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Документ The influence of exogenous glycine on growth and cyanobacteria Spirulina рlatensis (Gom.). Geitl photosynthetic processes(2018) Kotynskyy, Andriy; Salyuk, Anatoly; Zhadan, SergiyThe aim of the work was to study the impact of glycine on Spirulina growth and photosynthetic processes intensity. For research the culture of Spirulina platensis (Gom.) Geitl cyanobacterium strain LGU — 603 from collection of Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was used. The cultivation process was carried out in Zaruk nutrient medium in a vertical tubular apparatus of 8 cm in diameter and of volume 2 dm3 in a constant mixing of the culture medium with air. Introduction of glycine in a cultural environment resulted in the increase of the Spirulina productivity, maintenance of basic photosynthetic pigments and protein. Glycine introduction allowed to increase the growth rate of spirulina and to content achieve the high density of the culture due to the increased length of log-phase. Intensification of Spirulina platensis growth and its productivity increase was due to the fragmentation of cyanobacteria trichomes, so the increase of trichomes number with a small number of cells, which grow quickly. The degree of fragmentation depended on the concentration of introduced glycine and on the culture development stadium and also on introduced glycine concentration.Документ Вплив гліцину на фотосинтетичну активність мікроводорості Spirulina platensis (Gom.) Geitl(2013) Котинский, Андрей Валерьевич; Салюк, Анатолий Иванович; Яковенко, А. А.Внесення гліцину у середовище культивування призводить до інтенсифікації фотосинтетичних процесів спіруліни, що виражається у збільшенні накопичення біомаси, білка та пігментів, зокрема фікоціаніну, хлорофілу і каротинів. Різна концентрація екзогенного внесеного гліцину чинить різний вплив на біосинтетичні процеси в спіруліні, які також залежать від того, при якій густині культури вноситься гліцин. Application of glycine in a culture medium leads to intensification of photosynthetic processes in Spirulina. This works out at increasing accumulation of biomass, protein and pigments, particularly of phycocyanin, chlorophyll and carotins. Different concentration of glycine exogenously brought has a different effect on the biosynthetic processes in Spirulina, which also depend on density of culture glycine is brought in.