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Документ Influence of the combination of emulsifiers on the properties of rice gluten-free dough and the quality of bread(2021) Medvid, Irina; Shydlovska, Olena; Ishchenko, TatianaУ статті досліджено вплив знежиреного лецитину, соняшникової олії і сухого яєчного білка на реологічні властивості і мікроструктуру безглютенового рисового тіста та показники якості готового хліба. Для визначення ефективності використання даних емульгаторів було використано технологію хліба із застосуванням ферментативної модифікації крохмалю борошна за допомогою амілолітичних ферментів. Для оцінки реологічної поведінки тіста аналізували його в’язко-пластичні властивості (напругу зсуву та ефективну в’язкість тістових систем) за допомогою ротаційного віскозиметру, мікроструктуру тіста досліджували шляхом мікроскопіювання. Для визначення фізико-хімічних показників якості готового хліба використовували традиційні методи. Результати показали, що включення емульгаторів змінювало поведінку рисового тіста, про що свідчать різні в’язко-пластичні властивості та мікроструктура тістових систем, та здійснювало вплив на такі якісні характеристики готового хліба, як питомий об’єм та пористість. Встановлено, що використання комбінації емульгаторів зі знежиреного лецитину, соняшникової олії і сухого яєчного білка в технології рисового хліба у поєднанні з ферментативною модифікацією крохмалю борошна сприяє суттєвому покращенню реологічних властивостей та структури безглютенового тіста та забезпечує високі показники питомого об’єму і пористості готових виробів. The article investigates the influence of low-fat lecithin, sunflower oil, and dry egg white on the rheological properties and microstructure of gluten-free rice dough and quality indicators of ready-made bread. To determine the effectiveness of the use of these emulsifiers, the bread technology with implementation of enzyme modificated (by amylolytic enzymes) flour starch was used. To assess the rheological state of the dough, its viscoplastic properties (shear stress and effective viscosity of the test systems) were analyzed using a rotary viscometer. The dough microstructure was examined by microscopy. Traditional methods to determine physical and chemical indicators of ready-made bread quality were used. The results showed that the emulsifiers implementation changed the behavior of rice dough, and had the positive effect on the qualitative (specific volume and porosity). It has been found that the use of a combination of emulsifiers from low-fat lecithin, sunflower oil, and dried egg white in rice bread technology in combination with enzymatic modification of flour starch significantly improves the rheological properties and structure of gluten-free dough and provides high indicators of specific volume and porosity of ready-made products.Документ Studying the possibility of using enzymes, lecithin, and albumen in the technology of gluten-free bread(2019) Dotsenko, Viktor; Medvid, Irina; Shydlovska, Olena; Ishchenko, TatianaThe comprehensive approach to the technology of bread for people suffering from celiac disease by applying amylolytic enzymes, lecithin, and dry egg albumen was scientifically substantiated. The effect of amylolytic enzymes on sugars accumulation during the hydrolysis of rice flour starch was established. It was proved that the use of enzymes contributes to the formation of mono-and disaccharides in quantity of 5.5–6 %, which are essential for the intensification of microbiological processes in dough. The improvement of gas production in dough during the application of the enzymatic modification of flour starch during fermentation was detected.With the aim of improving the quality of the dough semi-finished and finished products, the expedience of using surfactants was substantiated. The regularities of the influence of sunflower defatted lecithin on properties of dough and quality characteristics of bread with enzymes were determined. It was established that the introduction of phospholipid into dough using the enzymatic modification of starch flour contributes to the improvement of gas formation in it and causes an increase in specific volume and porosity of finished products.To ensure the porous structure of the crumb, the additional use of dry egg albumen in the technology of rice bread was proposed. It was established that the preliminary recovery of albumen when making dough with enzymes and lecithin contributes to its better leavening, which provides high quality indicators of the finished products. It was proved that the use of sunflower defatted lecithin and whipped egg albumens during dough kneading with previously conducted hydrolysis of starch flour by α-amylase and glucoamylase leads to a significant increase in its gas-retaining abilities and contributes to increasing its running. Given the reduction in viscosity of the dough with the addition of selected raw materials, it is recommended to manufacture pan bread.The influence of application of the enzymatic modification of rice flour starch, lecithin, and egg albumen on the process of gelatinization of water-flour suspensions was studied. The identified regularities make it possible to predict an increase in the shelf life of the finished bread.Документ The use of sunflower lecithin in the technology on gluten-free bread with enzymatic modification of flour starch(2018) Medvid, Irina; Shydlovska, Olena; Dotsenko, ViktorThe necessity of search of new ways to improve the quality of gluten-free bread for people suffering from celiac disease is considered in the article. As one of the directions of this problem solution the use of surface-active substances has been suggested. The efficiency of the use of sunflower skimmed lecithin for production of rice bread with the use of enzymatic modification of flour starch has been proved. Its influence on the intensity of fermentation in the rice dough, the activity of fermentative microflora and the change of specific volume in the process of maturation has been investigated. The positive influence of emulsifier in the technology of rice bread on the indicators as ready-made products, in particular specific volume, porosity and elastic properties of the crumb have been studied out. It established that the addition of sunflower skimmed lecithin to vegetable oil in the process of production of rice bread using flour starch hydrolysis promotes the extension of its shelf life and freshness.