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Документ Development of the framework for the controllers of the process base management system to meet the requirements for integration with other subsystems and to implement service functions and diagnostics service(2017) Pupena, Alexander; Mirkevich, Roman; Klimenko, Oleg; Polupan, VladimirWe consider approaches to develop a framework for application of software for programmable logic controllers as components of the base system process control (BPCS) with regard to their integration with other systems (SCADA, SIS, BPCS, MES/MOM) and increased requirements to the diagnostic process and service process and equipment. The concept of software framework is designed for controllers of PAC (Process automation controller), based on open standards IEC 61131 and is not used for producing specific solutions. The structure and the internal implementation of library elements of the frame is based on ISA-88, ISA-95, ISA-106 (Draft) ideas which provide the simplest integration of control systems into a single integrated automated control system. The paper proposes mechanisms to improve the diagnosis of the process and the system, quickly setting up the system and restore its functionality after failures. The frame is a set of interrelated elements of library functions and function blocks, which are described at their interface level, interaction principles and algorithms of functioning. It is assumed that IEC 61131-3 languages will be used for the implementation of framework for the particular controller, but it is not a prerequisite. Set of frame elements can be expanded and supplemented with additional functionality without infringing the general principles. First time proposed universal structure for process control of milk production by using modern standards for construction of integrated automated control systems.Документ Computer integrated manufacturing: overview of modern standards(2016) Pupena, Alexander; Elperin, Igor; Mirkevich, Roman; Klimenko, OlegThe article deals with modern international standards ISA-95 and ISA-88 to develop integrated automated control systems. Shown scope of standards in the context of a hierarchical model of the enterprise. Article built in such a way to describe the essence of the standards in the light of the basic descriptive models: product definition, resources, schedules and actual performance of production activities. Description of the product definition given by hierarchical presentation of products at various levels of management. Much attention is given to describe this type of resources like equipment, which is logical chain to all these standards. For example, the standard batch process control shows the relationship between the definition of product and equipment on which it is made. The article shows the hierarchy of planning ERP-MES / MOM-SCADA (in terms of standard ISA-95), which traced the decomposition of common production plans of enterprises for specific works at APCS. We consider the appointment of the actual performance of production at MES / MON considering KPI. A general scheme diagram of the relationship of activities and information flows between the functions of generalized picture shown operating on a level MES / MOM. Finished article rationale for distribution, approval and development of standards ISA-88 and ISA-95 in Ukraine. The article has an overview and can be useful to specialists in computer-integrated systems control and management of industrial enterprises, system integrators and suppliers.Документ Сучасні стандарти інтегрованого керування і шляхи їх впровадження в Україні(2017) Пупена, Олександр Миколайович; Ельперін, Ігор Володимирович; Міркевич, Роман МиколайовичУ статті розглянуто сучасні міжнародні стандарти з розробки інтегрованих автоматизованих систем керування. Визначено сферу дії стандартів у контексті ієрархічної моделі підприємства, а також еталонної моделі пристроїв RAMI платформи Industry 4.0. Суть стандартів визначено через призму основних описових моделей: означення продукту, ресурсів, планів графіків і фактичних показників виробничої діяльності. Означення продукту передбачає ієрархічне представлення продуктів на різних рівнях керування. Велику увагу приділено опису такого типу ресурсів, як обладнання, що є сполучною ланкою для всіх наведених стандартів. В ієрархії планування ERPMES(MOM)-SCADA (з точки зору стандарту ISA-95) прослідковується декомпозиція загальних виробничих планів підприємства до конкретних робіт на рівні АСКТП. Проаналізовано призначення фактичних показників виробництва на рівні MES/MOM з урахуванням KPI. Через загальні схеми діаграми взаємозв’язку діяльностей та інформаційні потоки між функціями показано узагальнену картину операційної діяльності підприємства на рівні MES/MOM. The article deals with modern international standards for development of integrated automated control systems. The scope of standards in the context of a hierarchical model of enterprise reference model and device RAMI of platform Industry 4.0 is presented. The main essence of the standards is described via the basic descriptive models: product definition, resources, schedules and actual performance of industrial activity. The authors presented the product definition by hierarchical presentation of products at various levels of management. Much attention is given to describe the equipment, which is the logical chain to all the standards. The article shows the hierarchy of planning ERP-MES(MOM)-SCADA (in terms of standard ISA-95), which traced the decomposition of common production plans of enterprises for specific works at PCS. The authors consider the appointment of actual production performance at MES/MOM based KPI. A general circuit diagram of the relationship of activities and information flows between the functions of generalized picture are shown operating on a level of MES/ MOM.