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  • Ескіз
    Antioxidant properties of water-alcohol infusions of teaherbal compositions based on yerba mate
    (2022) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Kuzmin, Oleg; Melnyk, Oksana; Khareba, Volodymyr; Frolova, Natalia ; Polyovyk, Volodymyr
    Для технології виробництва лікеро-горілчаних напоїв ресторанного господарства запропоновано використання водно-спиртових настоїв чайно-трав'яних композицій на основі йерба мате (Ilex paraguariensis), що мають підвищені антиоксидантні властивості та сенсорні показники.
  • Ескіз
    Influence of pumpkin cellulose on conformational transformations in dough and bread from wheat flour
    (2023) Shevchenko, Anastasiia; Litvynchuk (Vorontsova), Svitlana; Drobot, Vira; Shevchenko, Oleksandr
    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of pumpkin cellulose addition to wheat flour on conformational transformations in the structure of dough and bread. The granulometric composition, functional and technological properties, and amino acid composition of pumpkin cellulose were compared with those of premium grade wheat flour. The influence of pumpkin cellulose in combination with phospholipids on conformational transformations in the structure of dough and bread was studied by method of infrared spectroscopy in the range of near-infrared regions. It was found that 96% of the particles of wheat flour of the premium grade passed through a sieve with holes of 132 microns, the remaining 4% – through a sieve with holes of 260 microns. Pumpkin cellulose was much coarser, because all 100% of its particles remained on a sieve (hole size 670 microns). Moisture binding capacity of pumpkin cellulose was 3.6 times higher, and moisture retaining capacity was 2.8 times higher than of wheat flour due to the presence of a significant amount of fibers. The amino acid score of lysine (the limiting amino acid in wheat flour) was 0.44. The amino acid score of methionine (the limiting amino acid in pumpkin cellulose) was 3.16, and the amino acid score of lysine was much higher than in wheat flour 3.49. Partial replacement of wheat flour with pumpkin cellulose (5–15%) increased this indicator for lysine by 6.5–15.2%. It was found that infrared spectra of dough samples after kneading (control sample and sample with the partially flour replacement by pumpkin cellulose) practically overlapped throughout the range of wavelengths. During the fermentation process conformational changes of functional groups occurred intensively as well as changes in structural and mechanical properties. The dough ball of the control sample thinned faster. Shape-retaining ability improved with increasing replacement percentage of wheat flour with pumpkin cellulose. The partial replacement of wheat flour with pumpkin cellulose enhanced the biological value of bread and changed the structural and mechanical properties improving shape-retaining ability of dough but decreasing dimensional stability of bread.
  • Ескіз
    Technological functions of hydrolyzed whey concentrate in ice cream
    (2022) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Mykhalevych, Artur; Polishchuk, Galyna; Buniowska-Olejnik, Magdalena; Bass, Oksana; Bandura (Kuzmyk), Uliana
    Based on the calculation of the degree of sweetness of whey concentrates, taking into account the mass fraction of total solids, the degree of lactose hydrolysis and the known values of the relative sweetness of sugar, lactose, glucose and galactose, a concentrate with a solids content 40% was chosen for use in the ice cream formulation. According to the results of the study of the quality indicators of ice cream mixtures, it was found that the hydrolyzed concentrate of demineralized whey with a mass fraction of solids 40% could replace up to 42% of sugar in the omposition of ice cream, while maintaining the degree of sweetness determined for this type of ice cream in the range from 0.8 to 0.9. According to the viscosity-speed characteristics, the mixture of low-fat ice cream with a сoncentrate of hydrolyzed demineralized whey is classified as a system with a pronounced coagulation structure with the detection of thixotropic properties. Ice cream based on hydrolyzed whey concentrate contains 3.3% of whey proteins, which corresponds to the standard chemical composition of ice cream. The high content of lactose hydrolysis products in ice cream increases overrun, but reduces the resistance to melting of ice cream, which must be taken into account during the technological process and when choosing a consumer container. На основі розрахунку ступеня солодкості сироваткових концентратів з урахуванням масової частки загальних сухих речовин, ступеня гідролізу лактози та відомих значень відносної солодкості цукру, лактози, глюкози та галактози, для використання в рецептурі морозива було обрано концентрат з вмістом сухих речовин 40%. За результатами дослідження показників якості сумішей для морозива встановлено, що гідролізований концентрат демінералізованої сироватки молочної з масовою часткою сухої речовини 40 % здатний замінити до 42 % цукру у складі морозива, а збереження ступеня солодкості, визначеного для цього виду морозива в діапазон від 0,8 до 0,9. За в’язкісно-швидкісними характеристиками суміш нежирного морозива з концентратом гідролізованої демінералізованої сироватки класифікують як систему з вираженою коагуляційною структурою з виявленням тиксотропних властивостей. Морозиво на основі концентрату гідролізованої сироватки містить 3,3% сироваткових білків, що відповідає стандартному хімічному складу морозива. Високий вміст у морозиві продуктів гідролізу лактози збільшує перебіг, але знижує стійкість до танення морозива, що необхідно враховувати під час технологічного процесу та при виборі споживчої тари.
  • Ескіз
    Prospects of using secondary energy resources
    (2019) Sokolenko, Anatoly; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Vasylkivskyi, Kostyantyn; Stepanets, Oleg; Vinnichenko, Inna
    The paper deals with the peculiarities of thermodynamic analysis of technological systems of food production with generation of secondary steam. System analysis is based on information about production, equipment operation, modern scientific achievements and modeling methods in chemical, physical, mathematical and other sciences. The information about applied energy and thermodynamic criteria, criteria of optimization of systems, list of sequence of actions on improvement of systems is given. Secondary energy resources of food industries are often represented by thermal energy of liquid media or secondary steam. Regeneration of the secondary steam allows, during its subsequent condensation, to return the heat potential of the steam to the media. This means that in the systems where the increase in the thermodynamic parameters of steam due to its compression, there is the use of Carno's return cycle. Such use occurs both in closed and open cycles. The description of the physical processes accompanying the work of the thermocompressors is subject to mathematical modeling based on the laws of conservation of energy, mass conservation and conservation of impulses. The assessment of the suitability for using secondary energy resources is based on exergy methods in order to determine the directions for their further improvement. For identical pressures in the mixing chamber, the efficiency of the actual compressor is higher than the ratio of the ejection coefficients of the real and ideal compressors, since internal irreversible losses along with the reduction of the ejection rate result in the increase of the specific exergy of the compressed flow.
  • Ескіз
    Desaturation of cultural media in processes of anaerobic fermentation
    (2018) Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Sokolenko, Anatoly; Vasylkivskyi, Kostyantyn; Stepanets, Oleg
    The article deals with the analysis of transients in gas-liquid media with the self-synthesis of the gas phase. It is shown that the restriction of the mass transfer intensity in the culture media of the alcoholic and brewing industries is accompanied by the presence of transients in the state of saturation on СО2 . It is determined that the level of carbon dioxide accumulation increases due to physical and hydrostatic pressures and the latter one is determined by the geometrical parameters of fermentation vehicles, but the quantitative desaturation per unit volume of the medium does not depend on hydrostatic pressure. Quantitative desaturation of CO2 depends on the pressure differences in the ingenious volume. It is shown that the restoration of the sorption properties of the liquid phase is possible due to combinations of reduction and subsequent increase of physical pressure. The analytical dependences on determination of interconnections of physical parameters in digestible media are given.
  • Ескіз
    Reduction of acrylamide formation in molded potato chips of increased nutrition value
    (2022) Kovtun, Alina; Kovbasa, Vladimir; Bortnichuk, Oleg; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Duboriezov, Oleksandr
    Метою дослідження є визначення оптимальних температурних режимів випікання-висушування картопляного тіста для зменшення акриламіду в формованих картопляних чіпсах з підвищеною харчовою цінністю. Для підвищення харчової цінності формованих картопляних чіпсів розширено традиційну сировинну базу за рахунок застосування різних висівок зернових, жмиху, харчових волокон, порошків овочів, тощо. Рекомендовані оптимальні параметри оброблення картопляного тіста при температурі 125°С та тривалості 4,5 хв без застосування рослинних олій на відміну від традиційних способів виробництва формованих картопляних чіпсів. Визначено кількість аспарагінової кислоти - 190,5 мг/1г білка і редукувальних цукрів - 0,6 % в картопляній крупці. У висівках жита та ячменю кількість аспарагінової кислоти 77,5 та 72,6 мг/1г білка, у жмиху гарбузового насіння - 80,5 мг/1г білка, у кріопорошках броколі та червоного буряка - 72,5 та72,9 мг/1г білка. Масова частка редукувальних цукрів у висівках жита та ячменю складає 0,74 та 0,8 %, у жмиху гарбузового насіння - 0,5 %, у кріопорошках броколі та червоного буряка - 0,3 та0,5 %. Отримані продукти, в яких не виявлено акриламіду за рахунок зміни класичної технології і параметрів виробництва формованих картопляних чіпсів. Досліджено, що при застосуванні класичної технології формованих картопляних чіпсів кількість акриламіду у готових виробах - 61 мкг/кг в 100 г продукту. В формованих картопляних чіпсах без додавання висівок, жмиху та кріопорошків, які випікалися-висушувалися, кількість акриламіду 9,35 мк/кг в 100 г продукту. The aim of the study is to determine the optimal temperature regimes for baking and drying potato dough to reduce formation of acrylamide in molded potato chips of increased nutritional value. In order to increase the nutritional value of molded potato chips, the traditional raw material base has been expanded using various cereal bran, meal, dietary fibers, and vegetable powders. The recommended parameters for processing potato dough are: temperature of 125°C and a duration of 4.5 minutes without vegetable oil addition, in contrast to the traditional methods of molded potato chips production. The amount of aspartic acid in potato grain is 190.5 mg/g of protein and reducing sugars – 0.6%. The amount of aspartic acid in rye and barley bran is 77.5 and 72.6 mg/g of protein, respectively, in pumpkin seed meal – 80.5 mg/g of protein, in cryopowders of broccoli and red beet – 72.5 and 72.9 mg/g of protein. The content of reducing sugars in rye and barley bran is 0.74% and 0.8%, respectively, in pumpkin seed meal – 0.5%, in cryopowders of broccoli and red beet – 0.3% and 0.5%, respectively. After addition of non-traditional materials to the recipe, products were obtained in which no acrylamide was detected due to changes in the classical technology and parameters of molded potato chips production. It was investigated that when applying the classical technology of molded potato chips, the amount of acrylamide in the finished products is 61 μg in 100 g of the product. In molded potato chips without the addition of bran, meal and cryopowders, which were baked and dried, the amount of acrylamide is 9.35 μg in 100 g of the product.
  • Ескіз
    Intensification of the inverted sugar syrup production using the rotor-pulsation processing
    (2021) Obodovych, Oleksandr; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Mironchuk, Valeriy; Lymar, Valerii; Sydorenko, Vitalii; Yakobchuk, Roman
    The aim of the work is to intensify the process of inverted sugar syrup production using the treatment of water-sugar solution in a rotor-pulsation apparatus. Materials and methods. The aqueous solutions of chemically pure sucrose were used. The studies were conducted using a rotor-pulsation apparatus in the range of flow shear rates from 20×103 s-1 to 50×103 s-1. Determination of carbohydrate content was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results and discussion. The increase in temperature, processing time, and decrease in pH value at a constant flow shear rate led to an increase of the amount of inverted sugar formed. Complete inversion of sucrose occured at a treatment of sugar solution at temperature of 80 °C, pH 3.0, and a flow shear rate of 20×103 s-1 for 30 minutes. At a flow rate of 50×103 s-1 almost all sucrose was hydrolyzed at pH 3.5, and the duration of the process was just 5 minutes under conditions of five-time processing in the rotor-pulsation apparatus in the circulating mode. In the syrup prepared by the proposed technology at a temperature of 70 °C and the duration of treatment 5 minutes, all sucrose in the solution was inverted, and no traces of hydroxymethylfurfural were detected. It is assumed that critical stresses occur at the site of the sucrose chain, and the chemical covalent bonds are broken. The break of these bonds during the process of mechano-chemical destruction occurs on the weakest in terms of energy bonds. As a result of mechano-chemical influence on the section of the sucrose chain (C – O – C), there are critical stresses and the connection is broken. This leads to the formation of free radicals. One radical attaches to the OH- ion and another to the H+ ion forming glucose and fructose. Conclusions. The use of treatment of water-sugar solution in a rotor-pulsation apparatus by the proposed technology allows to intensify process of sugar inversion, namely, reduces the duration of the inversion from 120 to 5 minutes, and ensures almost complete inversion of sucrose excluding the formation of hydroxymethylfurfural.
  • Ескіз
    Application of potato pulp in technology of snacks
    (2022) Rubanka, Kateryna; Shevchenko, Oleksandr
    The article presents the results of technology of the production of potato snacks based on pulp and green buckwheat flour. The influence of green buckwheat flour dispersion on structural and mechanical properties of dough and finished products was analyzed. It was found that to ensure the highest elasticity and softness of the dough, it is advisable to use flour with size of particles – 850 microns due to the large amount of fiber in the pulp and the passage of deeper colloidal processes due to free molecules of protein and starch in green buckwheat flour. The successful combination of raw materials and the choice of technology for the production of potato snacks allowed to develop a product which has an energy value of only 522.5 kcal per 100 g, and its glycemic index is 15.62 units. В статті представлена технологія виробництва картопляних снеків на основі мезги та борошна з зеленої гречки. Проаналізовано вплив дисперсності борошна з зеленої гречки на структурно-механічні властивості тіста та готової продукції. Встановлено, що для забезпечення найвищої пружності та м’якості тіста, доцільно використовувати борошно з крупністю 850 мкм, що пояснюється великою кількістю клітковини у меззі та проходженню більш глибоких колоїдних процесів за рахунок вільних молекул білку та крохмалю у борошні зеленої гречки. Проте, врахавуючи вплив дисперстності борошна на міцність готових снеків, доцільно застосовувати борошно розміром частинок 670 мкм, Вдале поєднання сировини та вибір технології виробництва картопляних снеків дозволило розробити продукт, який має енергетичну цінність лише 522,5 ккал з розрахунку на 100 г готового продукту, а його глікемічний індекс – 15,62 од.
  • Ескіз
    Properties of Amorphous Silica Synthesized from Copper-Smelting Slags
    (2021) Kurbanov, M. Sh.; Tulaganov, S. A.; Ernazarov, M.; Andriyko, L. S.; Marynin, Andriy; Shevchenko, Oleksandr
    Highly dispersed powders of amorphous silica (silicon dioxide) with a purity of 99.98 % using ammonium fluoride were synthesized from the man-made waste of copper-smelting production. The amorphous state of the obtained silica samples was confirmed by XRD analysis. It was found that the particle size distribution of SiO2 in an aqueous medium is mainly represented by aggregates (100-220 nm) and agglomerates of aggregates (1300 and 5500 nm). It is shown that an increase in the time of ultrasonic treatment does not significantly affect the bi- or trimodal character of the particle size distribution. The effective diameter Def of agglomerates of silica particles decreases by 3 times during the first 10 min of ultrasonic treatment. With a subsequent increase in the processing time, Def does not change significantly, but fluctuates around some specific value. IR spectra of silica samples have characteristic bands related to bending vibrations of Si–O–Si at 468 cm – 1 (intense) and O–Si–O at 800 cm – 1 (average intensity), as well as bands related to stretching vibrations of Si–O–Si in the range 1000-1200 cm – 1, which are responsible for the reactivity. It was found that the process of thermal desorption from the surface of the SiO2 sample proceeds in several stages, with the most intense release of the following main volatile products: O (m/z 16), OH (m/z 17), H2O (m/z 18), and CO (m/z 28). The textural characteristics of the synthesized powders were determined by the method of low-temperature nitrogen adsorption. It is shown that the shape of the adsorption isotherm and the hysteresis loop corresponds to the texture porosity of aggregates of non-porous nanomaterials. The adsorption isotherm is well linearized, which made it possible to calculate the specific surface area according to BET (64 m2/g) and Langmuir (93 m2/g), the total pore volume, micropores, and the total area of micropores.
  • Ескіз
    Dynamics of springy systems of packaging lines for food products
    (2021) Sokolenko, Anatoly; Shevchenko, Oleksandr; Stepanets, Oleg; But, Serhiy; Shevchenko, Anastasiia
    The purpose of the study was to develop mathematical models and proposals for improving the technology and equipment for the supply of roll packaging materials. The analysis of features of systems for transportation of packing materials, dynamics of transient processes, research methods concerning movements of rolled materials, features of loadings in systems of cyclic action with springy elements are resulted in the article. It is shown that the modern theoretical basis of synthesis of technological machines on the basis of use of film rolled materials combines possibilities of the account of technological requirements, indicators of high productivity, neighborhood conditions, restriction of power parameters. Mathematical formalizations concerning the ratios of force factors in systems of transportation of loads of cyclic action at the levels of external force actions, generated friction forces, geometrical, kinematic and dynamic parameters were obtained. Mathematical models concerning runaway modes and estimation of stiffness of springy bonds, on the basis of film materials, methods of estimation of system parameters were offered. Synchronized combination of operations, the use of optimal laws of movement of working bodies, limitation of dynamic loads was carried to the positive directions of creating efficient technological machines and lines. It is proposed to determine the ratio of the run-out time of rolls of variable mass by the ratio of the squares of the initial and final radii. The solution of the problem of kinetic energy recovery in systems of periodic action is simultaneously connected with the restriction of the non-uniformity of the drive of machines.