Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
3 результатів
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Документ Simulation of nanoparticle aggregation processin heterogeneous dispersed systems(2020) Olishevskyi, Valentyn; Vasylenko, Sergei; Babko, Evhen; Lementar, SviatoslavThe stady of particle aggretion is relevant and stidied in chemical technology, biophysics, in solving problems of purification from aerosol or colloidal contaminants. The influence og nanoparticles on the aggregation kineticsds. The influence of nanoparticles on the aggregation kinetics of dispersed phases in suspension is considered. Models based on modifications of the particle dynamics method taking into account Van der Waals forces, gravity, Brownie and Stokes forces based on semi-empirical dependences for the rate of aggregation and disaggregation in collisions are used. Based on the analysis of the Smolukhovsky equation, molecular kinetic and localisotropic turbulence of Kolmogorov's theories, the dynamics of simultaneous turbulent and Brownian transfer to the process of "rapid coagulation" and the mechanism of influence of nanoparticles on their accumulative ability in colloidal heterogeneous dispersion are proposed. The developed equations for the rate of kinetic energy scattering in a suspension makes it possible to determine the particle dispersion in which the Brownian diffusion of particles in the coagulation mechanism predominates. This means, the more intense the process of mixing the suspension, the greater the role in the process of coagulation, precipitation and filtration play particles of the nanoscale range, which are included in the rapid movement of the vortex. These results are useful for practical application in control of intensity of coagulation processes in mixing devices. Conclusions. The mechanism of influence of nanoparticles on their aggregation ability in colloidal heterogeneous disperse systems is offered.Документ Research of operation of liquid-gas ejectors with compact and dispersed jets of liquid(2017) Ponomarenko, Vitaliy; Pushanko, Mykola; Khitriy, Yaroslav; Liulka, Dmytro; Babko, EvhenThe work of the jet sulphitator ejector of sugar production is analyzed. The tests of a gas-liquid ejector with a compact and dispersed liquid jet in a wide range of changes in geometric characteristics (1.3 ... 11.25) were tested on the test-bench at the laboratory and the range of their optimal values (4 ... 7), which allowed to reach the maximum ejection coefficient, was found experimentally. The ejection coefficient for an ejector with a compact liquid jet is 15 ... 20% lower than for an ejector with a dispersed jet at the same flow rates.The design of a new two-stage ejector with improved expendable characteristics is offered, the basic geometric dimensions are justified. An increase of the ejection coefficient without additional energy penalties is experimentally proved. The field of application of the offered design ejector is not limited to food industry and it is recommended to use in those cases where heat-mass transfer processes take place.Документ Research of hydrodynamics in the vacuum apparatus crystallization massecuite with a view to intensifying(2012) Babko, Evhen; Litovchenko, Igor; Veresotskiy, YuriyComputer simulation of motion of the massecuite in vacuum-tube device with additional steam injection allowed us to obtain quantitative and qualitative data on the process of heat transfer. On the basis of studies of the process of heat transfer and hydrodynamics in a vacuum apparatus proposed upgrading unit batch.Комп'ютерне моделювання руху утфелю в трубці вакуум-апарата при додатковому вдуванні пари дозволило отримати якісні та кількісні дані про процес теплообміну.На підставі проведених досліджень процесу теплообміну і гідродинаміки у вакуум-апаратах запропонована модернізація апарату періодичної дії.