Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
2 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Screening adjuvants organic and inorganic nature for constructing cancer vaccines(2012) Babiy, O.; Gregirchak, Natalia; Lych (Tkachenko), Inna; Shpak, E.On іntaktnih tvarinah vivchali іmunomodulyuyuchu aktivnіst the heterologous vaccine vigotovlenih on osnovі Kuryachii embrіonalnih bіlkіv that a'dyuvantіv organіchnoї that neorganіchnoї nature. Vstanovleno scho naybіlshim іmunologіchno Activity ad'yuvantami stvorennya for the heterologous vaccine protipuhlinnih Yea glіkoproteїdi B. subtilis B-7025 s MM 18.5 kDa that 70 kDa. Spectrum іmunologіchnih efektіv doslіdzhuvanih vaccines include aktivuyuchy vpliv on klіtinnі i gumoralnі reaktsії adaptive іmunіtetu (aktivnіst CTL spetsifіchna tsitotoksichnіst sirovatki krovі) that on reaktsії prirodnoї protipuhlinnoї rezistentnostі (cytotoxic aktivnіst Lf i Matt). Results of the work yavlyayutsya basis for doslіdzhen away vplivu vaccines humoral Lanka іmunіtetu that mozhlivostі stvorennya protipuhlinnih preparatіv on osnovі danih glіkoproteїdіv that Kuryachii embrіonalnih bіlkіv.Документ The pronlem of finding adjuvants for the construction anticancer vaccines based on chick embrionic proteins(2012) Babiy, O.; Gregirchak, Natalia; Shpak, E.The results are the basis for further studies of the impact of the vaccine on humoral immunity and the possible creation of anticancer drugs based on glycoproteins and chicken embryonic proteins.