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Документ Modern level of human capital of the Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of technological spreads(2020) Dragan, Olena; Tertychna, Liubov; Rybak, NadiiaThe modern state of human capital of the Ukrainian enterprises cannot be simply estimated. Without regard to the improvement of some quality descriptions related to the educational level of population, there are some processes in a country, that destroyed it. As depopulation combines with the considerable worsening of population’s health and other its quality descriptions, there were some conditions in Ukraine for transformation of demographic crisis onto demographic catastrophe, that results in instability of community development, negatively influences on economy and social transformations, predetermining the physical, intellectual and spiritual decline of society, results in the lack of skilled human capital in all industries of economy. For the change of situation and progress of human capital trends purposeful efforts of the enterprises, society and state are needed on the basis of scientifically reasonable understanding of problems essence and facilities of their permission. The prospect of further researches in this direction is determination of prospects of human capital development of the enterprises in the conditions of employment patterns change, skills instability caused by technological changes. У статті зазначено, що сучасний стан людського капіталу підприємств України неможна однозначно оцінити. Незважаючи на поліпшення деяких якісних характеристик, пов’язаних з освітнім рівнем населення, в країні відбуваються процеси, що його руйнують. Оскільки депопуляція поєднується із значним погіршенням здоров’я населення та інших його якісних характеристик, в Україні склалися умови для перетворення демографічної кризи на демографічну катастрофу, що призводить до нестабільності суспільного розвитку, негативно впливає на економіку і соціальні перетворення, зумовлюючи фізичний, інтелектуальний і духовний занепад суспільства, призводить до нестачі кваліфікованого людського капіталу в усіх галузях економіки. Для зміни ситуації та тенденцій розвитку людського капіталу необхідні цілеспрямовані зусилля підприємств, суспільства і держави на основі науково обґрунтованого розуміння сутності проблем і засобів їхнього вирішення. Перспективою подальших досліджень у цьому напрямі є визначення перспектив розвитку людського капіталу підприємств в умовах зміни типів занятості, нестійкості навиків, викликаних технологічними змінами.Документ Strategic development of higher education in Ukraine(2018) Dragan, Olena; Tertychna, Liubov; Rybak, NadiiaRealization of active long-term reformation of higher education in Ukraine promoted of getting corresponding results and consequences, that was represented on its modern state. The analysis of these changes allows to investigate existent tendencies that were in development of higher education of Ukraine for the ground of its further prospects. Methodology of this research is totality of theoretical and scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, theoretical and logical generalization, prognostication. The existent position of Ukraine in the different rating that belong to the estimation of higher education of the country is analysed. On the basis of statistical and analytical materials of Government statistical service of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian institute of scientific and technical and economic information is investigated the tendencies that the modern state of higher education of Ukraine is characterized during the period of 2010-2016: the high level of higher education availability among the population, reduction of higher educational establishments, preparation of specialists in the fields of knowledge, preparation of foreign students of highereducational establishments in Ukraine in the cut of countries. Educed problems of higher education are: low level of state financing, nonappropriateness of the distribution system of government order to the queries of labour-market and country’s progress, increase of educational migration trends. Reasons of educational migration and negative factors that assisted on it are investigated. The prognosis of quantity of potential university entrants of higher educational establishments to 2034 to on the basis of index of birth-rate and actual value of middle amount of entrants to higher educational establishments during the period of 2007-2017, that testifies the positive prospects for the set of potential students.The necessity for further reformation of higher education with the aim of providing of high level of quality of education on the basis of OECD indicators in relation to education and introduction of norms, standards and basic principles of European higher education are described.