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Документ Cytisine derivatives as new anti-Escherichia coli agents: in silico and in vitro studies(2021) Hodyna, Diana; Kovalishin, Vasyl; Blagodatnyi, Volodymyr; Bondarenko, Svetlana; Mrug, Galyna; Frasinyuk, Mihaylo; Metelytsia, LarysaQSAR analysis of a 5143 compounds set of previously synthesized compounds tested against multi-drug resistant (MDR) clinical isolate Escherichia coli strains was done by using Online Chemical Modeling Environment (OCHEM).The predictive ability of the regression models was tested through cross-validation, giving coefficient of determination q2 = 0.72-0.8. The validation of the models using an external test set proved that the models can be used to predict the activity of newly designed compounds with reasonable accuracy within the applicability domain (q2 = 0.74-0.8). The models were applied to screen a virtual chemical library of cytisine derivatives, which was designed to have antibacterial activity. The QSAR modeling results allowed to identify a number of cytisine derivatives as effective antibacterial agents against antibiotic-resistant E. coli strains. Seven compounds were selected for synthesis and biological testing. In vitro investigation of the selected cytisine derivatives have shown that all studied compounds are potential antibacterial agents against MDR E. coli strains.Документ Розмаїття мікробних вторинних метаболітів(2018) Кондрашевська, К. Р.; Ключка, Ігор Вікторович; Пирог, Тетяна Павлівна; Пенчук, Юрій МиколайовичУ статті наведено сучасні літературні дані щодо синтезу мікробних вторинних метаболітів епіфітними, вільноіснуючими (в тому числі й морськими) бактеріями (представниками родин Bacillaceae та Paenibacillaceae), актинобактеріями родини Streptomycetaceae та Micromonosporaceae, грибами родини Trichocomaceae (роди Talaromyces, Aspergillus, Penicillium). Завдяки широкому спектру біологічної активності (антибактеріальна, антифунгальна, противірусна та цитотоксична) вони можуть бути використані як альтернативні хімічним сполукам у медицині, а також у сільському господарстві для контролю чисельності фітопатогенних мікроорганізмів.The article presents modern literature data on the synthesis of microbial secondary metabolites by epiphytic, free-living (including marine) bacteria (members of the families Bacillaceae and Paenibacillaceae), actinobacteria of the family Streptomycetaceae and Micromonosporacelaeae, Grymonacomporaceaee, Hrymoniacomaceliae, Due to a wide range of biological activity (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and cytotoxic), they can be used as alternatives to chemical compounds in medicine, as well as in agriculture to control the number of phytopathogenic microorganisms.Документ The effect of pesticides on the tomato bacterial speck disease pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato(2020) Butsenko, Liudmyla; Pasichnyk, Lidiia; Kolomiiets, Yuliia; Kalinichenko, AntoninaA significant part of the used pesticides does not reach the target organisms and, while remaining in the agrophytocenosis, influences all living organisms in it. Having a toxic and often mutagenic effect, pesticides induce morphological and physiological changes in the cells of microorganisms and are the cause of phenotypic heterogeneity of their populations. However, theeffectofpesticidesonphytopathogenicbacteriaasnon-targetmicroorganismsremainsoutofthefield of view for most researchers. However, the use of pesticides can lead to expansion of the diversity of existing phytopathogens and, as a consequence, complications of identification of the pathogens, loss of resistance by plants varieties, and increased harm from diseases caused by them. This study is focused on the effect of pesticides used in tomato plantations on the causative agent of bacterial speck of this crop—Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. The studies were carried out using the methods of classical microbiology. The mutagenic action of pesticides was recorded, taking into account the increase of the number of streptomycin resistance mutations in bacteria in the case of pesticide action. It is established that the fungicide aluminium phosethyl is characterised by a bacteriostatic effect on P. syringae pv. tomato. Deltamethrin insecticide does not affect the growth of P. syringae pv. tomato. However, there is an increase in the frequency of streptomycin resistance mutations in both studied strains of P. syringae pv. tomato after using deltamethrin. It is shown that the frequency of occurrence of R (rough colonies) forms of P. syringae pv. tomato IZ28 and IZ46 after using deltamethrin increased by 100 times when in comparison to the frequency of spontaneous morphological dissociation, or smooth-to-rough (S-R) mutation, of these bacteria. Therefore, aluminium phosethyl is characterised by moderate bacteriostatic action against P.syringae pv. tomato. Deltamethrin does not influence the growthofthepathogenoftomatospeckbutincreasesthefrequencyofformationofStrR mutantsand R forms of phytopathogenic bacteria.