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  • Ескіз
    Technological functions of hydrolyzed whey concentrate in ice cream
    (2022) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Mykhalevych, Artur; Polishchuk, Galyna; Buniowska-Olejnik, Magdalena; Bass, Oksana; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana
    Based on the calculation of the degree of sweetness of whey concentrates, taking into account the mass fraction of total solids, the degree of lactose hydrolysis and the known values of the relative sweetness of sugar, lactose, glucose and galactose, a concentrate with a solids content 40% was chosen for use in the ice cream formulation. According to the results of the study of the quality indicators of ice cream mixtures, it was found that the hydrolyzed concentrate of demineralized whey with a mass fraction of solids 40% could replace up to 42% of sugar in the omposition of ice cream, while maintaining the degree of sweetness determined for this type of ice cream in the range from 0.8 to 0.9. According to the viscosity-speed characteristics, the mixture of low-fat ice cream with a сoncentrate of hydrolyzed demineralized whey is classified as a system with a pronounced coagulation structure with the detection of thixotropic properties. Ice cream based on hydrolyzed whey concentrate contains 3.3% of whey proteins, which corresponds to the standard chemical composition of ice cream. The high content of lactose hydrolysis products in ice cream increases overrun, but reduces the resistance to melting of ice cream, which must be taken into account during the technological process and when choosing a consumer container. На основі розрахунку ступеня солодкості сироваткових концентратів з урахуванням масової частки загальних сухих речовин, ступеня гідролізу лактози та відомих значень відносної солодкості цукру, лактози, глюкози та галактози, для використання в рецептурі морозива було обрано концентрат з вмістом сухих речовин 40%. За результатами дослідження показників якості сумішей для морозива встановлено, що гідролізований концентрат демінералізованої сироватки молочної з масовою часткою сухої речовини 40 % здатний замінити до 42 % цукру у складі морозива, а збереження ступеня солодкості, визначеного для цього виду морозива в діапазон від 0,8 до 0,9. За в’язкісно-швидкісними характеристиками суміш нежирного морозива з концентратом гідролізованої демінералізованої сироватки класифікують як систему з вираженою коагуляційною структурою з виявленням тиксотропних властивостей. Морозиво на основі концентрату гідролізованої сироватки містить 3,3% сироваткових білків, що відповідає стандартному хімічному складу морозива. Високий вміст у морозиві продуктів гідролізу лактози збільшує перебіг, але знижує стійкість до танення морозива, що необхідно враховувати під час технологічного процесу та при виборі споживчої тари.
  • Ескіз
    Development of a new type of alcoholic ice cream
    (2021) Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana
    The modern range of milk-based ice cream with an alcohol component was analyzed. The choice of alcoholic tincture in the composition of milk ice cream was substantiated. The cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures was determined using a measuring complex, the dynamic viscosity was determined by a Heppler viscometer, the melting resistance was determined by the melting time of the hardened ice cream samples, and the ice cream was whipped by the weight method. The possibility of using tinctures with an alcohol content of 20% as a part of milk ice cream has been scientifically confirmed. The selection of the structure stabilizer and rational modes of maturation of milk-alcohol mixtures were substantiated by the values of the coefficient of dynamic viscosity. According to the cryoscopic temperature of ice cream mixtures, it was found that the production of ice cream with a mass fraction of alcohol up to 3% determines the possibility of using conventional freezing modes to obtain a product of guaranteed quality. A new type of milk ice cream with the use of tinctures can be recommended for the introduction of the classical technological scheme of production with the clarification of maturation modes.
  • Ескіз
    Food value study of acidophilic-whey ice cream
    (2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur
    The dietary structure of most people is extremely inconsistent with modern principles of rational nutrition and practical dietetics. By developing and improving the composition of products that increase the body's resistance in an unfavorable environment, including dairy, it is quite possible to improve the quality of human life, as well as to ensure the body's adaptation to unfavorable living and working conditions. Based on the results of previous studies, new types of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with protein, have been developed. The amino acid composition and mineral composition of new types of ice cream enriched with protein were investigated with the help of amino acid and express analyzers. Based on the daily human need for these substances, it was concluded that the biological value of ice cream, enriched with a complex of proteins, increased by 15% in comparison with the control. It was also found that the introduction of pectin-containing raw materials into the composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream with protein concentrate provides a ratio of minerals that is close to the optimal for all age categories.
  • Ескіз
    Scientific explanation of composition of acidophilic-whey ice cream, enriched with protein
    (2021) Polishchuk, Galyna; Kochubei-Lytvynenko, Oksana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana; Bass, Oksana; Mykhalevych, Artur; Sapigа, Victoria
    The work is devoted to solving the actual problem of the dairy industry - complex processing of food raw materials, expanding the range of dairy and milk-containing products of high nutritional value due to enrichment of protein, pro- and prebiotics, rational use of production resources by reducing the the technological process duration. The aim of the research is to substantiate the composition of a new type of acidophilic-whey ice cream of high nutritional value due to enrichment with a complex of proteins, probiotic sourdough and pectin-containing vegetable paste.
  • Ескіз
    Studies of water freezing features in ice cream with starch syrop
    (2019) Polishchuk, Galyna; Sharahmatova, Tetiana; Breus, Natalia; Bass, Oksana; Shevchenko (Kishenko), Iryna
    The purpose of the study is to research the process of water freezing in new types of ice cream with starch syrup at certain stages of the technological process. Starch syrup as a degradation product of corn starch is characterized by different values of the dextrose equivalent (DE). Starch syrup is a source of solids, sweetener, cryoprotectants (at high DE) and thickener (for low values of DE). The starch syrups with fundamentally different functional and technological properties are chosen for the study: high glucose-fructose syrup HGFS-98 (DE = 98) and low-sugar starch syrup GFS-30 (DE = 30).
  • Ескіз
    Cryoprotective ability of starch syrup in the composition of aromatic and fruit-berry ice cream
    (2019) Polishchuk, Galyna; Bass, Oksana; Osmak (Fedchenko), Tetiana; Breus, Natalia
    For complete replacement of sugar in the ice cream the starch syrup of different degree of saccharinization was chosen: glucose-fructose syrup GFS (dextrose equivalent 98) and syrup caramel SC (dextrose equivalent 30). GFS, in comparison with control samples with sugar, due to the high content of mono-sugars, significantly reduces the cryoscopic temperature of the mixtures. While, the SC boosts this figure. Therefore, in order to maintain the recommended balance on the content of frozen water at each stage of low-temperature processing of ice cream mixtures, it is expedient to combine the cryoprotective capacity of the syrup with different dextrose equivalent. The ranges of optimal correlations between GFS and SC in compositions were calculated, allowing to receive the content of frozen water, according to control samples – from 30:70 to 40:60 for aromatic ice cream and from 50:50 to 90:10 – for fruit-berry ice-cream. Microstructural analysis of ice cream samples has demonstrated the expediency of complete replacement of sugar on the syrup compositions, which provides the formation of a more homogeneous finished product structure, compared with control samples with sugar.Для повної заміни цукру в морозиві було обрано крохмальний сироп різного ступеня сахаринізації: глюкозо-фруктозний сироп GFS (декстрозний еквівалент 98) та сироп карамельний SC (декстрозний еквівалент 30). GFS, порівняно з контрольними зразками з цукром, завдяки високому вмісту моно-цукрів значно знижує кріоскопічну температуру сумішей. У той час як НС збільшує цю цифру. Тому, щоб підтримувати рекомендований баланс за вмістом замерзлої води на кожному етапі низькотемпературної обробки сумішей з морозивом, доцільно поєднувати кріопротекторну здатність сиропу з різним еквівалентом декстрози. Діапазони оптимальних співвідношень між GFS та SC у композиціях розраховувались, що дозволяло отримувати вміст замороженої води, за контрольними зразками - від 30:70 до 40:60 для ароматичного морозива та від 50:50 до 90:10 - для фруктово-ягідного морозива. Мікроструктурний аналіз зразків морозива продемонстрував доцільність повної заміни цукру на сиропних композиціях, що забезпечує формування більш однорідної структури готового продукту порівняно з контрольними зразками з цукром.