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Документ Selection of the technological parameters of fermentation of high-concentration wort with osmophilic yeast races for obtaining bioethanol(2021) Kovalchuk, Svitlana; Mudrak, TatianaBioethanol production is a key issue that helps meet the growing demand for energy resources and ensure a sustainable economy. A promising direction is producing bioethanol by using the technology of fermentation of grain high-concentration wort.The purpose of this work is researching of thefermentation process of the high concentrations wort by distiller’s yeast osmophilic races at high acidity and selection of technological parameters forbioethanol production.Selective breeding of a new strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae DO-16 has allowed obtaining ethanol producers able to ferment grain wort with the dry matter concentration 24–34% at pH 3.0–6.0, with alcohol accumulation in the fermented wash up to 17% vol.It has been studied how the pH of wort affects the dynamics of yeast cell synthesis by the distiller’s yeast races Saccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-11 and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-16. It has been established that at the pH values2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0, the concentration of yeast cells in the race Saccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-16 was higher by 2.6, 1.7, 1.5, and 1.4 times respectively, as compared withSaccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-11. It has been found that culturing industrial yeast of these races at low pH values will provide not only the required sterility of the substrate, but also a high content of yeast cells, which is 250–320 million/cm³.The chemical and technological parameters of the fermented wash obtained by using theyeast races Saccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-11 and DO-16 at the wort concentration 20–34% DM have been studied. It has been found that under all research conditions, the yeast of the race Saccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-16 synthesised more ethanol than the strainSaccharomyces cerevisiaeDO-11 did.The use of a new high-productive strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DO-16 will allow fermenting wort with a high ethanol concentration in the wash. It will also reduce the consumption of heat expended on isolating alcohol from the wash and of water expended on cooling, and lessen the amount of post-alcohol stillage. Для задоволення зростаючого попиту на енергетичні ресурси і забезпечення стійкої економіки, ключовим питанням є виробництво біоетанолу. Перспективним напрямом для одержання біоетанолу є застосування технології зброджування сусла із зернової сировини з високим вмістом сухих речовин. Мета представленої роботи –дослідження процесу зброджування сусла високих концентрацій осмофільними расами спиртових дріжджів при підвищеній кислотності середовища тапідбір технологічних параметрів для отримання біоетанолу. Шляхом селекції нового штаму дріжджівSaccharomyces cerevisiae ДО–16 одержано продуценти спирту етилового, які спроможні зброджувати зернове сусло з концентрацією сухих речовин 24–34% при рН 3,0–6,0 з накопиченням спирту в зрілій бражці до 17% об. Проведено дослідження щодо впливу рН сусла на динаміку накопичення дріжджових клітин Saccharomyces cerevisiae ДО–11 та Saccharomyces cerevisiae ДО–16. Встановлено, що при значеннях рН 2,5; 3,0; 3,5 та 4,0 у раси Saccharomyces cerevisiaeДО–16 концентрація дріжджових клітин була вищою в 2,6; 1,7; 1,5 та 1,4 рази відповідно порівнюючи з Saccharomyces cerevisiaeДО–11. Встановлено, що культивування виробничих дріжджів досліджуваних рас при низьких значеннях рН забезпечить не тільки необхідну стерильність субстрату, але й високий вміст дріжджових клітин –250–320 млн/см³. Досліджено хіміко-технологічні показники зрілої бражки при застосування дріжджів раси Saccharomyces cerevisiaeДО-11 та ДО-16 при концентрації сусла від 20 до 34% сухих речовин. Встановлено, що за всіх умов досліджень, дріжджі раси Saccharomyces cerevisiae ДО-16 синтезували більше етанолу порівняно із расою Saccharomyces cerevisiaeДО-11. Застосування нового високопродуктивного штаму Saccharomyces cerevisiae ДО–16 дозволить зброджувати сусло з підвищеною концентрацією спирту етилового в бражці, а також знизити витрати теплової енергії на виділення спирту із бражки і води на охолодження, та зменшення кількості післяспиртової барди за умов її використання на приготування замісу.Документ Research on the ultrathin structure of cells of different distillers’ yeast races and its dependence on the concentration of dry matter in wort.(2020) Mudrak, Tatiana; Kovalchuk, Svitlana; Kuts, Anatoly; Dotsenko, ViktorThere are a number of directions of introducing the resource-saving and energy-efficient technology of alcohol washes into alcohol production. One of them is the use of highly concentrated wort from grain raw materials. Application of highly productive strains of distillers’ yeast is the basis of resource-saving and energy-efficient technologies, a way to reduce the cost of ethanol and increase the profitability of its production. To develop the technology of highly concentrated wash from grain raw materials, it is necessary to select the appropriate yeast races and study their morphological and physiological properties. Diagnostics of the physiological state of microorganisms has been performed. It has been studied how the concentration of dry matter in the wort effects on the specific morphological and cytological features of the structure of yeast cells (distillers’ yeast S. cerevisiae, races DO-16, DO-11, K-81, XII) when they are cultured on media from starch-containing raw materials. The concentration of dry matter in the wort was 20 and 28%. It has been found that the S. cerevisiaerace DO-16 bred by selection synthesises the largest number of yeast cells when the dry matter concentration is 28%. The osmophilic S. cerevisiae races DO-16 and DO-11 had smaller sizes and areas of their cells in comparison with the thermotolerant and mesophilic races of S. cerevisiaeK-81 and XII at the 28% concentration of DM in the wort. During fermentation, these parameters characterise the increase in the working surface of the yeast in the medium fermented. This allows accelerating the fermentation process and ensuring microbiological purity of the medium, which is especially important for highly concentrated wort. The morphological and cytological studies of the S. cerevisiaerace DO-16 have proved its advantages over the races DO-11, K-81, XII in fermenting highly concentrated wort. The studies of the intracellular structure of the yeast S.cerevisiaeDO-16, DO-11, K-81, XII have allowed establishing the relationship between the formation of glycogen in yeast cells and the DM concentration of the wort. When culturing industrial yeast at the DM concentration 28%, the glycogen content in the cells ofS. cerevisiaeDO-16 was significantly higher compared with the races under study. This indicates that these conditions of the culture medium are favourable for this race.Документ Selection of the complex of enzyme preparation for the hydrolysis of the constituents of grain at the fermentation of the wort of high(2018) Mudrak, Tatiana; Kuts, Anatoly; Kovalchuk, Svitlana; Kyrylenko, Roman; Bondar, NikolaiIn this work we have selected the optimal complex of enzyme preparations for hydrolysis of constituents of grain raw materials at fermentation of wort of high concentrations. In the selection of enzyme systems, their effect on the technical and chemical parameters of mature broods during fermentation of wort is investigated. For research, corn starch of 69.0% was used. Based on experimental studies, it was found that the use of a complex of enzyme preparations - amylolytic Amylex 4T, saccharifying - Diazim TGA, proteolytic (Alfalase AFP), cytolytic (Laminex 750) and complex complex AF β-glucanase and xylanase XL combinations of their concentrations contributed to the intensification of the fermentation process of the wort and increase the accumulation of the target product - ethanol by 0.8-1.4%, depending on the concentration of the wort. The highest amount of ethanol was accumulated at the maximum dosage of additional enzyme preparations.