Постійне посилання колекціїhttps://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7522
5 результатів
Результати пошуку
Документ Здобувачі вищої освіти прогнозують майбутнє(2023) Галиця, Ігор Олександрович; Березянко, Тамара ВолодимирівнаМи живемо у складний і динамічний час нформаційно-мережної економіки, що, спираючись на інформаційно-мережні ресурси, не лише швидко змінюється сама, але й здійснює вплив на розвиток суспільства в цілому. Глобальний інформаційно-комунікаційний простір перенасичений інформацією, тому події світового значення, що змінюють або погрожують змінити розвиток цивілізації, залишаються інколи поза увагою широкої світової спільноти.Документ E-Marketing and its impact on the modern economy(2023) Prokopenko, Olha; Halytsia, Ihor; Berezyanko, Tamara; Bozhkova, ViktoriiaThe main focus of the study is to investigate the impact of e-marketing on the modern economy. The objective of this scientific research is to study the current state of development of e-marketing in Ukraine and Estonia, and its impact on the economies of these countries. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to consider the essence of the concepts of "e-commerce" and “e-marketing”; to analyse the impact of e-marketing on the modern economy of Ukraine; to analyse the impact of e-marketing on the modern economy of Estonia. It is noted that at the end of 2020, 10.6 million people in Ukraine regularly made purchases online, which is one third of the population. This includes a stable audience of regular customers of online stores and trading platforms. Approximately 33% of adults regularly shop online, and this audience is gradually growing. It is important to note that we are talking about regular online shopping, and almost all Internet users have some experience of online shopping. It is also noted that in the same year 2020, every fifth company in Estonia offered the opportunity to buy their goods through a website or other electronic channels. The share of online sales was 5% of the total revenue of enterprises, of which 2% was generated by sales to individuals, and the remaining 3% was generated by sales to other firms and public sector institutions. However, the share of sales through websites was only 0.3% of the total revenue of enterprises. The conclusions emphasise the role of e-marketing as a strategic tool in stimulating economic growth in both countries. By encouraging innovation, e-marketing acts as a catalyst for digital transformation in retail, ensuring sustainable business development and competitiveness. Ukraine and Estonia have proved to be ready to adapt to the challenges of the digital future, and e-commerce, supported by effective e-marketing, plays an important role in building a sustainable infrastructure for online trade development.Документ Socially responsible management and good practice(2022) Berezyanko, Tamara; Sheremet, Oleg; Halytsia, Ihor; Zienina-Bilichenko, Antonina; Marshalenko, MariannaThe relevance of the study is due to the need for a detailed research of the impact of socially responsible management and good practice on the performance of small, medium and large enterprises. In this regard, this article aims to identify the relationship between socially responsible management, good practice and economic growth of enterprises; the purpose of this study is to analyse and assess the impact of socially responsible management and good practice on various performance indicators of enterprises. Achieving this purpose requires solving a number of tasks, the content of which reflects the sequence of research stages: to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of the impact of socially responsible management and good practice on performance indicators of enterprises; to analyse the main world trends in the application of socially responsible management and good practice; to study the experience of advanced countries in the implementation of socially responsible management; to develop methodological approaches to assessing the impact of socially responsible management and good practice on the performance of enterprises; to develop a set of proposals for attracting socially responsible management methods for government bodies. The leading method to study this problem is the method of systems analysis which was used to study the idea of socially responsible management as a complex multicomponent structure that should be involved and operate in an unstable political and economic situation. The process of writing this article also involved such research methods as the method of logical analysis, comparative analysis, methods of synthesis and deduction, the method of classification, the method of surveying respondents. The article presents the results of the study in tables and figures that reflect the levels of application of socially responsible management methods, their impact and advantages; internal and external stakeholders in the company's activities; components of balanced socially responsible management; survey results of respondents. The article materials are of practical value for entrepreneurs, managers, teachers and students in the field of management and human relations.Документ The fourth industrial revolution and strategic regularities of management and competitiveness improvement of economic entities(2023) Halytsia, Ihor; Oleksiuk, Oleksii; Prokopenko, Olha; Abashidze, Giorgi; Berezyanko, TamaraA virtual intellectual economy is being formed due to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The main characteristics of this economy are the virtualization of the whole social and economic life, an increase in the share of intellectual spheres of economic management in the real economy, intellectualization of mainly non-intellectual spheres of economic management. The development of the virtual-intellectual economy transforms the management of socio-economic systems and, first of all, of economic entities. New regularities of enterprise management emerge acceleration of the impact of the subject of activity on the object of activity, the impact of the subject of management activity on the object of management activity and event-driven management densification.Документ International experience of capitalization of knowledge in terms of innovation economy(2023) Rudenko, Mykola; Berezyanko, Tamara; Halytsia, Ihor; Dziamulych, Mykola; Kravchenko, Olena; Krivorychko, VladyslavThe article examines the problems of knowledge capitalization in the innovation economy paradigm. The modern globalized world is characterized by the commercialization of educational and scientific activities, the formation of educational ecosystems, as well as the capitalization of knowledge as a resource. The paper describes the theoretical basis of knowledge capitalization and defines the stages of the formation of academic capitalism. It is defined that the capitalization of knowledge is an increase, the maximization of the value of own and engaged intellectual assets, as a result of the increase in the influence of higher education institutions and scientific institutions on the scientific-technical and socio-economic development of society, and commercialization is the process of turning knowledge into a commodity. A system of statistical indicators of capitalization of knowledge within the economy has been established (expenditures on education; the number of patents; share of costs for scientific research and development; costs for innovative activities; share of innovative enterprises in the total number of enterprises; share of income from the sale of innovative products to the total volume of products sold ). The methodology for calculating the model of the change in GDP per capita has been developed, taking into account the indicators of knowledge capitalization, and the algorithm of necessary actions regarding its application has been described. The hypothesis about the impact of capitalization of knowledge on the economic development of the state, namely the change in macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP (gross domestic product) per capita, has been confirmed. The author’s formula for determining the coefficient of the economic effect from the capitalization of knowledge is proposed, which reflects the ratio of investments on knowledge-creating (innovative activity) to the income received from the implementation of an innovative product. Investments in knowledge-creating activities are the number of expenses for scientific research and development, so the innovative product is a patent, as a formalized unit of knowledge. The calculation of the coefficient of the economic effect of knowledge capitalization for Ukraine and the Republic of Poland was carried out, which clearly showed the expediency of implementing the knowledge capitalization experience of Poland and the need for a balanced internal policy to stimulate educational, scientific and innovative activities with the attraction of appropriate investments in Ukraine.