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Документ Дослідження технології виробництва електроенергії з використанням газифікації підготовленої біомаси(2024) П'яних, Костянтин Костянтинович; Серьогін, Олександр Олександрович; Осьмак, Олексій Олексійович; Кіпко, С. О.Стрімке зростання частини децентралізованої генерації електроенергії, пов’язаної з використанням для її виробництва відновлюваних джерел енергії, є одним з основних напрямків сучасного розвитку енергогенеруючих систем. У статті узагальнено описано стан та напрямок розвитку світової та української енергетики. Коротко описано розвиток електрогенеруючого обладнання на базі газогенерації. Наведено результати дослідження технології виробництва електроенергії з використанням газифікації підготовленої біомаси. Наведено технологічні схеми підготовки генераторного газу на вимоги виробників до якості газоподібного палива у разі використання його як моторного палива в сучасних двигунах. Наведено методи визначення вмісту забруднюючих компонентів у газі, дані про склад конденсату, відібраного з генераторного газу. Наведена схема очищення газу призначена для використання твердих залишків процесу газифікації для очищення газу з готового біопалива. Наведено результати аналізу сорбційних властивостей коксозольного залишку та результати очищення газу з використанням його як фільтра. Наведено результати роботи комплексу з виробництва електроенергії методом газифікації. Показано, що екологічні показники установки по викидах CO та NOx в атмосферу відповідають вимогам Євро-5Документ Automated power supply control system for a food industry enterprise using a photovoltaic plant and energy storage(2022) Baliuta, Serhii; Zinkevych, PetroIntroduction. Studies were carried out on the power supply control process of a food industry enterprise using a photoelectric plant and electric energy storage to ensure the efficiency of transmission and use of electrical energy. Materials and methods. The studies were carried out using the methods of modern theory of automatic control and system analysis of control processes. Results and discussion. The main stages of the power supply control process using a photovoltaic plant and an energy storage system are defined: basic control functions – registration of electric energy consumption, forecasting of electric energy generation using a photovoltaic plant, forecasting of electric energy consumption, determination of parameters of the electric energy storage system, analysis power supply system modes; conditions for providing control functions – information on solar radiation; data on electric energy generation using photovoltaic plant, data on electric energy consumption, limitations and tariffs for electric energy, requirements for the accuracy of forecasting electricity consumption and generation of electric energy using photovoltaic plant, data on energy storage system (current charge, maximum and minimum permissible charges), decision-making on optimization of power supply; organizational and technical mechanisms for the implementation of management functions – information and computing complex, energy dispatcher, chief energy engineer; the database of the electrical supply control system, which is used to prepare decisions; basic information flows that ensure the management of electricity supply – forecast values of meteorological data, current data on electric energy consumption, management actions on the regulation of photovoltaic plant and energy storage system, current data on power supply mode parameters; current data on power supply configuration; control actions on optimization of power supply regimes, management actions on the management of electricity quality indicators; control actions for changing the configuration of the power supply. The functional scheme of power supply control using photovoltaic plant and energy storage system is presented and the requirements for individual units are formulated. The synthesis of the food industry enterprise power supply control system is carried out using the method of ensuring compatibility through sequential integration. In order to ensure energy-efficient power supply of food industry enterprise and optimal use of photovoltaic plant and energy storage system, optimization of modes is carried out using dynamic programming methods. Conclusion. The development of control systems for power supply of food industry enterprise using photovoltaic plant and energy storage system based on system analysis and compatibility with the use of mode optimization using dynamic programming methods ensures high efficiency of power supply and rational modes of use of photovoltaic plant and energy storage system.Документ Fuzzy logic energy management system of food manufacturing processes(2020) Baliuta, Serhii; Kopylova, Liudmyla; Kuievda, Yulia; Kuyevda, Valery; Kovalchuk, OlenaIntroduction. The research is conducted to justify the method of increasing the efficiency of electrical power use in food production processes, which is based on the algorithms of fuzzy power management system. Materials and methods. The study is based on optimal and fuzzy control methods, such as Mamdani and Sugeno algorithms. Computer simulation was performed using MATLAB Simulink. Results and discussion. The control criterion of power supply of food production is formulated in the form of a functional minimization problem, which depends on the expected value of active and reactive power losses, active and reactive power losses at the level of secondary substations and individual load nodes. Maintaining energy efficient voltages in the power supply system nodes is chosen as a control task. It is determined the dependence of energy efficient voltages on the nominal voltage of the power system, the active resistance of its segments, the power and the coefficient of linearized static load characteristics at the network nodes, the equivalent active resistance, the nominal power, open circuit and short circuit losses of secondary substation transformers. To solve the control problem, an algorithm is synthesized using fuzzy controllers at the levels of the primary and secondary substations. In particular, it is determined that the input signals of the secondary substation fuzzy regulator should be the deviation from the energy efficient voltages and the rate of voltage change, and the output signals should be the transformer voltage and the actuation delay. Using numerical methods it is shown that this algorithm can reduce electricity losses in food production processes up to 7% compared to classical voltage regulation methods. Conclusions. The fuzzy system method under study ensures that energy-efficient voltage levels are maintained at the distribution network nodes when the voltage of the power source or the consumer loads are changed.