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Документ New data on the expansion of Erysiphe platani (Howe) U.Braun &S.Takam. (Erysiphales. Ascomycota) in Ukraine(2021) Kliuchevych, Mykhailo; Stoliar , Svitlana; Chumak, Petro; Strygun, О.; Babich, Irina; Vigera, S.; Hrytsenko, O.Purpose: Monitoring of phytopathology condition of plane trees (Platanus L.) in the cities of Kyiv and Zhytomyr. Methods: The samples for the investigation have been selected in the course of route investigation of plants in parks, public gardens, and street plantations of plane trees in Kyiv and Zhytomyr. Phytopathology analysis and morphometry of conidia and fruit bodies and asci of Erysiphe platani were carried out with the help of a light microscope and a smartphone with the software "Magnifier Cam". Results: For the first time, the affection of leaves of plants genus Platanus L. by powdery mildew Erysiphe platani has been detected in the most northern region of Ukraine (50°26'34 N; 30°32'56 E). The fungus went through the full development cycle, with the formation of mycelium, conidia, and cleistothecia. A comparative analysis of morphometric parameters of conidia and cleistothecia of Erysiphe platani sampled by other authors and researchers has been conducted. Conclusions: The affection of Platanus x acerifolia plants by powdery mildew Erysiphe platani has been observed only in certain localities in Kyiv, where the host plant grows. Several types of affection have been identified: complete coverage of the upper surface of a mature leaf which does not cause its deformation; the formation of a densely felted mold on young apical leaves and deformation of the leaf blade; damage to the Lammas leaves of plants (second half of August).Документ Investigation of the appearance and elimination of pinking coloration in white wines(2022) Bilko, Marina; Gunko, Sergiy; Babich, Irina; Naumenko, Oksana; Mukoid, Roman; Ischenko, Mykola; Doboniy, Inna; Danylenko, Svetlana; Bovkun, Alla; Stotska, OlenaInvestigation of the appear¬ance and elimination of “pinking” phenomenon in white wines is pre¬sented in the paper. Several factors that can cause pinking were ana¬lyzed: the degree of grapes ripeness and enzymatic treatment. The effect of fining agents based on polyvin¬ylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) on the elimination of “pinking” was deter¬mined. It was proved that pinking in wines decreases with an increase in the sugar content in grape. This is explained by a decrease in the content of anthocyanins at the end of technical ripeness of grape. Experimental studies confirmed that the use of pectolytic enzymes with cellulase, hemicellulase, β-glucanase activities increases the intensity of straw color and the appearance of body tones, but does not affect pinking. Such treatment contributed to a slight increase in the content of phenolic compounds in wine materials, but did not affect the content of anthocyanins and “pinking” susceptibility. Treatment of wine materials with complex PVPP-based agents including sor¬bents and flocculants, is an effec¬tive way to eliminate the “pink¬ing” phenomenon. This reduces “pinking” in wine materials from 70…90 % to 1…2 %. This is due to the presence of sorbents and floc¬culants in the fining agents, which react with phenolic substances that cause “pinking” in white wines, and remove them from the system. So, there are reasons to argue that processing grape at the end of tech¬nical ripeness will contribute to a lower “pinking” susceptibility of wine materials; pectolytic enzymes did not affect the appearance of this phenomenon in white wines, and PVPP-based fining agents together with bentonite, activated carbon, gelatin or casein, are an effective way to reduce the “pinking” sus¬ceptibility of wine.Документ Influence of tannins and mannoproteins products on the improvement of organoleptic characteristics of wines(2022) Bilko, Marina; Gunko, Sergiy; Babich, Irina; Doboniy, InnaThe aim of the work was to establish an influence of oenological tannins and mannoproteins products on the change of the organoleptic parameters of table dry wines, made from grapes of aromatic and non-aromatic varieties. The materials of the researches were wines that had defects or faults, mainly related with changes in wine aroma and taste. Oenological tannins of various botanical origins and mannoproteins products of a company Martin Vialatte (France) were used in the researches. Wines with these additives were mixed intensively, kept during 3 days at a temperature, not exceeding 12 °C and then determined the sensory characteristics of wine. Control samples were wines without additives. The descriptive method of analysis was used to create aromatic profiles of wines. The effectiveness of tannins and mannoproteins products on the sensory characteristics of wines was established. The intensity of the descriptors that made a positive affect on the aroma and taste of the samples was increasing. If, at the beginning tones of oxidation or bitterness were felt in the wines, then after introduction of the additives, these tones decreased in intensity. A difference of the changes of aromatic characteristics of wines from two groups of grapes with different aromatics was established. The action of additives was spread on the tings of descriptors, enriching the aroma of samples from non-aromatic grape varieties together with eliminating faults of taste. The effect of the additives was light in the aromatic varieties of grape that is due to the strong aroma and expressed taste of the grapes of these varieties. The results of the researches can be used to improve the quality of white wines, and further researches should be focused on the expansion of assortments of wines from other varieties, as a result utilizing tannins and mannoprotein products.Документ Modeling of the process of centrifugal mixing minced meat to optimize the production process of chopped meat semi-finished products(2024) Palamarchuk, Igor; Mushtruk, Mikhailo; Vasyliv, Volodymyr; Shtefan, Yevgenii; Priss, Olesia; Babich, Irina; Karpovych, Inna; Pushanko, NataliiaOne of the most important problems in ensuring the quality of mincemeat preparation in the production of sausages is the effective structuring of components and mixing of their ingredients. To solve this problem, researchers added a multifunctional admixture based on whey protein in the process of centrifugal mixing of the components, which determined the composition of the factor space of the investigated process. Based on the results of the research, the effective content of whey protein, sodium alginate, and soy fiber in the developed recipe was proven, which showed high characteristics in terms of fat-retaining and moisture-retaining ability, digestibility, pH level – activity, and other parameters. The developed formulation made it possible to improve the general indicator of the balance of amino acids in the product and increase the functional-technological and quality parameters of the developed products. The physical and mechanical characteristics of the obtained meat product were evaluated based on the results of physical and mathematical modelling. Modelling was carried out using Federman-on-Buckingham's second similarity theory and the "dimension theory" method, which allows the processing of the obtained experimental data in the form of a criterion equation, which was compiled using Froude, Euler, and Sherwood criteria. The purpose of this study was to obtain dependencies between such process factors as product density, the coefficient of dynamic viscosity of the technological medium, the ultimate shear stress, the change in the concentration of the main impurities of lactic acid in the raw material, the value of the diffusion coefficient and the coefficient of mass transfer in the loading mass, the weight of one load of products, the angular frequency of rotation of the screws of the minced meat mixer, the radius of the rotating working bodies, the characteristic size of the products after grinding. Using the complex criterion equation and the developed program, we find a recommended set of operating mode parameters for preparing minced meat under the conditions of centrifugal influence on the mixing process and the action of the specified factors.Документ Innovative technologies of bioconvertion of renewable raw materials in etanol(2022) Babich, Irina; Boiko, Petro; Bondar, Nikolai; Kuts, AnatolyУ статті розглядається інноваційна технологія біоконверсії відновлюваної сировини в етанол. The article discusses an innovative technology for the bioconversion of reducible raw materials into ethanol.Документ Aspects of ethanol manufacture. Different purpose – different technological and economic solutions(2022) Babich, Irina; Boiko, Petro; Bondar, Nikolai; Kuts, AnatolyThe article analyzes the reasons that led to the almost catastrophic situation in the ethanol industry of the country. The existing structure of consumption of ethanol in the domestic market, when the lion's share of ethanol is used to produce alcoholic beverages, together with the actual monopolization of pricing policies, have led to the fact that spirits can produce significantly more volumes of ethanol than the market needs, while exports make high ethanol prices impossible. When considering the effectiveness of the introduction of new technological and technical solutions, almost never paid attention to their impact on the cost of finished products. So, domestic alcoholic beverages are capable of producing high quality rectified ethanol, but the need for it both within the country and in the world is limited. The main volumes of alcohol sales on world markets are formed at the expense of bioethanol and technical ethanol (ethanol for technical needs). At the same time, prices for them are formed taking into account competition with products of the same purpose, offered by producers of other branches of the economy. Therefore, the development of the ethanol industry is possible only by changing the main directions of its use in the production of beverages for technical and transport needs and taking into account the economic results of the implementation of technological and technical solutions.Документ An improved method for determining the mass fraction of calcium carbonate in the carbonate bedrock(2021) Kos, Tatiana; Kuznietsova, Inha; Sheiko, Tamila; Khomichak, Liubomyr; Kambulova, Yuliia; Bal-Prylypko, Larysa; Vasyliv, Volodymyr; Nikolaenko, Mykola; Bondar, Nikolai; Babich, IrinaIn the article it is offered to enter in the technological audit of the lime department of sugar factory the adjusted technique of the definition of the maintenance of calcium carbonate in carbonate breed. For this purpose, a complete chemical analysis of limestone was performed, which includes determination of moisture content, impurities insoluble in hydrochloric acid, the amount of one and a half oxides of aluminum and iron, calcium carbonate (advanced method), and magnesium carbonate, calcium sulfate, alkali metal oxides, potassium, and sodium. The obtained experimental data are summarized in one table and the material balance of all components of carbonate bedrock is summarized. The proposed method made it possible to obtain objective data on the component composition of the carbonate material. This, in turn, avoids many technological problems, namely to reduce the formation of melts in the lime kiln, improve the filtration of juices, increase the ability of lime to chemically interact with water, reduce the volume of water on the juicer etc. Thus, the use of the recommended method for determining calcium carbonate (CaCO3), as part of the technological audit, will allow early adjustment of the process, which will give maximum energy and resource savings, as well as increase the level of environmental friendliness of the enterprise.Документ The technological properties of winter wheat grain during long-term(2021) Yashchuk, Nadiia; Matseiko, Liudmyla; Bober, Anatolii; Kobernyk, Matvei; Gunko, Sergiy; Grevtseva, Nataliya; Boyko, Yuriy; Salavor, Oksana; Bublienko, Natalia; Babich, IrinaУ світі зростає попит на якісну та безпечну зернову продукцію. Необхідність збереження пшениці у разі стихійного лиха вимагає вивчення оптимального часу зберігання зерна без погіршення технологічних показників. Метою роботи було вивчення динаміки технологічних властивостей озимої пшениці, вирощеної після гороху, конюшини, кукурудзи на силос та промислових, екологічних, біологічних систем вирощування протягом 1, 3 та 5 років зберігання в умовах звичайного зерносховище. Виявлено відсутність суттєвих відмінностей у технологічних параметрах зерна пшениці, вирощеного в промислових та екологічних системах, але значно нижчі показники у біологічній системі вирощування. Найвища маса гектолітрів, отримана при вирощуванні зерна пшениці після кукурудзи на силос, а склоподібне тіло – після конюшини. Значно вищі біохімічні параметри зерна та альвеографічні властивості борошна були для вирощування пшениці після гороху, що забезпечувало додаткове накопичення білкових речовин. Значних змін у показнику гектолітрової маси під час зберігання зерна немає. Інші показники значно зросли після 1 року зберігання (в середньому на 10 – 30 %). Для подальшого зберігання зростання склоподібного тіла було незначним. Після 5 років зберігання кількість падіння значно зросла (на 21 % порівняно з початковими значеннями і на 7 % – після 3 років зберігання). Вміст білка, глютену в зерні та альвеографічні властивості борошна значно знизилися після 5 років зберігання. Встановлено можливість отримання зерна пшениці з високими технологічними параметрами для більш безпечної екологічної системи вирощування. Також було підтверджено необхідність зберігання зерна до 1 року для покращення показників якості, і було встановлено, що воно безпечно зберігається протягом 3 років. In the world, the demand for quality and safe grain products is increasing. The need to preserve wheat in the event of a natural disaster requires the study of optimal storage times of grain without degrading technological indexes. The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of technological properties of winter wheat grown after peas, clover, corn for silage and the industrial, ecological, biological growing systems during 1, 3, and 5 years of storage in the conditions of the ordinary granary. The absence of significant differences in the technological parameters of the grain of wheat grown at industrial and ecological systems, but significantly lower indicatorsat a biological growing system was found. The highest hectolitre weight obtained when wheat grain was grown after corn for silage, and vitreousness – after the clover. Significantly higher biochemical parameters of grain and alveographic properties of flour were for the cultivation of wheat after peas, which provided additional accumulation of protein substances. There are no significant changes in the indicator of hectolitre weight during the grain storage. Other indicators increased significantly after 1year of storage (on average by 10 – 30 %). For further storage, vitreousness growth was insignificant. After 5 years of storage, the falling number significantly increased (on 21 % compared to the initial values and on 7 % – after 3 years of storage). The content of protein, gluten in the grain, and alveographic properties of flour significantly decreased after 5 years of storage. The possibility of obtaining grain of wheat with high technological parameters for a more safe ecological growing system was established. It was also confirmed to need for grain storage up to 1 year to improve quality indicators and it was established that it safely stored for 3 years.Документ Regularities of wine materials treatment with liquid gelatin in combination with bentonite(2013) Babich, IrinaGelatin and bentonite are ones of the most common purifying and stabilizing preparations, which are widely used in the practice of winemaking. In this context, it is an important task of testing imported auxiliary products of new generation and their adaptation to the domestic winemaking.A necessary condition for the competitiveness of domestic wine in the international consumer market is to further increase the wine quality with extension of terms of the guaranteed stability up to 1.5 years.Документ Fruit-and-berry mash fermentation rate research(2013) Poberezhets, Victor; Babich, Irina; Poberezhets, IvanBased on the Delle’s theory of preserving effect of sugar-alcohol solutions, obtained differential equation of mash fermentation. Decision of differential equation determines the alcohol content during fermentation and the rate of mash fermentation. Theoretical results are confirmed experimentally during fermentation of fruit-and-berry mash.