Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
7 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Water Purification from Ions of Cadmium (II) Using a Bio-Plateau(2019) Lapan, Oksana; Mikhyeyev, Oleksandr; Madzhd, Svitlana; Dmytrukha, Tetyana; Cherniak, Larysa; Petrusenko, ValentynaThe study was conducted with the purpose of experimentally developing the method of water purification from ions of cadmium (II) using a new design of a bio-plateau, which is based on the use of terrestrial plants. In order to construct the bio–plateau, the following chemically inert floating materials were used as the substrate: perlite, expanded clay, granular foam, vermiculite, cork, on top of which the seeds of higher terrestrial plants were placed. The experimental data showed that foam was the best of the tested substrates, and of plants – barley, oats, corn and rye. The constructed bio-plateau was placed into tanks with a solution of cadmium on the 9th day of incubation to study the cleaning efficiency of terrestrial plants on the aquatic environment. Determination of the residual concentration of cadmium was performed with the method of AAC at λ=228.8. As a result, it was found that rye showed the best sorption properties of the tested plants. The influence of additional aeration and pH of the medium on the degree of water purification was established. The highest treatment efficiency was observed in the variant of a bio-plateau with aeration and at a pH of 8–9. The study shows the possibility of using terrestrial plants for the phytoremediation of water bodiesДокумент Development of a procedure for determining the basic parameter of aquatic ecosystems functioning – environmental capacity(2019) Isaienko, Volodymyr; Madzhd, Svitlana; Pysanko, Yana; Nikolaiev, Kyrylo; Bovsunovskyi, Yevhen; Cherniak, LarysaДослiджено основний параметр функцiонування гiдроекосистем – екологiчну ємнiсть. Параметр є ефективним показником порушення структурно-функцiональних змiн техногенно трансформованого водного об’єкту. Застосована адаптована концептуальна модель системи iндикаторiв: “Дiї – Стану – Наслiдкiв”. Вiдповiдно до розробленої класифiкацiї системи iндикаторiв, баланс екологiчної ємностi гiдроекосистеми виступає частиною iнтегрального показника стану водної екосистеми, як наслiдок дiї екзогенних факторiв антропогенного походження. Завдяки застосуванню iнтегральних систем iндикаторiв стало можливим надати не лише якiсну, а й кiлькiсну характеристику екологiчної ємностi. В якостi об’єкта дослiджень обрано гирлову дiлянку середньої рiвнинної рiчки, яка виступає найбiльш репрезентативною її складовою, та вiддзеркалює наслiдки антропогенного впливу якi вiдбуваються в басейнi рiчки. Враховуючи iєрархiчнiсть рiвнiв розвитку водних систем, дослiдження стану середнiх рiчок на локально- му рiвнi дозволить розробити водоохороннi заходи, якi сприятимуть покращенню якостi великих рiчок. Розроблена методика може бути успішно адаптована для iнших техногенно змiнених рiчок рiвнинних територiй. Результати проведених математичних роз рахункiв представленi у виглядi графiкiв залежностi екологiчної ємностi та техноємностi вiд численних параметрiв функцiонування гiдроекосистеми. Показано динамiки змiн цих параметрiв за 2009–2017 роки. Результати дослiдження свiдчать, що бiота адаптувалась до певного рiвня техногенного забруднення i в перiод 2012–2016 року екологiчна ємнiсть була стабiльною (27–37), що є оптимальними умовами iснування гiдроекосистеми. Узагальнена оцiнка змiн за весь дослiджуваний перiод дає пiдстави стверджувати, що вiдбулася втрата екологiчної ємностi (знижується до 13,3) внаслiдок понаднормативного техногенного впливу на рiчкову гiдроекосистему, i це створює передумови для формування техноємностi. Як наслiдок, фiксується зниження рiвня залишкового екологiчного резерву, необхiдного для вiдновлення техногенно змiненої гiдроекосистеми рiчки The main parameter of hydroecosystems functioning - ecological capacity - is investigated. This parameter is an effective indicator of disturbance of structural and functional changes in a technogenically transformed water body. An adapted conceptual model of the indicator system was used: ‘Action - State - Consequences’. According to the developed classification of the indicator system, the balance of the ecological capacity of the hydroecosystem is part of the integrated indicator of the aquatic ecosystem state as a result of the action of exogenous factors of anthropogenic origin. The use of integrated indicator systems makes it possible to provide not only a qualitative but also a quantitative description of the ecological capacity. The research object was the mouth section of a medium-sized lowland river, which is the most representative of its components and reflects the effects of anthropogenic impacts in the river basin. Given the hierarchy of levels of development of water systems, the study of the state of medium-sized rivers at the local level will allow the development of water protection measures that will improve the quality of large rivers. The developed methodology can be successfully adapted for other technologically modified rivers in the plains. The results of the mathematical calculations are presented in the form of graphs of dependence of ecological capacity and technological capacity on numerous parameters of hydroecosystem functioning. The dynamics of changes in these parameters for 2009-2017 are shown. The results of the study indicate that the biota has adapted to a certain level of temperatureДокумент Development of the hydrophytic structure of the bioplateau type for the purpose of phytoremediation(2021) Mikhyeyev, Oleksandr; Lapan, Oksana; Madzhd, Svitlana; Cherniak, Larysa; Dmytrukha, TetyanaA floating structure of a bioplateau has been developed for the purification of water bodies from the toxic substances, the biotic component of which is terrestrial plants. Chemically inert floating materials were used as a substrate for the construction of the bioplateau: perlite, expanded clay, granular foam, vermiculite, cork. Substrate testing has shown that granular expanded polystyrene is the most optimal for the usage. The study of different options for seed germination in the design of the bioplateau has shown that its placement on the top of the substrate is the best option. The usage of perlite in combination with granular foam had created an additional capillary effect, due to which the seeds germinated at a faster rate. To optimize the hydrophytic structure a grid was used, which made it possible to increase the overall density of the bioplateau. An algorithm for creating a "rolled" plant that is suitable for transportation and placement in the surface water bodies that require purification from toxic substances has been developedДокумент Determination of the dependence of the plant growth characteristics on the concentration of petrochemiscals in the soil(2021) Cherniak, Larysa; Mikhyeyev, Oleksandr; Madzhd, Svitlana; Lapan, Oksana; Dmytrukha, Tetyana; Petrusenko, ValentynaThe peculiarities of sanitary and hygienic rationing of the oil products content in environmental components were analyzed. It was established that the general ecological situation in our country and abroad is unsatisfactory and the issue of finding modern methods of standardizing the quality of environmental components, which would cover the indicators and criteria of their composition and properties, is becoming increasingly urgent. Together, it would ensure ecologically sustainable development of the biosphere in all hierarchical levels of its organization. It was established that such an assessment system does not exist today and therefore, there is no generally accepted universal method for assessing the quality of the environmental components. For this purpose, it is necessary to develop a methodology, in particular a method of biotesting, which will provide a generalized qualitative assessment of the ecological state of the environment, without being based on the quantitative characteristics of the MPC. The possibility of applying a new method of phytotesting of soil that was artificially contaminated with different types of petrochemicals in different concentrations per unit volume of soil using flax seedlings (Linum usitatissimum L.) was investigated. The growth characteristics of the test plants grown on artificially contaminated soil with petroleum products were presented. In the course of research, the possibility of studying the effect of petrochemicals on plants directly in artificially contaminated soil was confirmed. On the basis of the analysis of the obtained results, it was found that when the soil is contaminated with oil products, the aviation fuel has a greater impact on the shoots, whereas gasoline and diesel fuel have a lower impact on the roots in lower concentrations. At higher concentrations, their depressant effect is almost equalДокумент The usage of plant test systems for the determination of phytotoxicity of contaminated with petroleum products soil(2021) Cherniak, Larysa; Mikhyeyev, Oleksandr; Madzhd, Svitlana; Lapan, Oksana; Dmytrukha, Tetyana; Korniienko, IrynaThe level of phytotoxicity of the soil samples artificially contaminated with the aviation kerosene was determined in the work. The dependences of the growth characteristics of the plant test system (flax) on the excess of the approximate permissible concentrations (APC) of the oil product concentration in the soil were identified. The change in the mass of raw material depending on the level of aviation kerosene contamination of soil samples was determined. A decrease in the plant growth activity with an increase in the content of aviation fuel in the soil was established. It was found that there is a hormesis effect at certain concentrations of aviation kerosene in the soil. The comparison of the concentration dependences of the action of petroleum products on the growth rates of seedlings and their dependence on the distance to the source of pollution allowed in the latter case to conduct a kind of “dosimetry” on exposure concentrations when the petroleum product concentration was not determinedДокумент Development of the hydrophytic structure of the bioplateau type for the purification of water bodies from 137Cs(2022) Lapan, Oksana; Mikhyeyev, Oleksandr; Madzhd, Svitlana; Cherniak, Larysa; Maksimenko, OlenaA floating structure of a bioplateau has been developed for the purification of water bodies from the toxic substances, the biotic component of which is terrestrial plants. Chemically inert floating materials were used as a substrate for the construction of the bioplateau: perlite, expanded clay, granular foam, vermiculite, cork. Substrate testing has shown that granular expanded polystyrene is the most optimal for the usage. The study of different options for seed germination in the design of the bioplateau has shown that its placement on the top of the substrate is the best option. The usage of perlite in combination with granular foam had created an additional capillary effect, due to which the seeds germinated at a faster rate. To optimize the hydrophytic structure a grid was used, which made it possible to increase the overall density of the bioplateau. An algorithm for creating a «rolled» plant that is suitable for transportation and placement in the surface water bodies that require purification from toxic substances has been developed. There was done a comparative study of the effectiveness of purification of the aquatic environment from ions of radiocesium bioplate with wheat plants of different varieties. It is confirmed that the efficiency of sorption of 137Cs ions by terrestrial plants is influenced by the nature and concentration of macrocations in the aqueous medium.Документ Investigation of the influence of hyperthermia and soil Pollution with the petrochemicals on test objects using the Method of mathematical planning(2022) Cherniak, Larysa; Petruk, Roman; Mikhieiev, Oleksandr; Madzhd, Svitlana; Petruk, GalynaTo increase the effi ciency of using methods for assessing the level of soil contamination by oil products against the background of the infl uence of other factors. Methodology. The authors consider the possibility of using bioassays to study the impact of several stressors on the test system. Based on the theory of experiment planning, a methodology for researching the infl uence of hyperthermia and soil contamination with kerosene on the growth parameters of test objects was developed. On the basis of the obtained experimental data, regression models were built which allow fi nding a numerical estimate of the impact of stress factors on changes in the characteristics of the test object. Findings. It was determined that, as a rule, in order to assess the infl uence of stressful factors when normalizing the assumed levels of their infl uence on humans and ecosystems using biotesting methods, such an assessment is carried out for individual factors. But, in the real conditions of existence of plants and organisms, they are exposed to the simultaneous infl uence of many factors that can interact non-additively, i.e. as antagonists or synergists. In order to increase the effi ciency of the use of methods for biotesting of the level of soil contamination by oil products against the background of the infl uence of other factors, the authors applied one of the methods of mathematical planning of the experiment. It was concluded that the eff ect of one factor depends, to a certain extent, on the eff ect of the other factor, the eff ect of which was studied in the work. The fact of the non-additive eff ect of the factors used in the experiment makes it possible to recommend the use of test objects in the practice of monitoring the condition of soils in technogenically loaded territories previously exposed to the action of hyperthermia. Originality. The toxic eff ect of the petroleum product depends, to a certain extent, on the eff ect of hyperthermia. Pretreatment of the test objects with a hyperthermic factor in a hormesis dose had a preventive eff ect, increasing the resistance of the test objects to the eff ect of the petroleum product. Practical value. The fact of the non-additive eff ect of the factors used in the experiment makes it possible to recommend the use of test objects previously exposed to the action of hyperthermia for monitoring the condition of soils in technogenically loaded territories.