
Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522


Результати пошуку

Зараз показуємо 1 - 10 з 17
  • Ескіз
    Запобігання та контроль виробничих ризиків
    (2017) Сліпачук, Олександр Анатолійович; Романенко, Наталія Володимирівна; Андрущенко, Олена Леонидівна
    Проведено аналіз основних шкідливих та небезпечних виробничих факторів. Визначено заходи щодо попередження травматизму та захворювання працівників на виробництві. Розглянуто засоби захисту рук, ніг, голови, органів зору та слух працівників та особливості їх використання під час виконання різних видів робіт. Запропоновано сучасні принципи управління охороною праці, що базуються на ризик-орієнтованому підході.
  • Ескіз
    Definition of functioning indicators of the safety management system in emergency situatio
    (2017) Volodchenkova, Natalia; Hivrich, Olexandr; Labzhynska, Мargaryta
    The sources, that carrier of various hazards are natural processes and phenomena, technogenic environment, and human activities (human factor). When hazards identifying that were in finding type of danger and establishing its characteristics, usually based on the principle "everything was effects on everything", that danger may be all living and a lifeless, but also can be subject to risk all the living and the lifeless. The process of identification is needed to develop the measures for the organization and the effective elimination of the consequences, especially for the prevention of the accidents in the industry enterprises. The aim of the work: to develop a method of the safety management of industrial enterprise (object) in emergency situations to prevent accidents both at work and for people was living close to industrial objects. Have been determined the quantitative evaluation indicators of the safety management system of industrial enterprise (object) emergency and criteria of regarding the level of functioning efficiency of the system.
  • Ескіз
    Development of the occupational safety in the food industry with regard for the risk-based approach
    (2016) Evtushenko, Olga; Siryk, Alina; Porodko, Petro
    The prediction of occupational risks and making the conditions for the prevention of injuries based on it is one of the promising scientific directions of the workplace safety development in industry, as it is directly connected with the manufacturing process.
  • Ескіз
    Experimental study of dependencies duration of management of health & safety from resource ensuring
    (2016) Volodchenkova, Natalia; Hivrich, Olexandr; Levchenko, Oleg
    The paper presents a model of calculation of responsiveness to emergencies and efficiency in decision-making in such cases. These are the main indicators of the effectiveness of the targets for dealing with emergencies and their consequences. The main indicator of effectiveness for tasks solving in case of elimination of emergencies or it’s consequences depends on responsivness and time taken for decision making process. The subject of the research is the decision making process during control in emergency situations.
  • Ескіз
    Evaluation of the working items of hotel-restaurant complex stability structures
    (2016) Volodchenkova, Natalia; Hivrich, Olexandr; Labzhynska, Мargaryta
    This paper the research To assess the stability of structures manufacturing objects of the hotel and restaurant complex to the effects of negative factors. Estimation there was making explore using a method that establishes the procedure for calculating the value of the overpressure, which may be created during the combustion of gas-steam-air mixtures in production buildings of above mentioned institutions. The proposed method of calculation of the overpressure size, which can be created by the burning of gas-vapor-air mixture in the buildings of institutions of hotel-restaurant complex allows determine in advance the consequences of possible adverse or unusual situations and take timely structural and technical measures for preventing or minimizing it.
  • Ескіз
    Економічна безпека підприємства харчової промисловості в сучасних умовах
    (2016) Жужукіна, Наталія Іванівна
    У статті з ясовано сутність поняття «економічна безпека підприємства»,систематизовано об'єкти економічної безпеки відповідно до складових елементів функціонування підприємства. Розглянуто існуючі підходи до аналізу економічної безпеки та запропоновано використання методик стратегічного аналізу як базового для безпекової діагностики
  • Ескіз
    Оценка состояния планирования мероприятий по предотвращению несщастных случаев на предприятиях пищевой промышленности
    (2016) Евтушенко, Ольга Владимировна; Сирик, Алина Олеговна; Породько, Петр Викторович; Белошапка, Алена Владимировна
    В статье проанализированы некоторые аспекты организационной структуры обеспечения охраны труда. Для решения задачи оптимального плана мероприятий по охране труда производственного персонала предприятий пищевой промышленности необходимо учитывать специфику конкретной пищевой отрасли, которая представляет собой совокупность предприятий, обладающих общностью производимой продукции и технологий. Some aspects of organizational structure of providing of labour protection are analysed in the article. For the decision of task of optimal plan of measures on a labour of manufacturing staff of enterprises of food industry protection it is necessary to take into account the specific of concrete food industry, that is totality of enterprises possessing community of producible products and technologies.
  • Ескіз
    Mathematical model of decision-making with account the risk of injuries
    (2015) Evtushenko, Olga; Siryk, Alina; Porodko, Petro
    In order to improve the mathematical models of decision making in company's safety management system was found that in the development of methodical maintenance decision support systems it is necessary to create a process of adaptation of decision-making tools.
  • Ескіз
    Increase in the Level of occupationl safety in the food industry with regard tof the risk-oriented approach
    (2016) Evtushenko, Olga; Siryk, Alina; Porodko, Petro
    The investigation was performed on the basis of the following methods: the methods of statistical analysis of accidents that occurred in the food industry within the last decade for the determination of tendencies of traumatism; the method of regression analysis for the evaluation of cause-and-effect relations characteristic of injury processes.
  • Ескіз
    Improvement the system of safety management in the food industry enterprises
    (2015) Evtushenko, Olga; Siryk, Alina
    The methods of labor protection management, based on a combination of statistical analysis, expert estimation with ranking factors and combined forecasting the risks of occupational injuries with the implementation of algorithm formation of proposals about improving working conditions in the food industry enterprises, were improved. The results, which can be used in improving the management solutions' projects about providing safe working conditions of employees in the food industry enterprises as well as in the other industries of Ukraine, were received.