Impact of psychological bariers on studying english
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Nowadays, Globalization is enhancing and seems to reach overwhelming scale. The phenomenon encourages the world to turn into unified society. The borders are supposed to be rubbed away and due to incredible development of modern technologies, it appears to be so called tomorrow reality for specialists of all spheres. The fact is shocking by itself and the overpowering nature of unification can cause stress, even though awareness that it refers to all life aspects, evoking sort of additional obstacles and challenges in professional growth and socializing, may cause problems and even psychological disorders. Obviously, the necessity of communication has already triggered linguistic globalization by means of applying English as one of the internationally used languages. The article develops necessity to find possible approaches how to reduce negative emotions and solve psychological problems in English learning process.
Бібліографічний опис
Zinkevych, A. Impact of psychological bariers on studying english / A. Zinkevych // Інноваційні методи викладання іноземних мов у немовних вищих навчальних закладах : V Всеукраїнська науково-практична Інтернет-конференція, 16 травня 2019 р. – Київ : НУХТ, 2019. – С. 23–24.