Перегляд за Автор "Dzyazko, Yulia"
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Документ Baromembrane methods for separation of disillery stillage(2017) Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Dzyazko, Yulia; Kornienko, Ludmila; Zakharov, Volodymyr; Ustinov, Olexandr; Mironchuk, ValeriyThe paper considers the processing of grain distillery stillage by ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. The results of experimental studies using the membrane UPM-10 and KS-M (RM NanoTech, Russia) at different pressures and temperatures are presented. An hardware-technological scheme for the processing of grain distillery stillage with the successive application of ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis is proposed.У роботі розглянуто питання переробки зернової барди ультрафильтрацією та зворотним осмосом. Наведено результати експериментальних досліджень з використанням мембрани УПМ-10 і КС-М (РМ Нанотех, Росія) при різних тисках і темпетарурах. Запропоновано апаратурно-технологічну схему переробки барди з послідовним застосуванням ультрафільтрації та зворотного осмосу.Документ Deep processing of permeate after nano-filtration (nf) of milky whey(2018) Zakharov, Volodymyr; Zmievskiy, Yuriy; Ustinov, Olexandr; Dzyazko, Yulia; Mironchuk, ValeriyThe method of deep processing of nano-filtration permeate of milk whey is proposed and scientifically substantiated, using ozonation and electrodialysis processes. The ozonation station can remove up to 96 % of organic compounds of NF permeate, and the amount of dissolved ozone in this case should be 20...28 mg/dm3. This treatment allows us to fully utilize NF permeate in the future. It has been established that in order to achieve the posteffect of the impossibility of microflora in the ozone-treated nanofiltration permeate, the minimum amount of dissolved ozone should not be less than 2,5 mg/dm3.Документ Electrodeionization of li-containing solutions using ion exchange material based on tio2-mno2(2018) Chaban, Mariya; Rozhdestvenska, Lyudmyla; Dzyazko, YuliaIn this work the problem of selective extraction of Li+ ions from combined solutions by electromembrane method is being solved. Sorbent based on lithium-substituted titanium manganese oxide was used. It is established that the function of the sorbent in the membrane system is reduced to the turbulization of the solution flow, but under the influence of alkalization of the solution near the surface of the sorbent granules, its sorption capacity increases with an increase in voltage from 3 to 20 V.Документ Electrodeionization removal of HCrO4- ions from diluted solution. Effect of membrane(2016) Dzyazko, Yulia; Arar, Özgur; Rozhdestvenska, Lyudmyla; Vasilyuk, SergeyTransport of chromate ions in the systems involving granulated ionexchangers and anion-exchange membranes of different origin was researched under various voltage. The role of the membranes as sorption barrier was considered. The method that allows one to estimate mobility of sorbed ions through ion-exchanger bed has been proposed. Electrodeionization of Cr(VI)- containing solution using inorganic ion exchange materials was studied.Документ Hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites for ion-exchange processes(2018) Dzyazko, Yulia; Ponomarova, LudmylaTwo types of composite ion-exchangers, which are based on strongly acidic gel-like cation-exchange resin and weakly acidic cation exchange resin have been obtained by modification with nanoparticles of zirconium hydrophosphate. Removal of the dye from deionized water and Ni(II) ions from water containing also hardness ions was studied under dynamic conditions. The composites show higher break-through capacity than that of the pristine resin.Документ Ion exchange membranes and activated carbon(2016) Volfkovich, Yurii; Sosenkin, Valentyn; Dzyazko, YuliaApplication of standard contact porosimetry to investigations of activated carbon, polymer ion exchange membranes and composites based on them is considered. The method allows us to research porous structure of swollen materials in a wide diapason of pore radii (from 1 nm to 100 μm), to recognize mechanism of composite formation, to find location of inorganic particles in one or other type of pores of the polymers, to estimate hydrophilic and hydrophobic porosity. Розглянуто застосування методу еталонної контактної порометрії для дослідження активованого вугілля, полімерних іонообмінних мембран та композитів на їх основі. Метод дозволяє вивчати пористу структуру у широкому діапазоні радіусів пор (від 1 нм до 100 мкм), встановлювати механізм формування композитів, ідентифікувати неорганічні частинки у тих або інших порах полімерів, оцінювати гідрофільну та гідрофобну пористість.Документ Polymer-inorganic cation-exchangers containing zirconium hydrophosphate. Regeneration of uranium-loaded form(2018) Perlova, Olga; Dzyazko, Yulia; Perlova, Natalia; Ivanova, Inna; Palchik, AlexeyIt has been found that polymer-inorganic cation-exchangers, which contain nanoparticles of zirconium hydrophosphate, can be used many times for sorption of uranyl cations from diluted solutions. This is due to the possibility of practically complete regeneration of the loaded sorbents with diluted solutions of NaHCO3 or EDTA. The sample that includes the smallest embedded particles shows the highest regeneration rate.Встановлено, що органо-неорганічні катіоніти, що містять наночастинки гідрофосфату цирконію, можуть бути використані багаторазово для сорбції катіонів уранілу з розбавлених розчинів завдяки ефективній регенерації урранової форми цих сорбентів розбавленими розчинами NaHCO3 чи ЕДТА.Документ Sorption removal of uranium (VI) compounds with organic-inorganic ion-exchangers(2016) Perlova, Natalia; Perlova, Olga; Halutska, Iryna; Dzyazko, Yulia; Palchik, Alexey; Sazonova, ValentinaOrganic-inorganic composites based on ion exchange resins containing zirconium hydrophosphate (cation-exchanger) and hydrated zirconium dioxide (anion-exchanger) were applied to removal of soluble U(VI) compounds from modeling solutions. The advantages of the composites over the pristine resins are more significant sorption capacity, higher sorption rate and more facile regeneration.