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Документ Influence of tryptophan on auxin-synthesizing ability of surfactant producer Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241(2020) Pirog, Tatiana; Leonova, Natalia; Piatetska, Daria; Klymenko, Natalia; Shevchuk, TetianaIntroduction. The aim of this work is to determine the optimal tryptophan concentration and the time of its addition into the culture medium of the surfactant producer Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 to achieve maximum auxin synthesis. Materials and methods. Cultivation was carried out on a liquid nutrient mineral medium using as a substrate of ethanol and waste of biodiesel production (crude glycerol). Tryptophan was added into the medium as a 1% solution in an amount of 100, 200 or 300 mg/L at the beginning of the process or at the end of the exponential growth phase (48 h of cultivation). Phytohormones were isolated by three times extraction with organic solvents from the supernatant of the culture liquid after extraction of surfactants. The qualitative and quantitative determination of gibberellins was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography. Results and discussion. The results show that regardless of the time of addition of tryptophan in the culture medium of the strain IMV B-7241 with crude glycerol a significant increase in the synthesis of auxins compared with those on the medium without this precursor was observed. The highest concentration of auxins was achieved by adding 300 mg/L of tryptophan into the medium with both substrates. Thus, A. calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 synthesized 1404.73, 1295.04 and 4850.98 μg/L of auxins on the crude glycerol medium with 100, 200 and 300 mg/L tryptophan added at the end of exponential phase respectively (and without precursor the concentration of auxins was 175,4 μg/L). Increased synthesis of auxins by strain IMV B-7241 correlated with the activity of tryptophan transaminase (key enzyme of biosynthesis): under cultivation on crude glycerol without precursor it was 163 nmol•min-1•mg-1 of protein, while in the presence of 300 mg/L of tryptophan added at the end of the exponential growth phase the activity was in 3.2 times higher – 526 nmol•min-1•mg-1 of protein. The highest concentration of auxins under cultivation on ethanol was achieved when 300 mg/L of tryptophan were added at the beginning of cultivation – 2261.66 μg/L. Conclusion. The result of the work established the possibility of increasing by one or two orders of magnitude of synthesized auxins in the case of addition into the culture medium of A. calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 low concentrations of the precursor of their biosynthesis.Документ Influence of dietary supplement based on heme iron on dough properties and quality of antianemic cupcakes(2021) Niemirich, Oleksandra; Frolova, Natalia; Ustymenko, Ihor; Havrysh, Andrey; Furmanova, Yuliia; Pavliuchenko, Elena; Skyrda, Olena; Hubenia, Vyacheslav; Lulka, Alexander; Matiushenko, RaisaProviding the diet of all segments of the population with sufficient organic iron is an urgent problem today. The work aims to study the effect of a dietary supplement based on heme iron on the properties of gluten, dough, and the quality of antianemic cupcakes. Test samples of prescription compositions of cupcakes were obtained by coadministration of a dietary supplement with ferrous iron (“Redham” from the blood of slaughter animals) and esters of citric acid, mono-, and di-glycerides of fatty acids. The content of gluten in the test samples, its elasticity, elongation, hydration ability was determined by the mechanical method. The microstructure of the study objects was determined by microscopy. The viscosity of the dough was measured on a rotary viscometer with a controlled shear rate, the value of which depends on the speed and the size of the gap between the cylinders, in one of which was placed the test samples. The strength of adhesion of model samples of the test was investigated on the device of Boris Nikolaev, where the force of separation, attributed to the contact area, is realized. The alkalinity of the cupcakes was determined by acid titration, the specific volume of the cupcakes - by measuring the volume of bulk filler extruded by the product, and then dividing the volume of the product by its weight. The process of hardening of cupcakes was controlled by changing the structural and mechanical properties of the crumb, determined using a penetrometer AP-4/1, and its brittleness. Given the daily requirement of an adult in iron, we created prototypes of cupcakes with the introduction of dietary supplement “Redham” in the amount of 4, and 6% of the total mass. The addition of “Redham” to cupcakes deteriorate the rheological properties of gluten, dough and contributes to the production of finished products in a reduced volume, with a too dense crumb, less resistant to hardening. To improve the quality of cupcakes with a mass fraction of “Redham” with 4 and 6%, we used citric acid esters, and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, which were pre-mixed with a dietary powder additive. As a result, the value of the brittleness index in the samples increased by 1.48 and 1.44 times, respectively, the total deformation of the crumb after 7 days of storage - by 1.1 and 1.2 times, respectively, and the specific volume of products increases by 1.1 times. Obtained flour confectionery products characterized by the content of ferrous iron can be recommended for mass (4% “Redham” content), and therapeutic and prophylactic (6% “Redham” content) consumption, which should be confirmed with a further clinical studies.Документ Rational modes of wool scouring(2019) Romanovska, Tetiana; Oseiko, Мykola; Bazhay-Zhezherun, Svitlana; Yarmolitska, OlenaУ досліджуваному діапазоні варіювання факторів найістотніше проявився вплив гідромодуля на очищення вовни і на вилучення екстрактивних речовин з поверхні волокна у відпрацьований мийний розчин. Гідромодуль 40 і більший дає змогу очистити вовну від жиру і забруднень. Температура має стабільний вплив у заданому діапазоні, тому всі досліджені значення температури сприяють вилученню жирових забруднень вовни за такого компонентного складу мийного розчину. За гідромодуля 70 і 100, а також концентрації 1 % мас. Sles 70, тобто за концентрацій ПАР, що перевищують критичну концентрацію міцелоутворення (ККМ), волокна вовни також очищаються під час миття. Логічно відзначити, що за концентрацій ПАР, нижчих за ККМ, ефективність очищення вовни знижується. Концентрація ДМСО також мала незначний вплив на очищення вовни порівняно з гідромодулем. Раціональним режимом однократного миття вовни є використання гідромодуля 40, концентрації 1 % мас. Sles 70 і концентрації ДМСО до 0,61 г/дм3 у діапазоні температур 3048 С. Якість миття можна поліпшити, збільшуючи гідромодуль одноразового миття або проводячи кількаразове миття за мінімального гідромодуля. Results and discussion. In the investigated range of variation of factors, the influence of the hydromodule on the purification of wool and the extraction of extractive substances from the surface of the fiber into the waste solution was most pronounced. Hydro module 40 and more allows you to clean the wool from grease and dirt. The temperature has a stable effect in the given range, so all the investigated values of temperature contribute to the removal of fatty contaminations of wool for this component of the detergent solution. Аccording to the hydromodule 70 and 100, as well as the concentration of 1% by weight Sles 70 – that is, for concentrations of surfactants above the critical concentration of micelles (CCM) – the fibers of wool are also cleared during scouring. It is logical to note that the concentrations of surfactants below the CCM have reduced the effectiveness of wool cleaning. The concentration of DMSO also had a slight effect on the wool treatment compared to the hydromodule. Conclusions.The rational mode of single scouring of wool is the use of a hydromodule 40, a concentration of 1% by weight. Sles 70 and DMSO concentration to 0.61 g/dm3 in the temperature range 30−48 С. The quality of the scouring can be improved by increasing the disposable water dispenser or by scouring it with a minimum of water.Документ Дослідження впливу гідроколоїдів на структурно-механічні властивості тіста і якість безглютенового хліба(2019) Медвідь, Ірина Миколаївна; Доценко, Віктор Федорович; Шидловська, Олена БроніславівнаУ статті розглядається необхідність пошуку нових шляхів покращення якості безглютенового хліба для людей, які страждають на целіакію. В якості одного із напрямків вирішення даної проблеми запропоновано використання гідроколоїдів. Доведено ефективність сумісного використання гідроксипропілметилцелюлози (ГПМЦ) та знежиреного лецитину для виробництва рисового хліба із застосуванням ферментативної модифікації крохмалю борошна.The article considers the needs of search for new ways to improve the quality of gluten-free bread for the people suffering from celiac disease. The use of hydrocolloids have been offered as one of the ways to resolve this issue. The efficiency of the combined use of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and low-fat lecithin in the production of rice bread using the enzymatic modification of starch flour has been proved.Документ Research of microstructure and redistribution of the moisture connection forms in the model systems of confectionery semi-finished product with banana powder(2017) Ianchyk, Mariia; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Vasheka, Oksana; Yanchyk, OlenaThe article is devoted to research of model systems of a new finishing confectionery semifinished product which contains sugar fondant, plant powder, butter and surfactant - citric acid ester. A derivatographic analysis of the model systems of a confectionery semi-finished product was carried out and the distribution of moisture connection forms was investigated. Types of moisture connections were determined in terms of the classification system of Rehbinder P.A. which is based on a magnitude of connection energy of water with material. The results of microstructure researches of model systems are presented in the article. It has been found that particles of banana powder do not act as crystallization centers and therefore do not exert impact on the process of grain formation of sucrose in fondant mass. The expediency of surfactant use in the production of a new confectionery semi-finished product with banana powder is proved. Стаття присвячена дослідженню модельних систем нового кондитерського напівфабрикату, що містить кондитерські вироби, що містить цукрова муляж, рослинний порошок, вершкове масло та сурфактант - склад лимонної кислоти. Проведено дериватографічний аналіз модельних систем кондитерського напівфабрикату та досліджено розподіл форм зв'язку вологи. Види вологісних зв'язків визначали в термінах системи класифікації Rebbinder P.A. яка базується на величині підключення енергії води з матеріалом. У статті представлені результати мікроструктурних досліджень модельних систем. Було виявлено, що частинки бананового порошку не діють як центри кристалізації і тому не впливають на процес формування зерна сахарози в маслі підкладки. Доведено доцільність використання поверхнево-активних речовин у виробництві нового кондитерського напівфабрикату з банановим порошком.Документ Трансформація ароматичних сполук у поверхнево-активні речовини Rhodococcus erythropolis ІМВ Ас-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІМВ В-7241 і Nocardia vaccinii ІМВ В-7405(2016) Пирог, Тетяна Павлівна; Антонюк, Світлана Олегівна; Софілканич, Анна ПавлівнаУ статті досліджено можливість синтезу поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР) за умов росту Rhodococcus erythropolis IMB Ac-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMB B-7241 та Nocardia vaccinii IMB B-7405 на ароматичних субстратах (фенол, бензол, нафталін, толуол, гексахлорбензол, бензойна, сульфанілова та N-фенілантранілова кислота). Встановлено, що R. Erythropolis IMB Ас-5017 здатний трансформувати фенол, і толуол (0,5 %) у позаклітинні метаболіти з поверхнево-активними й емульгувальними властивостями (умовна концентрація ПАР та індекс емульгування становили 1,3—3,3 та 45—55 %, відповідно). Найвищі показники синтезу ПАР N. vaccinii ІМВ В-7405 (умовна концентрація ПАР 2,0—2,5, індекс емульгування 60—75 %) спостерігалися на фенолі, бензолі, нафталіні і N-фенілантраніловій кислоті (0,5 %). Культивування A. calcoaceticus ІМВ В-7241 на середовищі з 0,5 % фенолу та бензойної кислоти супроджувалось підвищенням умовної концентрації ПАР до 2,8—3,6, а індексу емульгування — до 55—75 %. The possibility of surfactants synthesis while growing Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 on the aromatic substrates (phenol, benzene, naphthalene, toluene, hexachlorobenzene, benzoic, sulfanilic and N-phenylanthranilic acid) was investigated. It has been established that R. erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 is capable to transform phenol and toluene (0.5 %) to the extracellular metabolites With surface-active and emulsifying properties (conditional surfactant concentration and emulsification index were 1.3— 3.3 % and 45—55 %, respectively). The highest rates of synthesis (2.0—2.5 % for conditional surfactant concentration and 60—75 % for emulsification index) were observed while growing N vaccinii IMB B-7405 on phenol, benzene, naphthalene and N-phenylanthranilic acid (0.5 %). Cultivation of A. calcoaceticus IMV B-7241 in a medium containing 0.5 % phenol and benzoic acid came along with the increase of conditional surfactant concentration up to 2.8—3.6 and emulsification index up to 55—75 %.Документ Investigation of structural-mechanical properties of the recipe composition for special purpose fondants(2015) Bloshchinska (Dudkina), Olena; Niemirich, Oleksandra; Havrysh, Andrey; Ishchenko, Tatiana; Tkachuk, YuriyУ статті представлені результати експериментальних досліджень за такими параметрами, як пористість, адгезія, загальна деформація щільною частини фонданів. The article presents the results of experimental studies on parameters such as porosity, adhesion, general deformation of dense part of the fondants.Документ Деструкция нефти в присутствии Cu2+ и поверхностно-активных веществ Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІМВ В-7241, Rhodococcus erythropolis ІМВ Ас-5017 и Nocardia vaccinii ІМВ В-7405(2015) Пирог, Татьяна Павловна; Конон, Анастасия Дмитриевна; Софилканич (Морозова), Анна Павловна; Шевчук, Татьяна Андреевна; Иутинская, Галина АлександровнаИсследовали влияние катионов меди (0,01−1,0 мМ) и поверхностно-активных веществ (ПАВ) Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІМВ В-7241, Rhodococcus erythropolis ІМВ Ас-5017 и Nocardia vacсinii IМВ В-7405 в виде культуральной жидкости на разложение нефти в воде (3,0−6,0 г/л) и почве (20 г/кг), в том числе и при наличии Cd2+ и Pb2+ (0,01−0,5 мМ). Показано, что в присутствии невысоких концентраций Cu2+ (0,01−0,05 мМ) и культуральной жидкости штаммов ІМВ В-7241, ІМВ Ас-5017 и IМВ В-7405 степень деструкции нефти в воде и почве через 20 сут была на 15−25 % выше, чем без катионов меди. Установлено активирующее влияние Cu2+ на разложение комплексных с Cd2+ и Pb2+ нефтяных загрязнений: после обработки ПАВ A. Calcoaceticus ІМВ В-7241 и R. erythropolis ІМВ Ас-5017 деструкция нефти в воде и почве составляла 85−95 %, а после удаления катионов меди снижалась до 45−70 %. Интенсификация разложения нефти в присутствии катионов меди может быть обусловлена их стимулирующим влиянием на активность алкангидроксилаз как штаммов-продуцентов ПАВ, так и природной (автохтонной) нефтеокисляющей микробиоты. The effect of copper cations (0.01-1.0 mM) and surface-active agents (surfactants) of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus ІMV B-7241, Rhodococcus erythropolis ІMV Ac-5017 and Nocardia vaccinii IMV B-7405 in the form of culture liquid on the destruction of oil in water (3.0-6.0 g/L) and soil (20g/kg), including in the presence of Cd2+ and Pb2+ (0.01-0.5 mM), was investigated. It was shown that the degree of oil degradation in water and soil after 20 days in the presence of low concentrations of Cu2+ (0.01-0.05 mM) and culture liquid of strains ІMV B-7241, ІMV Ac-5017, and IMV B-7405 was 15 - 25% higher than without copper cations. The activating effect of Cu2+ on the decomposition of complex oil and Cd2+ and Pb2+pollution was established: after treatment with surfactant of A. calcoaceticus ІMV B-7241 and R. erythropolis ІMV Ac-5017 destruction of oil in water and soil was 85-95 %, and after removal of the copper cations decreased to 45-70%. Intensification of oil destruction in the presence of copper cations may be due to their stimulating effect on the activity of alkane hydroxylases as in surfactant-producing strains, and natural (autochthonous) oxidizing microbiotaДокумент Use of biosurfactant preparation of Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 for remediation of water polluted with oil and heavy metals(2012) Filyuk, IrynaThe results of present work showed that the oil destruction degree in water treated with surfactant preparation of Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 have increased significantly in presence of 0.01 mM Cu2+ (55-70 %) compared to the samples without copper cations (30 %). It was determined that the addition of 0.050.1 mM of Cu2+ into the media with fried sunflower oil and glucose or with n- hexadecane led to increasing surfactant synthesis by strain IMV Ac-5017 by 40 % compared to the medium without metal. It was shown that the activity of alcanehydroxylase of IMV Ac-5017 strain increased by 1.5 and 2 fold in the presence of 0.05 and 0.1 mM Cu2+, respectively, in the reaction mixture.Документ Biosurfactants of Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ас-5017: synthesis intensification and practical application(2013) Pirog, Tatiana; Sofіlkanich (Morozova), Anna; Shulyakova, Mariya; Shevchuk, TetianaIntensification of the surfactant synthesis by Rhodococcus erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 on different substrates, including industrial waste, as well as the use of surfactant preparations for oil degradation were studied. It was established that the addition of fumarate (0.2 %) and citrate (0.1 %) into the medium with ethanol, n-hexadecane, or glycerol (1–2 %) was accompanied by an increase of conditional surfactant concentration by 1.5–1.7 times compared to the indexes in the medium without organic acids. The intensification of surfactant synthesis in the presence of fumarate and citrate is caused by the increased activity of isocitrate lyase (by 1.2–15-fold) and enzymes of the surfactant biosynthesis (by 2–4.8-fold) compared to their activity in the medium without precursors. The possibility of surfactant synthesis intensification (by 3–4-fold) while cultivating of R. erythropolis IMV Ac-5017 in the medium with oil containing substrates (2 %) and glucose (0.1 %) was shown. The introduction of 0.01 mM Cu2+ in the exponential growth phase of strain IMV Ac-5017 in the medium with ethanol accompanied by the increasing conditional surfactant concentration by 1.9 times. The highly efficient remediation (92–95 %) of oil (2–2.6 g/L) and Cu2+ polluted water after treatment with surfactant preparations (native cultural liquid) at low concentrations (5 %) was determined.