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6 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Investigation of the appearance and elimination of pinking coloration in white wines(2022) Bilko, Marina; Gunko, Sergiy; Babich, Irina; Naumenko, Oksana; Mukoid, Roman; Ischenko, Mykola; Doboniy, Inna; Danylenko, Svetlana; Bovkun, Alla; Stotska, OlenaInvestigation of the appear¬ance and elimination of “pinking” phenomenon in white wines is pre¬sented in the paper. Several factors that can cause pinking were ana¬lyzed: the degree of grapes ripeness and enzymatic treatment. The effect of fining agents based on polyvin¬ylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) on the elimination of “pinking” was deter¬mined. It was proved that pinking in wines decreases with an increase in the sugar content in grape. This is explained by a decrease in the content of anthocyanins at the end of technical ripeness of grape. Experimental studies confirmed that the use of pectolytic enzymes with cellulase, hemicellulase, β-glucanase activities increases the intensity of straw color and the appearance of body tones, but does not affect pinking. Such treatment contributed to a slight increase in the content of phenolic compounds in wine materials, but did not affect the content of anthocyanins and “pinking” susceptibility. Treatment of wine materials with complex PVPP-based agents including sor¬bents and flocculants, is an effec¬tive way to eliminate the “pink¬ing” phenomenon. This reduces “pinking” in wine materials from 70…90 % to 1…2 %. This is due to the presence of sorbents and floc¬culants in the fining agents, which react with phenolic substances that cause “pinking” in white wines, and remove them from the system. So, there are reasons to argue that processing grape at the end of tech¬nical ripeness will contribute to a lower “pinking” susceptibility of wine materials; pectolytic enzymes did not affect the appearance of this phenomenon in white wines, and PVPP-based fining agents together with bentonite, activated carbon, gelatin or casein, are an effective way to reduce the “pinking” sus¬ceptibility of wine.Документ Influence of tannins and mannoproteins products on the improvement of organoleptic characteristics of wines(2022) Bilko, Marina; Gunko, Sergiy; Babich, Irina; Doboniy, InnaThe aim of the work was to establish an influence of oenological tannins and mannoproteins products on the change of the organoleptic parameters of table dry wines, made from grapes of aromatic and non-aromatic varieties. The materials of the researches were wines that had defects or faults, mainly related with changes in wine aroma and taste. Oenological tannins of various botanical origins and mannoproteins products of a company Martin Vialatte (France) were used in the researches. Wines with these additives were mixed intensively, kept during 3 days at a temperature, not exceeding 12 °C and then determined the sensory characteristics of wine. Control samples were wines without additives. The descriptive method of analysis was used to create aromatic profiles of wines. The effectiveness of tannins and mannoproteins products on the sensory characteristics of wines was established. The intensity of the descriptors that made a positive affect on the aroma and taste of the samples was increasing. If, at the beginning tones of oxidation or bitterness were felt in the wines, then after introduction of the additives, these tones decreased in intensity. A difference of the changes of aromatic characteristics of wines from two groups of grapes with different aromatics was established. The action of additives was spread on the tings of descriptors, enriching the aroma of samples from non-aromatic grape varieties together with eliminating faults of taste. The effect of the additives was light in the aromatic varieties of grape that is due to the strong aroma and expressed taste of the grapes of these varieties. The results of the researches can be used to improve the quality of white wines, and further researches should be focused on the expansion of assortments of wines from other varieties, as a result utilizing tannins and mannoprotein products.Документ The influence of tannin preparations on the content and form of anthocyanins of model wine systems in the conditions of induced oxidation(2019) Bilko, Marina; Ishchenko, Mykola; Tsyhankova, Olena; Yakovenko, Tetiana; Кyrpel, Т.The article considers how oenological tannins effect on the content of anthocyanins, phenolic substances, and their forms that influence thestability of the colour of rosé and red wines. The research material was wine model systems that underwent induced oxidation for a week at a temperature of 45±5 °Cwith limited access ofair. Tannins of different botanical origin were used in the study:hydrolyzable ones–OaktanFU (oak wood), TannalW4 (Tara pods), CW Tannal (chestnut wood),and Tannal W2 (gallnuts); and condensedones–Tannin WG (grape stones), Taniraisin (grape skin), TannalQW (quebracho wood). The source of anthocyanins was an alcohol extract from the skins of European red grapes. It was obtained by 24 hours long extraction with ethyl alcohol, and with the addition of hydrochloric acid (0.01%).It has been determined that in the course of induced oxidation, the content of phenolic compounds tends to decrease in a wavelike manner in all samples. The anthocyanin content reduces intensively and becomes practically twice as low on the first day of oxidation. The total amount of phenolic compounds becomes 2 to 6 times lower depending on the variant of the experiment.It has been established that condensed tannins of grape origin contribute to the preservation of the total content of phenolic substances (including anthocyanins) in wine, unlike hydrolyzable tannins obtained from other plants.But their application leads to polymerization of anthocyanins, which will result in the appearance of yellow-brown pigments in the red colour of wine. Hydrolyzable tannins obtained from gallnuts and tara trees preserve the red colour of wine for a long time, unlike condensed tannins, due to their antioxidant capacity. Hydrolyzable tannins obtained from tara and quebracho trees will help obtain wine with rich red shades.Документ Studying the processing of food dye from beet juice(2019) Sheiko, Tamila; Tkachenko, Serhii; Mushtruk, Mikhailo; Vasyliv, Volodymyr; Deviatko, Olena; Mukoid, Roman; Bilko, Marina; Bondar, NikolaiThe manuscript describes a new method of red beet processing and the technology of manufacturing food colorant from the juice concentrate, which is natural, safe and useful analogue to existing expensive offers on the market of similar goods that have chemical origin not useful for regular consumption. Nowadays in order to give to food products a colour, close to natural coloring of fruits and vegetables, expensive synthetic dyes are used, which might have cancer-inducing effect when being accumulated by human organism. Therefore improving the technology for producing food grade dye from red beet juice is remarkably important task. Currently, there is a problem for vegetable processors – pectin substances complicate the process, like the illumination of juice and negatively affect its storage capacity. The article below reveals and substantiates the necessity of using a natural carbon-containing adsorbent shungite for the purification of beet juice from pectin substances. On the basis of the study, the authors suggest a more cost-effective way of producing a food dye from juice concentrate, which allows avoiding usage of expensive enzyme processing additives.Документ Problems and opportunities of development of the wine-growing and wine-growing industry of Ukraine(2017) Bilko, Marina; Motusenko, O.; Petlyna, DariaBased on the analysis of the current features of the wine-growing and winemaking enterprises of Ukraine, the leading role of the wine industry in the formation and functioning of the wine-growing and wine-making complex (VWC) on the basis of vertical integration was determined. Studied the position of the wine industry in the system of integration cooperation in the food industry and the priority areas of integration cooperation between VWC enterprises and other market participants. The stages of development (stages of the life cycle) of VWC as part of the agro-industrial complex (AIC), as well as effective integration tools are defined. Possible scenarios for the development of integration cooperation between the VWC, the food industry, the tourism industry and the academic sphere are considered. Ґрунтуючись на аналізі поточних особливостей виноградарських і виноробних підприємств України, була визначена провідна роль виноробної промисловості у формуванні та функціонуванні виноградарського і виноробного комплексу (VWC) на основі вертикальної інтеграції. Вивчили положення виноробної галузі в системі інтеграційного співробітництва в харчовій промисловості і пріоритетних областях інтеграційного співробітництва між підприємствами VWC і іншими учасниками ринку. Визначено етапи розробки (етапи життєвого циклу) VWC як частини Агропромислового комплексу (AIC), а також ефективні інструменти інтеграції. Розглядаються можливі сценарії розвитку інтеграційного співробітництва між VWC, харчовою промисловістю, туристичною галуззю і академічної сферою.Документ The regulation doses of sulfur dioxide with the aid of preparations, based on glutathione of yeasts in the production of pink table wine(2013) Bilko, Marina; Tenetka, AlinaThis research presents study the influence of partial sulfur dioxide replacement by preparations based on yeast glutathione and tannin on the quality of rose table wine. Це дослідження представляє вивчення впливу заміни діоксиду сірки часткового препаратами на основі дріжджів глутатіону і таніну на якість троянди столового вина.