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Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 14
  • Ескіз
    Study of the effect of electromagnetic field and radiation on the intensification of brewing processes
    (2021) Sidor, Vasyl; Usatyuk, Svitlana; Tyshchenko (Usatiuk), Olena; Baranovska, Iryna
    The object of research is the enzymatic preparations Termamil and San-Super, malt and yeast. One of the most problematic places is that the action of the magnetic field and radiation can both stimulate the amylase activity of barley malt and cause its deactivation. During the study, a certain number of electrophysical factors were used, namely: laser radiation, which was carried out using a helium-neon laser, ultraviolet radiation – using a nitrogen gas laser, X-rays, a constant uniform magnetic field, ultrasound. Results have been obtained that confirm the positive effect of the magnetic field on the activation of the amyloletic activity of concentrated preparations. A study was also conducted in accordance with the effect of electromagnetic waves on the activation of enzymes in barley and wheat malt, which showed a positive effect. This is ensured by the fact that in the course of the study, thanks to experiments, the best duration of irradiation with electromagnetic waves and different types of radiation for enzyme preparations, malt and yeast was found. These methods have a number of features. This is the availability of the appropriate equipment and knowledge of the individual types of rays, magnetic fields and electromagnetic waves, and their potential effects on enzymes, as well as control of the exposure time and magnetic field load. Due to the action of electromagnetic waves and radiation, for a certain amount of time, it is possible to obtain an increased activity of enzymatic preparations. Compared to the fermentative preparations Termamil and San- Super, malt and yeast, which are not susceptible to the load of magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves and various types of radiation, the fermentative preparations Termamil and San-Super, malt and yeast, which were susceptible to the action of electromagnetic waves, as well as radiation show increased activity of action. At the same time, these preparations reduce the amount of costs and increase the yield of finished products, which will serve as a positive aspect for the economic sphere of the enterprise. Об’єктом дослідження є ферментні препарати Термаміл та Сан-Супер, солод та дріжджі. Один з найбільш Проблемними місцями є те, що як дія магнітного поля, так і радіація можуть стимулювати активність амілази ячмінного солоду та викликають його дезактивацію. Під час дослідження було використано певну кількість електрофізичних факторів, а саме: лазерне випромінювання, яке було здійснюється за допомогою гелій-неонового лазера, ультрафіолетового випромінювання – за допомогою азотного лазера, рентгенівського випромінювання, постійного рівномірного магнітне поле, ультразвук. Отримано результати, які підтверджують позитивний вплив магнітного поля на активацію амілолетична активність концентрованих препаратів. Також було проведено дослідження щодо ефекту електромагнітних хвиль на активацію ферментів ячмінного та пшеничного солоду, що показало позитивний ефект. Це забезпечується тим, що в ході дослідження, завдяки експериментам, найкраща тривалість опромінення з електромагнітними хвилями та різними видами випромінювання для ферментних препаратів, солоду та дріжджів. Ці способи мають ряд особливостей. Це наявність відповідного обладнання та знання окремі типи променів, магнітних полів і електромагнітних хвиль, а також їх потенційний вплив на ферменти, а також контроль часу експозиції та навантаження магнітного поля. Завдяки дії електромагнітних хвиль і випромінювання протягом певного часу можна отримати підвищена активність ферментативних препаратів. Порівняно з ферментними препаратами Термаміл і Сан- Супер, солод і дріжджі, які не сприйнятливі до навантаження магнітних полів, електромагнітних хвиль і різного роду види радіації, ферментаційні препарати Термаміл і Сан-Супер, солод і дріжджі, які були чутливі до дії електромагнітних хвиль, а також випромінювання виявляють підвищену активність дії. В той самий час, ці препарати зменшують суму витрат і збільшують вихід готової продукції, яка буде служити позитивний аспект для економічної сфери підприємства.
  • Ескіз
    Use emulsions in production restaurants and food industry
    (2016) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    The application of hydrocolloids, which are stabilizers, emulsifiers, gum arabic and starch technology aromatic emulsions. The regularities of their transfer to the active emulsify and stabilize the emulsion state laws and the formation and stabilization of emulsions to ensure their stability during storage. Grounded rational prescription content main components and technological parameters of the production of emulsions based on this material. The technology and range of aromatic emulsions and drinks with their use. The complex of consumable and technological properties, reasonably Terms and conditions. Developed and approved regulatory and technological documentation, introduction of new technologies implemented in institutions restaurant industry The economic effect of the introduction.
  • Ескіз
    Mathematical modeling of preparing "oil / water" emulsions
    (2016) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    Past studies on the effect of the number of emulsifiers in emulsion characteristics obtained showed that changing the fate of particle distribution depending on the particle size emulsion close to Gaussian distribution.Constructed one factor models the size distribution of particles of starch and gum arabic stabilizer in emulsions.
  • Ескіз
    Aromatic emulsion beverage catering and industrial production
    (2015) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    This article describes the use of emulsions for the production of beverages for for the restaurant business and industry. This paper describes the physico-chemical principles underlying the functional role of hydrocolloids in oil-in-water emulsions.The procedure of emulsion preparation with hydrocolloids which are stabilizer-emulsifiers, namely gum-arabic and starch, was updated by introducing new technological parameters. The food emulsion samples were investigated by their stability in beverages during their term storage. The optimum ratio between aqueous stabilizer and oil phase is characterized by maximum number of emulsion particles with the size under 1 micron.
  • Ескіз
    Hydrocolloids effect on the quality of oil-water emulsion for foodstuffs and beverages
    (2016) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    The procedure of emulsion preparation with hydrocolloids which are stabilizer-emulsifiers, namely gum-arabic and starch, was updated by introducing new technological parameters, such as oil : aqueous phase ratio, sequence and parameters of ingredients introduction, parameters of pre-emulsion preparation and homogenization. The food emulsion samples were investigated using different amounts of gum-arabic and starch at constant amount of oil phase and samples with variable amount of oil phase and constant amount of a stabilizer. The optimum ratio between aqueous stabilizer and oil phase is characterized by maximum number of emulsion particles with the size under 1 micron.
  • Ескіз
    Mathematical modeling of preparation of emulsions such as "oil / water"
    (2016) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    Past studies on the effect of the number of emulsifiers in emulsion characteristics obtained showed that changing the fate of particle distribution depending on the particle size emulsion close to Gaussian distribution.Constructed one factor models the size distribution of particles of starch and gum arabic stabilizer in emulsions.
  • Ескіз
    Stability studies of inulin and olihofruktozy drinks
    (2013) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl; Okopna, Yana
    Inulin and oligofructose are high quality ingredients for the production of dietetic foods. Inulin and oligofructose can be used as a pure dietary ingredients to create functional foods with different stated properties, and as ingredients that improve the taste and texture and allows replacement of sugar and fat. The best results are obtained with a combination of dietary and technological concepts, which enables the development of high quality innovative food products.
  • Ескіз
    Influence of starch and oil phaseratio on the quality of emulsions
    (2014) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    The paper providesbasic information on improvements in the production of emulsions. We consider the theory of a stable emulsion system, namely the particular use of raw materials and their properties in order to analyze the conditions required by the process of homogenization. Therefore, due to the great numberof existing theories, our aim is to determine the most efficient one to be used in the production of emulsions. Great attention is beingpaid as well to the use of stabilizerreceipt of test data required by the calculation formulas of finished products and technological design process of emulsions. To assign these methods of using stabilizer such asmodified starch, different yield results were obtained regarding the storage stability of emulsions.
  • Ескіз
    Influence of hydrocolloids in oil-in-water emulsions during storage of food
    (2015) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    This paper describes the physico-chemical principles underlying the functional role of hydrocolloids in oil-in-water emulsions. Basic terms such as emulsifier and stabilizer are defined, and the origins of electrostatic and steric interaction potentials are explained. The paper discusses the main factors controlling flocculation, creaming, coalescence and Ostwald ripening, distinguishing between the differing effects of adsorbing and non adsorbing hydrocolloids. The attention is specifically paid to new understanding concerning the rheological and microstructural control of emulsion stability by non-adsorbing hydrocolloids, and the great potential of electrostatic protein-polysaccharide interactions at the oil-water interface to enhance emulsion properties.
  • Ескіз
    Influence ratio of water and oil phases of emulsions with starch on viscosity, density, particle size and muddy turbidity of system
    (2014) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, Vasyl
    For the study were prepared 5 samples of food emulsions with varying amounts of oil phase and a constant amount of stabilizer (starch) and 5 samples of food emulsions using different amounts of starch at a constant amount of oil phase.