Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
3 результатів
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Документ Development of formulation multicomponent protein-fat emulsion(2016) Kotlyar, Eugene; Honcharenko, Taisa; Topchiy, OksanaThe article is based on research of the protein components of different nature analysis. The possibility of their use as components of protein and fat emulsions for the purpose of modeling their optimal formulations for use in the composition of meat pates was proved. Rational individuals’ emulsification process parameters, which guarantee high-quality homogeneous emulsions, were found. The samples of protein and fat emulsions using protein drugs and partial replacement of animal fats fortified blend of vegetable oils, determined by their biological value, rheological, functional and technological properties were investigated. Organoleptic analysis model of meat pates masses were analyzed and recommended percentage of protein and fat emulsions on recipes meat pates are shown. У статті досліджено білкові компоненти різної природи та доведено можливість їхнього викорис- тання у якості складових білково-жирових емульсій для використання у складі м’ясних паштетів. Визначено раціона- льні фізичні параметри процесу емульгування, які гарантують отримання високоякісних однорідних емульсій. Дослі- джено зразки білково-жирових емульсій з використанням білкових препаратів та частковою заміною тваринних жирів вітамінізованими купажами рослинних олій, визначено їхню біологічна цінність, реологічні, функціонально- технологічні властивості. Проаналізовано органолептичні показники модельних паштетних мас та наведено висновки щодо рекомендованого відсоткового вмісту білково-жирових емульсій у рецептурах м’ясних паштетів.Документ Development of protein-fat emulsions based on vitaminized blended vegetable oils(2018) Kotlyar, Eugene; Topchiy, Oksana; Kyshenia, Andrii; Polumbryk, Maksim; Garbazhiy, Kateryna; Lanzhenko, Liubov; Honcharenko, TaisaThe article analyzes protein components of different nature, based on studies. It proves a possibility of their use as components of protein-fat emulsions for modeling rational recipes. It determines the rational physical parameters of the emulsification process that guarantee high-quality homogenous emulsions. It investigates the samples of protein-fat emulsions with using fatty components and partial replacing animal fats for vitaminized blending of vegetable oils.According to the results of the studies of the influence of the recipe components on the quality of protein-fat emulsions and also practical recommendations for protein preparations, there were developed the recipes of multi-component protein-fat emulsions, including vitaminized blended vegetable oils and protein components: “Belkoton А91», «Forward 450», «Supro 500Е». Based on the received experimental data, there were determined the rational parameters of emulsification, namely, speed of the process − 3000 turns/min and total duration of the process – 6…10 min and also there was established, that it is expedient to enrich the content of meat pastes with protein-fat emulsions in amount 15…20 %. Thus, the development of recipes of protein-fat emulsions (PFE) is an urgent problem for creating balanced meat products. It will allow to replace fat of the animal origin for vitaminized blended vegetable oils (VBVO) in them, in such a way enriching them with fatty acids and vitamins.Документ Evelopment of formulation multicomponent protein-fat emulsion(2016) Kotlyar, Eugene; Honcharenko, Taisa; Topchiy, OksanaThe article is based on research of the protein components of different nature analysis. The possibility of their use as components of protein and fat emulsions for the purpose of modeling their optimal formulations for use in the composition of meat pates was proved. Rational individuals’ emulsification process parameters, which guarantee high-quality homogeneous emulsions, were found. The samples of protein and fat emulsions using protein drugs and partial replacement of animal fats fortified blend of vegetable oils, determined by their biological value, rheological, functional and technological properties were investigated. Organoleptic analysis model of meat pates masses were analyzed and recommended percentage of protein and fat emulsions on recipes meat pates are shown.