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Зараз показуємо 1 - 8 з 8
  • Ескіз
    Intelligent automatic control of sugar factory evaporator operation using behavior prediction subsystem
    (2022) Hrama, Mykhailo; Sidletskyi, Victor; Elperin, Igor
    Introduction. The aim of the presented research was to substantiate the intelligent automatic control of the sugar juice evaporation with the subsystem for behavior prediction, which allows to determine the behavior of the automatic system. Materials and methods. The operation of the evaporator unit with system behavior prediction to regulate the sugar juice level was investigated. Capacitive level gauges were used as a sensor in the automation scheme of sugar juice level control. Pneumatic seat valves with a built-in throttle and an electro¬pneumatic converter were used as actuators. Results and discussion. The use of neuro-fuzzy regulators occurs only in some specific cases of intelligent control of the evaporation process. There is no data comparing the use of intelligent regulators with classical ones and the possibility of combining several types of intelligent regulators, as well as clear means of predicting their work. Therefore, in the present study, a prediction method was used to compare methods to regulate the level of sugar juice in the evaporator. This made it possible to predict the behavior of the system during the formation of the control action and display the finished forecast on the operator's screen, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of the evaporative station. Statistical data on the behavior of the automation system contours in various operating modes were collected using intelligent and classical controllers, and a model was built to determine the operation of the evaporator using the local trend method and the modified algorithm of prediction. The advantage of this method is its easy and fast implementation, which does not require large economic and energy costs. The accuracy of the prediction model was 98% for the PID-controller, 95% for the fuzzy-controller and 96% for the neural network. The obtained model of the system prediction is stable because the absolute error does not change when dividing the time series into intervals. Conclusions. The proposed system of intelligent automated control of the evaporation of sugar juice with a modified prediction method based on local trends has an insignificant delay, while prediction is performed with high accuracy and stability.
  • Ескіз
    Use of methods of tensor analysis in the evaporator plant operating system
    (2019) Korobiichuk, Igor; Sidletskyi, Victor; Ladanyuk, Anatoly; Elperin, Igor; Hrama, Mykhailo
    The issues of the relevance of conduction of research in the areas of analysis and synthesis of evaporator plant operating systems were disclosed; the need of taking into account the peculiarity and interconnection of mass and energy flows of the entire sugar refinery was put forward. This explains the need for new methods of integrating the operating system so that, on the one hand, the evaporator plant operating system is an integral part of the whole system of the sugar refinery management. But at the same time, it shall be flexible and shall not require significant changes in the correction of processes or updating of automation equipment. The article presents a method for using the mathematical apparatus of tensor analysis for determining the nature of the change of the signal of the discrepancy and the formation of the control signal.
  • Ескіз
    Justification of the neuro-fuzzy regulation in evaporator plant control system
    (2019) Hrama, Mykhailo; Sidletskyi, Victor; Elperin, Igor
    Introduction. The purpose of the study is the determining the use of which type of regulation will achieve the best indicators of quality control for the regulation of the evaporator plant. Materials and methods. The system of management of a five-body evaporator plant of a sugar refinery was researched. The method of synthesis of modal control was used for evaluating the results of the research. Results and discussion. A comparison between FID and fuzzy regulator was made. Regulation of such responsible parameters as levels of concentrated juice in evaporator plant bodies, which directly affect the quality and value of manufactured products, was implemented. First, in the space of states in Matlab environment, a mathematical model was developed and the results obtained regarding the variation of the problem with respect to the initial conditions and perturbations were obtained. Due to them one can conclude that the time of the transition process is within the range from 0.8 to 1.2 seconds. However, the deviation levels in the evaporator plant bodies are too high. Secondly, a mathematical model with a PID-regulator was developed and transition processes for control schemes across all control channels were obtained. In this case, the time of transition processes is within the range of 60 seconds along the channel X1 to 145 seconds along the channel X2, but this led to a significant decrease in the deviation of levels in the bodies. Thirdly, a mathematical model with a fuzzy regulator is developed and transition processes for control schemes in all control channels were obtained. In this case, the time of transition processes is within the range from 50 seconds along the channel X1 to 110 seconds along the channel X2, which is the better result if compared to the PID regulator. Compared with the previous study, the levels in the bodies also significantly decreased. Therefore, the use of neuro- fuzzy regulation leads to an increase in qualitative parameters of the process compared with the system with PID-regulators. Conclusions. The scientific substantiation of the feasibility of using neuro-fuzzy regulation during the implementation of optimal control systems is the novelty of the research results.
  • Ескіз
    Comparison between PID and fuzzy regulator for control evaporator plants
    (2019) Hrama, Mykhailo; Sidletskyi, Victor; Elperin, Igor
    In this paper, a comparison is made between FID and fuzzy controller. The purpose of the study is to determine when the use of which type of regulation will achieve the best indicators of quality control for the regulation of the evaporator. The regulation of such responsible parameters as levels of concentrated juice in the evaporator's buildings, which directly affect the quality and cost of manufactured products, is carried out. First, a mathematical model was developed in the space of states in the Matlab environment and results were obtained with respect to the variation of the problem relative to the initial conditions and with respect to perturbation. Secondly, a mathematical model with a PIDregulator was developed and transient processes for control circuits in all control channels were obtained. Thirdly, a mathematical model with a fuzzy controller was developed and transient processes for control circuits in all control channels were obtained. When comparing the mathematical model with PID and the fuzzy controller, it was concluded that the use of neuro-fuzzy regulation is more appropriate as it leads to an increase in the qualitative parameters of the process compared with the system with PID regulators.
  • Ескіз
    The properties of surfactants synthesized by Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІMV В-7241 on refined and sunflower oil waste
    (2018) Pirog, Tatiana; Lutsay, Dariya; Antoniuk, Svitlana; Elperin, Igor
    The aim of the work was to compare the antimicrobial and anti-adhesive activity (including the ability to destroy biofilms), as well as the effect on oil degradation of the surfactants synthesized by the culture of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 on refined and sunflower waste. The microbial surfactants were extracted from supernatant of cultural liquid by mixture of chloro form and methanol (2:1). The number of attached cells and the degree of biofilm destruction were analyzed spectrophotometrically. Antimicrobial properties of the surfactants were determined by index of the minimal inhibiting concentration. The concentration of oil in water was analyzed by the gravimetric method after extraction with hexane. It was shown that microbial surfactants synthesized in medium with 2% of both refined and fried oil were characterized by high antimicrobial (MIC with respect to bacterial test cultures 0.8–29 μg/ml, Candida albicans D-6 26−58 μg/ml) and anti-adhesive (decreasing number of bacterial and fungal cells of test cultures attached to abiotic surfaces by 35–70%, destruction of biofilms by an average of 40–44%) activity. Increasing concentration of waste oil in the medium to 4% was accompanied by the formation of surfactants with low antimicrobial activity, in the presence of which the degree of oil destruction in water (3–6 g/l) was 80–88% in 20 days, which is 10–16% higher than when using surfactants synthesized in a medium with 2% oil. Obtained data indicate on the need for studies on the effect of cultivation conditions of producer on the properties of synthesized surfactants for the production of final product with stable predetermined properties, depending on the field of practical application. Метою роботи було порівняти антимікробну та антиадгезійну активність (у тому числі здатність руйнувати біоплівки), а також вплив на деградацію олії ПАР, синтезованих культурою Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІМВ В-7241 на рафінаді та соняшнику. відходи. Мікробні поверхнево-активні речовини екстрагували із супернатанту культуральної рідини сумішшю хлороформи та метанолу (2:1). Кількість прикріплених клітин і ступінь руйнування біоплівки аналізували спектрофотометрично. Антимікробні властивості ПАР визначали за показником мінімальної інгібуючої концентрації. Концентрацію олії у воді аналізували гравіметричним методом після екстракції гексаном. Показано, що мікробні ПАР, синтезовані на середовищі з 2% як рафінованої, так і смаженої олії, характеризуються високою антимікробною дією (МІК щодо бактеріальних тест-культур 0,8–29 мкг/мл, Candida albicans D-6 26–58 мкг/мл). антиадгезивну (зменшення кількості бактеріальних і грибкових клітин тест-культур, прикріплених до абіотичних поверхонь, на 35–70%, руйнування біоплівок у середньому на 40–44%). Підвищення концентрації відпрацьованої нафти в середовищі до 4 % супроводжувалося утворенням поверхнево-активних речовин із низькою антимікробною активністю, у присутності яких ступінь деструкції нафти у воді (3–6 г/л) у 20 р. становив 80–88 %. днів, що на 10–16 % вище, ніж при використанні ПАР, синтезованих у середовищі з 2 % олії. Отримані дані свідчать про необхідність дослідження впливу умов культивування продуцента на властивості синтезованих ПАР для отримання кінцевого продукту зі стабільними заданими властивостями в залежності від галузі практичного застосування.
  • Ескіз
    Industrial waste bioconversion into surfactants by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405
    (2017) Pirog, Tatiana; Shulyakova, Mariya; Kliuchka (Nykytyuk), Lilia; Antoniuk, Svitlana; Elperin, Igor
    The aim of the work is to realize an alternative processing of toxic industrial waste into surfactants by strains Rhodacoccus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 for remediation of environment. The studied strains were grown in liquid media containing such sources of carbon as waste (fried) sunflower oil. technical glycerol (by product of biodiesel production), and aromatic compounds. The synthesis of surfactants was evaluated by emulsification index. conditional concentration of surfactants and concentration of extracellular surfactants, which was determined gravimetrically after their extraction from supernatant by the mixture of methanol and chloroform. The concentration of oil in water and soil was analyzed by gravimetric method after extaction with hexane.
  • Ескіз
    Computer integrated manufacturing: overview of modern standards
    (2016) Pupena, Alexander; Elperin, Igor; Mirkevich, Roman; Klimenko, Oleg
    The article deals with modern international standards ISA-95 and ISA-88 to develop integrated automated control systems. Shown scope of standards in the context of a hierarchical model of the enterprise. Article built in such a way to describe the essence of the standards in the light of the basic descriptive models: product definition, resources, schedules and actual performance of production activities. Description of the product definition given by hierarchical presentation of products at various levels of management. Much attention is given to describe this type of resources like equipment, which is logical chain to all these standards. For example, the standard batch process control shows the relationship between the definition of product and equipment on which it is made. The article shows the hierarchy of planning ERP-MES / MOM-SCADA (in terms of standard ISA-95), which traced the decomposition of common production plans of enterprises for specific works at APCS. We consider the appointment of the actual performance of production at MES / MON considering KPI. A general scheme diagram of the relationship of activities and information flows between the functions of generalized picture shown operating on a level MES / MOM. Finished article rationale for distribution, approval and development of standards ISA-88 and ISA-95 in Ukraine. The article has an overview and can be useful to specialists in computer-integrated systems control and management of industrial enterprises, system integrators and suppliers.
  • Ескіз
    Stosowanie teorii gier przy formowaniu rozwiązań w systemie zarządzania tacją wydobycia soku cukrowni
    (2012) Sidletskyi, Victor; Elperin, Igor; Levchenko, Alexander
    Przedstawiana jest realizacja systemu zarządzania wydajnością stacji dyfuzyjnej cukrowni z wykorzystaniem teorii gier, stosowanej do wyboru takich wielkości naprężenia silników wału rurowego kolumny, przy których zostanie osiągnięta maksymalna wydajność stacji pod warunkiem minimalizacji strat cukru w okresie przechowywania. Presented is the implementation of a performance management system station sugar diffusion using game theory, which is used to choose the size of stress such tubular column shaft engines, with the maximum capacity is reached, provided the station to minimize sugar losses during storage.