are established.Документ Rational modes of wool scouring(2019) Romanovska, Tetiana; Oseiko, Мykola; Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Yarmolitska, OlenaУ досліджуваному діапазоні варіювання факторів найістотніше проявився вплив гідромодуля на очищення вовни і на вилучення екстрактивних речовин з поверхні волокна у відпрацьований мийний розчин. Гідромодуль 40 і більший дає змогу очистити вовну від жиру і забруднень. Температура має стабільний вплив у заданому діапазоні, тому всі досліджені значення температури сприяють вилученню жирових забруднень вовни за такого компонентного складу мийного розчину. За гідромодуля 70 і 100, а також концентрації 1 % мас. Sles 70, тобто за концентрацій ПАР, що перевищують критичну концентрацію міцелоутворення (ККМ), волокна вовни також очищаються під час миття. Логічно відзначити, що за концентрацій ПАР, нижчих за ККМ, ефективність очищення вовни знижується. Концентрація ДМСО також мала незначний вплив на очищення вовни порівняно з гідромодулем. Раціональним режимом однократного миття вовни є використання гідромодуля 40, концентрації 1 % мас. Sles 70 і концентрації ДМСО до 0,61 г/дм3 у діапазоні температур 3048 С. Якість миття можна поліпшити, збільшуючи гідромодуль одноразового миття або проводячи кількаразове миття за мінімального гідромодуля. Results and discussion. In the investigated range of variation of factors, the influence of the hydromodule on the purification of wool and the extraction of extractive substances from the surface of the fiber into the waste solution was most pronounced. Hydro module 40 and more allows you to clean the wool from grease and dirt. The temperature has a stable effect in the given range, so all the investigated values of temperature contribute to the removal of fatty contaminations of wool for this component of the detergent solution. Аccording to the hydromodule 70 and 100, as well as the concentration of 1% by weight Sles 70 – that is, for concentrations of surfactants above the critical concentration of micelles (CCM) – the fibers of wool are also cleared during scouring. It is logical to note that the concentrations of surfactants below the CCM have reduced the effectiveness of wool cleaning. The concentration of DMSO also had a slight effect on the wool treatment compared to the hydromodule. Conclusions.The rational mode of single scouring of wool is the use of a hydromodule 40, a concentration of 1% by weight. Sles 70 and DMSO concentration to 0.61 g/dm3 in the temperature range 30−48 С. The quality of the scouring can be improved by increasing the disposable water dispenser or by scouring it with a minimum of water.Документ Research of influence of biological activation on the vitamin complex of grain cereal cultures(2017) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Bereza-Kіndzerska, Ludmila; Togachynska, OlgaWe offered to hydrothermal treatment processing grain of cereal cultures - wheat, bare grain oats, triticale, which promotes increase in its nutritional value, in particular increase in amount of vitamins, by biological activation. . In the course of the offered grain preparation contents of anti-mineral substance of phytin significantly decrease, the content of vitamins of antioxidants, of vitamins of group B, of inositol considerably grows.Документ Research on the possibility of using stevia extract for production of ice cream of wellness orientation(2013) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Telegin, KirilМетодом ДФПГ , який базується на нейтралізації вільних радикалів, а саме α,α-дифеніл - β-пікрил гідразилу, визначено антиоксидантні властивості згущеного водного екстракту стевії. Встановлено, що досліджуваний зразок здійснює нейтралізацію вільного радикала ДФПГ на 66,6%.Встановлено оптимальну кількість внесення згущеного водного екстракту стевії для досягнення найкращих органолептичних та фізико-хімічних показників морозива. DFPH method, which is based on the neutralization of free radicals, namely α, α-diphenyl-β-pikryl hidrazyl, has determined the antioxidant properties of condensed aqueous stevia extract. It has been found that the sample neutralizes a free radical DFPH for 66.6%. An optimal amount of applying the condensed aqueous stevia extract for getting the best organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of ice cream has been found.Документ The use of the biologically activated grain is in technology of health products(2016) Simahina, Galina; Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Fedorenko (Mykoliv), Tetiana; Bereza-Kіndzerska, Ludmila; Antoniuk, MariaThe concept of scientific, methodical and technological support for learning logic is presented. The concept founds on the notions ofThe basic stages of technological process of production of semi-finished products or mixtures from grain, enriched by microelements, grounded. The mutual influence of microelements on content of amino acid in germinated grain of oat is determined. Ways of the processing enriched with mineral substances of grain raw materials it is offered. intensification of synthesis of vitamins is experimentally investigational in the process of germinating of wheat grain with the use of plant extracts that contain phytoncides. The technology of manufacturing health products is worked out on the basis of the biologically activated grain of wheat "ZerniatkoPikantne" (the kernel) with the extract of garlic or onion extract. Представлена концепція наукового, методичного та технологічного забезпечення логіки навчання. Концепція ґрунтується на уявленнях основних етапів технологічного процесу виробництва напівфабрикатів або сумішей з зерна, збагачених мікроелементами, обґрунтованих. Визначено взаємний вплив мікроелементів на вміст амінокислоти в пророслому зерні вівса. Запропоновано спосіб переробки, збагачений мінеральними речовинами зернової сировини. Інтенсифікація синтезу вітамінів експериментально досліджується в процесі проростання зерна пшениці з використанням рослинних екстрактів, що містять фітонциди. Технологія виробництва оздоровчих продуктів розроблена на основі біологічно активованого зерна пшениці «ZerniatkoPikantne» (ядро) з екстрактом часнику або цибульного екстракту.Документ Use of lupine flour and cavbuz puree in bread technology(2022) Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Simahina, Galina; Bereza-Kіndzerska, Ludmila; Romanovska, TetianaIntroduction. The influence of plant fortifiers: сavbuz (a hybrid of watermelon and pumpkin) puree and flour of non–alkaloid lupine on the nutritional and biological value of wheat bread, its sorption capacity in relation to toxic lead ions was studied. Materials and methods. Protein content was determined by Bradford method, starch – polarimetrically; fat – by exhaustive extraction with chemically pure hexane; vitamins E, P (rutin), β–carotene – colorimetrically; vitamin C – titrimetrically; В1, В2 – fluorometrically; fiber – by acid hydrolysis; pectin by the calcium–pectate method. The amount of lead absorbed was determined by “wet burning” method. Results and discussion. сavbuz puree is a rich source of substances with antioxidant activity: β-carotene, 13.4 mg, Р (rutin), 45.4 mg, phenolic compounds, 283.23 mg, as well as natural food sorbents such as fiber 1.7 % and pectin, 1.5 % per 100 g of product (moisture 83.1 %). According to sensory and physico-chemical characteristics, cavbuz puree may be used as a component in the manufacturing of health products. Lupine flour contains 3.9 times more protein, 40 times more fiber, 10.5 pectin substances compared to wheat flour; a significant amount of tocopherols - 12.8 mg, β-carotene - 0.52 мг, vitamin C – 35.84 мг per 100 g of product (moisture 9.5 %). The inclusion of 4-7% of lupine flour and 3-5% of cavbus puree in the recipe of wheat bread, makes it possible to obtain bread for health purposes, in which the protein content is 22-32%, fiber content is two to three times higher, tocopherols are 9 times higher than in control, provided that the physico-chemical and organoleptic parameters of the product are acceptable. 100 g of developed bread provides 23% of the minimum rate of pectin consumption, 6% of the daily need for vitamin E; 13.8% in В1, 14% in β–carotene; 6.6% in flavonoids, which are absent in wheat bread. Enriched bread has a 25–30 times higher sorption capacity for toxic divalent lead ions than wheat bread.