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Документ Simulation of hydrodynamic phenomena in valve feeders of adaptronic modules for dosing liquid products(2024) Gavva, Oleksandr; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Dolomakin, Yuriy; Kulyk, Nataliya; Kokhan, AntonRational geometric and hydrodynamic parameters of valve feeders of adaptron modules for dosing liquid food products in automatic packaging machines are determined. Materials and methods. The study of hydrodynamic phenomena based on the simulation modeling of the feeder operation with liquid media, the physical and mechanical characteristics of which are close to Newtonian liquids, was conducted. A feeder with a conical valve and purified drinking water were used in the study. The feeder throughput was 500 cm3/s; the internal diameter of the drain nozzle was 20 mm. Results and discussion. To ensure the continuous flow, minimum overall dimensions of the feeder, and the possibility of regulation by changing the throughput of the feeder nozzle according to a given law, the angle at the base of the cone should be within 50–60°, and the length of the saddle base 20–25 mm. During the movement of the liquid in the valve feeder, three negative factors affecting the parallel laminar movement of the liquid were found: (a)reverse movement of the liquid when it comes into contact with the surface of the base of the valve cone; (b) turbulence cells at the entrance of the liquid into the valve channel, and (c) the tubular form of the liquid flow in the nozzle. These negative factors can be eliminated by using a ball-conical valve with a truncated top. To eliminate turbulence cells in the valve feeder, counter-current movement of liquid, and tubular flow of liquid in the nozzle, it was proposed to make the valve in the form of a conical-spherical shape with a cut-off cone top, and also to extend the inner surface of the seat to the inner surface of the measuring cylinder of the feeder. Under such conditions, a parallel flow of liquid is ensured, which contributes to the accuracy of dose formation and the duration of product storage. Conclusions. The design of the valve in the form of a conically spherical figure with a cut-off cone top according to the provided recommendations allows eliminating the centers of turbulence in the movement of liquid products in the valve feeder.Документ Methods of correcting errors during the operation of the drive of valves(2016) Volodin, Sergiy; Mironchuk, Valeriy; Kryvoplias-Volodina, LiudmylaTo ensure reliable operation of the valves it is necessary to lay the conditions for management at the stage of selecting and designing. Control system electric pneumatic (EPC) ensure smooth and reliable operation of mechanisms in many areas of technology today. Functional capabilities of modern EPP are determined by the characteristics of the applied management systems in many ways, as well as the parameters of the power part.Документ Architecture of hybrid mechatronic dosing and packing module of packaging machine based on qualitative analysis(2023) Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Marynin, Andriy; Tokarchuk, Serhii; Blazhenko, Serhii; Volodin, OleksandrA qualitative analysis of the process of packaging liquid products (non-carbonated drinking water) using the example of a hybrid mechatronic dosing and packaging module was performed. The computer model of the mechatronic module is described by the basic operators of the Simulink program, taking into account the differential equations for changing the technological parameters of liquid dosing and the accepted initial and boundary conditions of the process. The modes of operation of the hybrid mechatronic dosing and packaging module are programmed using the driver. The boundary conditions of the process of formation and extrusion of the dose of the product are taken into account. The control system of the module is arranged on the principle of feedback and a sharp change in pressure in the portion receiver (from excess, within 3 bars to rarefaction up to –850 mbar). The analysis of individual stages of the dosing process is described, followed by the elaboration of accepted assumptions. During the tests of the computer model of the hybrid mechatronic dosing and packaging module, the accuracy of repetitions of dose formation was determined within ±0.22 % and 0.9 % of the set value of the dose mass of 50…200 ml. An experimental bench was designed, which could provide an opportunity to check the results obtained from the computer model. The research results would allow using digital control and measuring equipment to check the accuracy of dosing of the product from 50 ml to 200 ml. In the course of computer simulation, the effects of the given parameters of the dosing process on the accuracy of the product dose formation were determined, as well as the laws of the necessary distribution of compressed air pressure were formed to maintain the given productivity. The research results could make it possible to improve the designs of liquid product dosing modules and to determine the input parameters for field studies.Документ Metodological aspects of the mathematical theory of fricthion it is applicable to bearing surfaces of overload devices(2013) Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Kryvoplias-Volodina, LiudmylaIn streaming lines of cargo product containers provided by the application of various design schemes for handling devices. During the execution of operations, for the most part overload loads change the orientation with respect to the original direction of motion. Change the orientation of load on bearing planes carried in difficult cargo plane motion of one or more load-bearing planes simultaneously. To determine the rational parameters of handling devices is to apply mathematical modeling of the movement of cargo. Feature of this simulation is the use of mathematical theory of friction product containers of goods on the surface. As an example of methodology of mathematical simulation of containers of a product operations of processing of a load, results of operations that intends for cargo package in system of four pipelines are considered. У потокових лініях обробки вантажів у контейнерах передбачено застосування різних конструктивних схем для перевантажувальних пристроїв. Під час виконання операцій здебільшого перевантажувальні вантажі змінюють орієнтацію відносно по відношенню до початкового напрямку руху. Зміна орієнтації вантажу на несучих площинах, що переміщується в складній вантажній площині рух однієї або декількох несучих площин одночасно. Для визначення раціональних параметрів навантажувально-розвантажувальних пристроїв необхідно застосувати математичне моделювання руху вантажу. Особливістю такого моделювання є використання математичної теорії тертя продукту тертя тари з вантажем по поверхні. В якості прикладу методики математичного моделювання тертя тари з продуктом розглядаються операції переробки вантажу, результати операцій, що призначені для пакування вантажу в системі з чотирьох трубопроводів.Документ Methodology of synthesis of packing machines for food products based on multicriterial analysis(2020) Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Derenivska, Anastasiia; Volodin, OleksandrThe complex of technical means for optimization synthesis of assembling of a packing machine of separate functional modules has been developed. The method of synthesis of a packing machine, based on criterial assessment of separate functional modules (FM), combined by two main assessment groups, has been offered. FM may be selected and calculated by the program of consumption, based on the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) criterion. An example of synthesis, based on the offered method, takes into account variants of choice of ready functional modules, based on the hierarchic structure of a module of roll packing material supply. The method takes into account the systemic approach to analysis of equipment constructions for packing fine-piece and piece food products in a consumption package. The synthesis of FM assembling as conceptual models, abstract ones, reflecting the construction structure and connections between separate elements – functional devices (FD) – has been offered. Розроблено комплекс технічних засобів оптимізації синтезу компонування пакувальної машини з окремих функціональних модулів. Запропоновано метод синтезу пакувальної машини на основі критеріальної оцінки окремих функціональних модулів (ФМ), об'єднаних двома основними групами оцінювання. ФМ може бути обраний і розрахований відповідно до загального критерію ефективності обладнання (ОЕЕ). Приклад синтезу, заснований на запропонованому методі, враховує варіанти вибору готових функціональних модулів, виходячи з ієрархічної структури модуля подачі рулонного пакувального матеріалу. Метод враховує системний підхід до аналізу конструкцій обладнання для упаковки сипких і штучних харчових продуктів в споживчу упаковку. Запропоновано синтез ФМ-збірки як концептуальних моделей, абстрактних, що відображають структуру конструкції та зв'язки між окремими елементами - функціональними пристроями (ФП).Документ Reasons for the main directions of enhencement of mechanisms of orientation of tare loads in a packet creating machines(2014) Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Kokhan, OlenaFormation of steady transport packets provides, near binding of tare loads in a packet, their layout according to the appropriate scheme. Schemes in which loads are located to, joint providing bandaging compliance beforehand the loads concluded in a layer, are created of variously oriented tare loads. For change of orientation of a tare load in the horizontal plane, concerning its situation on the giving conveyor, in a packet creating machines apply various constructions of mechanisms of orientation. These mechanisms can tear a load on 90 or change situation concerning its original layout. Devices of orientation can be executed with passive, active and combined working organs. Формування стійких транспортних пакетів забезпечує, поблизу скріплення тарних вантажів у пакеті, їх розкладку за відповідною схемою. Схеми, в яких розташовані навантаження, спільне забезпечення дотримання пов'язки, попередньо укладені в шарі навантаження, створюються різноорієнтованими навантаження тари. Для зміни орієнтації тарного вантажу в горизонтальній площині, відносно його положення на подаючому конвеєрі, в пакетотворчих машинах застосовують різні конструкції орієнтації механізмів. Ці механізми можуть розвернути вантаж на 90 градусів або змінити положення відносно його початкової схеми. Пристрої орієнтування можуть бути виконані з пасивними, активними і комбінованими робочими органами.Документ Object-oriented design of packaging machines on the principles of mechatronics(2018) Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Kokhan, OlenaВ даній роботі наведені результати дослідженнь, які було проведено з метою формування основних принципів об’єктно-орієнтованого проектування пакувальних машин на засадах мехатроніки. Розроблення сучасних мехатронних пакувальних машин потребує розв’язання складних задач в яких враховуються взаємозв’язки між різними складовими, їх реакцію на зовнішні та внутрішні дестабілізуючи фактори. Для розв’язання таких задач запропоновано застосувати методи об’єктно-орієнтованого проектування. Розроблено топологію об’єктно-орієнтованого конструкційно-технологічного проектування пакувальної машини на засадах мехатроніки. На першому етапі проектування проведено аналіз технологічного процесу формування транспортного пакета в подальшому на основі засад SADT сформовано ієрархічна структура машини, побудовані фукціональні та структурні моделі, проведено декомпозицію службової функції машини, розроблена функціонально-структурна схема машини. Функціонально- структурна схема машини ведення параметричного синтезу із вибором найкращих або оптимальних значень геометричних, кінематичних, динамічних та енергетичних параметрів. This paper presents the results of research that was conducted with the aim of forming the main principles of object-oriented design of packaging machines based on mechatronics. The development of modern mechatronic packaging machines requires the solving of complex problems, which take into account the interconnections between different components, their reaction to external and internal destabilizing factors. To solve such problems applying of object-oriented design methods was proposed. The topology of the objectoriented design and technological design of a packaging machine on the basis of mechatronics was developed. In the first stage of the design, the analysis of the technological process of transport package formation was carried out, the basis of the SADT basis was formed the hierarchical structure of the machine, the functional and structural models were developed, the decomposition of the service function of the machine was made, the functional and structural scheme of the machine was developed. Functional-structural scheme of the machine for conducting parametric synthesis with the choice of the best or optimal values of geometric, kinematic, dynamic and energy parameters.Документ The research mechanical dynamic of model of the asynchronous engine in systems of continuous transport(2016) Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Yakymchuk, NikolaiНаведенo способи вдосконалення систем асинхронного електроприводу з частотним керуванням, призначених для конвеєрів і механізмів переміщення вантажів, шляхом розробки і застосування нових схемних рішень і алгоритмів керування, що дають змогу здійснювати оптимальне енергоспоживання. Запропоновано віртуальну об'єктну модель, засновану на попередньо побудованій математичній моделі, і побудовано в VisSim. Модель призначена для використання в якості елемента системи автоматичного регулювання. Вона дозволяє моделювати ввімкнення, вимкнення і реверс асинхронного двигуна, а також скалярне безперервне управління частотою обертання вала в діапазоні від -50% до +20% номінальної частоти обертання вала. Бібл. 8, рис. 4, таблиця. Are considered ways of perfection of systems of the asynchronous electric drive with the frequency management, intended for conveyors and mechanisms of moving of cargoes, by development and application of new circuit decisions and algorithms of the management, making possible optimum энергопотребление. The virtual objective model based on preliminary constructed mathematical model and the Model constructed in software package VisSim is offered for use as an element of system of automatic control. It allows to model inclusion, shutdown and a reverser of the asynchronous engine, as well as scalar continuous management of frequency of rotation of a shaft in a range from a minus of 50 % up to plus of 20 % of nominal frequency of rotation of a shaft. References 7, figures 4, table.Документ Ways to increase dosing precision of granular foodproducts the batcher of discrete action(2016) Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Kokhan, OlenaActual scientific and practical task is to improve the accuracy of dosing bulk solids. Solving this problemwill decrease risks in the production of packaged products. To solve this problem it is necessary to perform the steps: Refine the technology and layout of the modules filling anddosing systems in a packaging machine.Документ Dynamics of mechatronic function modules drives of flow technological lines in food production(2018) Kryvoplias-Volodina, Liudmyla; Gavva, Oleksandr M.; Volodin, Sergiy; Hnativ, TarasThe tasks were considered, which are related to the working bodies for the artificial food products movement according to the specified movement law and their positioning in the intermediate positions of the kinematic cycle.Materials and methods. The actuators dynamics characteristics and control system of power part of positional electro-pneumatic actuators were researched. The methods of mathematical and computer modeling, and methods of solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations and method of correlation analysis were used. Results and discussion. The analytical dependences for determining the kinematic parameters of the artificial product movement with the mechanism of collision, which is based on the pneumatic actuator, are obtained. The dynamical model of the actuator is mathematically tested and the movement law of the collision mechanism, which is approximated to the optimal speed, is obtained. To analyze the loading process of the working link of the positional actuator, the model of a generalized control system is used, which is limited by the one full cycle of operation of the functional mechatronic module of the packing machine. Such a model allows to describe the overload process, both in the case of full and partial filling of the working cycle. This is important when packing products in different geometric shapes of consumer packaging, which is typical of modern packaging machines. The simulation model of the actuator is theoretically substantiated and confirmed, which has a number of advantages, unlike the existing structures of positional drives in packaging machines. Сalculated difference, during mathematical modeling, of the value of the working time of the output stage of the functional mechatronic module for the processing of the kinematic cycle of the operation of the packaging machine was for the various input parameters of the limit to 7%. The results of the mathematical modeling of dynamics for a positional pneumatic actuator, with the condition of changing the cross section of the exhaust hole, gave the opportunity to obtain the kinematic characteristics of the drive. Conclusions. The results of mathematical modeling for positional pneumatic actuators with the condition of changing the section of the exhaust hole allowed to track all the kinematic characteristics of the actuator.