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11 результатів
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Документ Mathematical modeling of preparing "oil / water" emulsions(2016) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, VasylPast studies on the effect of the number of emulsifiers in emulsion characteristics obtained showed that changing the fate of particle distribution depending on the particle size emulsion close to Gaussian distribution.Constructed one factor models the size distribution of particles of starch and gum arabic stabilizer in emulsions.Документ Mathematical modeling of preparation of emulsions such as "oil / water"(2016) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, VasylPast studies on the effect of the number of emulsifiers in emulsion characteristics obtained showed that changing the fate of particle distribution depending on the particle size emulsion close to Gaussian distribution.Constructed one factor models the size distribution of particles of starch and gum arabic stabilizer in emulsions.Документ Influence of starch and oil phaseratio on the quality of emulsions(2014) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, VasylThe paper providesbasic information on improvements in the production of emulsions. We consider the theory of a stable emulsion system, namely the particular use of raw materials and their properties in order to analyze the conditions required by the process of homogenization. Therefore, due to the great numberof existing theories, our aim is to determine the most efficient one to be used in the production of emulsions. Great attention is beingpaid as well to the use of stabilizerreceipt of test data required by the calculation formulas of finished products and technological design process of emulsions. To assign these methods of using stabilizer such asmodified starch, different yield results were obtained regarding the storage stability of emulsions.Документ Influence of gum arabic and starch as hydrocolloids on the quality of emulsion type oil-water in food(2014) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, VasylThe paper systematically describes the basic theoretical information about the improvements in the production of emulsions. We consider the theory of a stable emulsion system, namely the particular use of raw materials and their properties analyzed the conditions necessary for the process of homogenization. And based on this, a large number of existing theories determined the most effective, which is used for the production of emulsions. Much attention is paid to the use of different stabilizers receipt of test data required for the calculation formulas finished products, and technological design process of emulsions. To assign these methods are used two stabilizers: gum arabic and modified starch, which when used for stability during storage of emulsions yield different results. Of great importance for the stability of these products is the size of the particles. The diameter of the emulsion depends on a process of manufacturing technology. More detail the process of homogenization of emulsions. For the features of this process are a few examples that will visually see the results emulsion stability during storage. Based on the processed foreign sources give modern technology and types of equipment for the homogenization process, with reference to the drawings, which will assimilate the information produced. We consider the design features of these devices, their advantages and disadvantages.Документ Influence ratio of water and oil phases of emulsions on viscosity, particle size and muddy turbidity of products(2014) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, VasylThe paper systematically describes the basic theoretical information about the improvements in the production of emulsions. We consider the theory of a stable emulsion system, namely the particular use of raw materials and their properties analyzed the conditions necessary for the process of homogenization. And based on this, a large number of existing theories determined the most effective, which is used for the production of emulsions.Much attention is paid to the use of different stabilizers receipt of test data required for the calculation formulas finished products, and technological design process of emulsions. To assign these methods using two stabilizers: resin acacia and modified starch, which when used for stability during storage of emulsions yield different results. Of great importance for the stability of these products is the size of the particles. The diameter of the emulsion depends on a process of manufacturing technology.More detail the process of homogenization of emulsions. For the features of this process are a few examples that will visually see the results emulsion stability during storage.Based on the processed foreign sources give modern technology and types of equipment for the homogenization process, with reference to the drawings, which will assimilate the information produced. We consider the design features of these devices, their advantages and disadvantages.Документ Застосування гуміарабіку для створення емульсій типу масловода у харчових продуктах(2014) Луговська, Оксана Андріївна; Сидор, Василь Михайлович; Нікітчіна, Тетяна ІванівнаВизначений вплив фізико-хімічних властивостей гуміарабіку в процесі його використання у харчових продуктах.Досліджувались зразки харчових емульсій з використанням різної кількості гуміарабіку, як стабілізатору (при сталій масляній фазі) та зразки емульсій з змінною масляною фазою і постійною кількістю стабілізатору. Оптимальний варіант співвідношення водного стабілізатору та масляної фази емульсії характеризується отриманням максимальної кількості часток емульсії розміром до 1 мікрона.Документ Утворення та гідродинаміка дисперсної фази в масообмінному ступені колонного роторного апарата(2011) Твердохліб, О. О.; Штефан, Євгеній Васильович; Серьогін, Олександр ОлександровичОписані галузі використання і принцип дії роторного масообміну апарату колоного типу. Представлена математична модель руху крапель у просторі масообміну роторного апарату з диспергуючими пристроями у вигляді перфорованих циліндрів. Використовуючі математичну модель, виявлені закономірності впливу закрученого газового потоку на траекторію політу краплі в просторі ступені масообміну. We describe the use and principle of rotor mass transfer device type colonies. A mathematical model of the motion of drops in the space of rotor mass transfer apparatus of dispersing devices in the form of perforated cylinders. Using a mathematical model revealed regularities of swirling gas stream trajectory in flight drops in the space stage of mass transfer.Документ Influence particle size of emulsions on quality and stability of beverages(2013) Lugovska, Oksana; Sidor, VasylInvestigated samples of emulsions with different stabilizers (gum arabic, modified starch) , the size of 0,1-1,0 microns and about 1.0 microns. In determining the stability of the emulsion particle diameter determined by laser granulometry and placement on the stability of soft drink for 180 days, which was used emulsion.Документ Енергетичні впливи явищ коалісценсії газової фази(2009) Піддубний, Володимир АнтоновичДосягнуто оцінки енергетичних впливів явищ коалісценсії, що супроводжують масовий барботаж газової фази через рідинне середовище, визначено можливості одержання високих рівнів дисперсності газової фази.Документ Визначення гідродинамічних параметрів барботажних систем(2012) Соколенко, Анатолій Іванович; Криворотько, Володимир Михайлович; Піддубний, Володимир АнтоновичВиконано аналіз особливостей взаємозв’язків фізичних параметрів газорідинних систем з оцінкою узагальнених розмірів бульбашок диспергованої газової фази.