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1 результатів
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Документ Соціально-пcихологічні та економічні аспекти кризи(2012) Відоменко, Оксана Іванівна; Федун, А. А.В статті розглянуто аспекти впливу кризи на суспільство та окремого індивіда, розглянуто психологічні проблеми впливу кризи на продуктивність населення в цілому та трудових ресурсів зокрема. Надано загальні поради щодо підвищення рівнів потенціалу якості населення в умовах економічної кризи. The article deals with aspects of the crisis impact on society and the individual are considered psychological problems on the productivity impact of the crisis in the general population and labor separately. The methods of analysis and synthesis, induction, abstraction and comparison. The kinds of crises, the characteristic features of manifestation of the economic crisis and its impact on the direction of socio-economic system and influence the direction of the crisis on the components of "population quality", in particular the ability to work on the intrinsic motivation of the individual and its adaptation to changes in the environment. Impact of economic crisis on the individual leads to anxiety, aggression, depression, apathy, low self-esteem, a sense of loss, guilt, etc., all of which determines the behavior that manifests itself in increased injuries, accelerating the development of negative dependency (alcoholism, drug addiction etc.), emotional distress, sleep disorders, suicide, etc. The article provides general guidelines for improving the quality of the potential population levels during the economic crisis, separately noted that the crisis should be viewed as a "push forward" at the time the individual must make a reassessment of values and orientations in life, look at the situation from different angles.