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Документ Studying the processing of food dye from beet juice(2019) Sheiko, Tamila; Tkachenko, Serhii; Mushtruk, Mikhailo; Vasyliv, Volodymyr; Deviatko, Olena; Mukoid, Roman; Bilko, Marina; Bondar, NikolaiThe manuscript describes a new method of red beet processing and the technology of manufacturing food colorant from the juice concentrate, which is natural, safe and useful analogue to existing expensive offers on the market of similar goods that have chemical origin not useful for regular consumption. Nowadays in order to give to food products a colour, close to natural coloring of fruits and vegetables, expensive synthetic dyes are used, which might have cancer-inducing effect when being accumulated by human organism. Therefore improving the technology for producing food grade dye from red beet juice is remarkably important task. Currently, there is a problem for vegetable processors – pectin substances complicate the process, like the illumination of juice and negatively affect its storage capacity. The article below reveals and substantiates the necessity of using a natural carbon-containing adsorbent shungite for the purification of beet juice from pectin substances. On the basis of the study, the authors suggest a more cost-effective way of producing a food dye from juice concentrate, which allows avoiding usage of expensive enzyme processing additives.Документ Зміна концентрації летких домішок спирту при їх адсорбції мінеральними адсорбентами(2015) Маринченко, Віктор Опанасович; Гивель, Мар’яна ОлександрівнаУ статті експериментально обґрунтовано доцільність використання таких мінеральних адсорбентів, як шунгіт, палигорськіт і клиноптилоліт для очищення спирту етилового від лет ких домішок. Встановлено оптимальні параметри обробки спирту адсорбентами залеж но від того, концентрацію якої домішки необхідно зменшитиДокумент Water-alcohol adsorbing cleaning out of higher alcohols by shungite(2014) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Turchun, Oleg; Melnyk (Tkachuk), Nataliia; Kuts, Anatoly; Melnyk, ZinoviyThe aim of the research work is to increase the quality and safety of high spirits solutions at the expense of using natural adsorbent shungite.Документ Methods of recovering schungite’s adsorptive properties after processing red beet juice(2013) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Melnyk, Zinoviy; Krivorotko, VolodimirShungita investigated regeneration techniques for reuse in the production technology of red beet juice. The expediency of using the method of regeneration shungita superheated steam certain parameters.Документ Microbiological, Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Parameters of Apple Juice, Processed by Shungite(2013) Melnyk, Lyudmila; Bessarab, Alexander; Matko, SvetlanaThis paper is dedicated to results of studying microbiological, physico-chemical and organoleptical parameters of apple juice processed by shungite. Shungite is a natural mineral which has special structural composition, characterized by the existence of fullerenes and nanotubes. This paper explains the methods applied by the authors to prepare shungite for experimental research, to process apple juice by adsorbent, to determine the quantity of microorganisms in juice after it interacted with shungite, weight percentage of dissolvable dry solids, active acidity and quality parameters. In juice, processed by shungite, bacteria, fungi and yeast were detected. The authors made a comparison between microbial population in juice before and after its interaction with shungite. The paper refers to method under which shungite adsorbs bacteria, fungi and yeasts. The authors presented the results of studying dry solids content, active acidity of apple juice, processed by shungite at various temperatures and conducted assessment of apple juice quality after its interaction with sorbent. Through their research, the authors established rational parameters of apple juice processed by shungite under which the maximum reduction of microbial insemination is reached. The research proved that after apple juice interacts with shungite, its dry solids content and active acidity level remain unchanged. This paper confirmed high quality parameters of apple juice processed by shungite. Taking into account the obtained results, the authors concluded that use of shungite to process apple juice does not require expensive equipment, complex maintenance of the processing procedure, which reduce the cost value of a manufactured product.Документ Очищення соку столового буряка сорбентами(2012) Мельник, Людмила Миколаївна; Шейко, Таміла Володимирівна; Мельник, Зіновій ПетровичДосліджено процес адсорбційного очищення від пектинових речовин соку столового буряка за допомогою шунгіта, палигоскіт, глауконіта. Встановлені раціональні технологічні параметри адсорбції пектинів для одержання сокового концентрату. For the production of vegetable juices concentrate, it is reasonable to extract part of pectic substances in order to prevent gelation process. Extraction of pectic substances from vegetable juices can be performed with the help of carbon and natural sorbents. Their adsorption selectivity facilitated the formation of combined sorbents, which showed high level of efficiency during the research.Документ Адсорбционная очистка сока столовой свеклы от ионов тяжелых металлов шунгитом(2012) Мельник, Людмила Николаевна; Шейко, Тамила Владимировна; Строй, А. Н.Исследован процесс очистки сока столовой свеклы от ионов тяжелых металлов шунгитом. Научно обоснован механизм адсорбции в системе сок: шунгит. Иследван процесса на очистване сокове от цвекло от йоните на тежките метали със помощта на шунгит и неговота структура. Научно обоснован механизма на адсорбцията в система сокове : шунгит. Investigated process purification of red beet juice of heavy metal ions by schungite and structure of adsorbent. Adsorption mechanism in system juice: shungite scientifically based.Документ Дослідження кінетики адсорбції пектинових речовин шунгітом із соку столового буряка(2011) Шейко, Таміла Володимирівна; Мельник, Людмила Миколаївна; Марценюк, Олександр СтепановичДосліджено кінетику адсорбції пектинових речовин із соку столового буряка шунгітом, визначено коефіцієнти масовіддачі та масопередачі при зовнішній та внутрішній дифузії в порах адсорбента.