Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
2 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Adsorption of heavy metals ions from liquid media by palygorscite(2015) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Bessarab, Alexander; Matko, Svetlana; Malovanyy, MiroslavДосліджено процес адсорбції природним мінералом палигорскітом важких металів із стічних вод і харчових продуктів (яблучний сік). Вивчено процеси вилучення міді, кадмію, свинцю, ртуті та цинку. Визначено раціональні технологічні параметри цих процесів. Встановлено механізм адсорбції важких металів з яблучного соку палигорскітом.Документ Microbiological, Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Parameters of Apple Juice, Processed by Shungite(2013) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Bessarab, Alexander; Matko, SvetlanaThis paper is dedicated to results of studying microbiological, physico-chemical and organoleptical parameters of apple juice processed by shungite. Shungite is a natural mineral which has special structural composition, characterized by the existence of fullerenes and nanotubes. This paper explains the methods applied by the authors to prepare shungite for experimental research, to process apple juice by adsorbent, to determine the quantity of microorganisms in juice after it interacted with shungite, weight percentage of dissolvable dry solids, active acidity and quality parameters. In juice, processed by shungite, bacteria, fungi and yeast were detected. The authors made a comparison between microbial population in juice before and after its interaction with shungite. The paper refers to method under which shungite adsorbs bacteria, fungi and yeasts. The authors presented the results of studying dry solids content, active acidity of apple juice, processed by shungite at various temperatures and conducted assessment of apple juice quality after its interaction with sorbent. Through their research, the authors established rational parameters of apple juice processed by shungite under which the maximum reduction of microbial insemination is reached. The research proved that after apple juice interacts with shungite, its dry solids content and active acidity level remain unchanged. This paper confirmed high quality parameters of apple juice processed by shungite. Taking into account the obtained results, the authors concluded that use of shungite to process apple juice does not require expensive equipment, complex maintenance of the processing procedure, which reduce the cost value of a manufactured product.